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The Perfect Man - Part 21 -
I know I said I won't be writing until next week, but I was bored from studying Math and Chem and just sneaked to the computer and wrote a lil:P Dedicated to my MC's: Kelz, Cessy, Caity and Lexa. Isra and Esraa. And all MJsite family. I hope you guys enjoy. Of course this is to Michael Jackson, who's birthday is coming soooon:D:D<3 -Vicky!:D ---------------------------------------------------------------- We were about to kiss, until we heard, Mom: THERE YOU ARE! Dad: We've been looking for you. Us: *Leaning back* Oh. Mom, Dad: *Sitting in the swing apposite us* Me: Whatsup? Mom: We saw you yesterday. Me: S-Saw us? Michael: What do you mean saw us? Dad: *Looking at Michael* All the kissing stuff. Michael: Really? *Laughing nervously* Mom: *Hitting Dad's arm* The point is... We've got something to tell you. Dad: When me and you're mother where your age, a little older--- Mom: Baby! Your dad cheated on me! Us: WHAT? Dad: Not now, it was a long time ago. Me: What why? Mom: He missed our 6 month anniversary and started having a lot of phone calls; I later found out that he was cheating on me. Me: But--- Dad: We were back together and all. But the point is... Mom: Jackie and Tatum are cheating on you guys. Me: Cheating? Mum, Dad, you guys are tripping. *Standing up* Dad: Vicky, sit down! Me: *Sitting down* They're not cheating on us. Dad: Michael, did you check where Tatum has been going? And her phone calls? Mom: Vicky, have you check who Jackie keeps talking to on the phone? Me, Michael: No. Mom, Dad: *Looking at us* Mom: Do you need any more explanation. Me: Mum, It's none of your business. *Taking Michael's hand and going inside the house* Mom, Dad: *Sigh* I left my parents outside talking. Jackie is not cheating on me, I know it. He wouldn't do such a thing. He can't break my heart like James. No he cannot. He said he loved me. I'm sure Tatum isn't cheating on Michael either. She's just nice to be cheating on him. Right? They're not. I didn't even realize I was crying on Michael's shoulder. Michael: Shhh, Its okay. They're not cheating on us. Don't worry. I could hear that he wasn't sure of what he was saying. He looked thoughtful. His sound looked doubtful. I have to check Jackie's phone. Me and Michael were eating breakfast cuddled to each other watching cartoons. We were so into the cartoon... Well let's not lie in here; we were so into the "Cuddling" part that we did not realize Jackie and Tatum were sitting in front of us. I nearly jumped when I saw Jackie. I have to admit, he looked quiet angry at us. And so was Tatum. I moved away from Michael and straight, Michael did the same. We were looking at Tatum and Jackie, until I broke the silence. Me: Jackie? Can I see your phone? Jackie: Why? Me: Just like that. Can I? Jackie: *Handing it to me nervously* Me: Thank you. *Smiling* I switched on his phone. I went into the recent calls. He had a lot of phone calls from a person called, "Kitty:P" He used it as a nickname. I checked the messages. My heart nearly sunk when I read them, "Hey baby, Vicky's not here, You can cum. I've got a surprise for you;);)-Doggy" Tears fumed in my eyes. Anger and sadness tears. I can't believe this. I looked at Jackie who was looking down. I picked up the phone and called this "Kitty:P" Person. I was so pissed. I nearly squished the phone in my hand. I couldn't believe what the next happened. Someone's phone rang. In this room. I looked around, then at Tatum. Tatum's phone is ringing. I pulled it from her, I looked at the number. It was written, "Doggy;)" I threw the phone on the floor and looked at both of them with anger. Michael was disappointed in Tatum. I could see that he was hurt. I'm going to talk; I know Michael isn't going to talk right now. Me: You know Jackie, yesterday was our anniversary. And you Miss. Tatum, your anniversary was with Michael too. You both forgot. Because both of you were busy fucking each other you assholes. *Throwing Jackie's phone on his face* You asshole! How could you? I loved you. Jackie: ... Me: You know what? I got you... *Pulling Michael's hand* THIS! You don't deserve it. Michael deserves it more than you do. And you see this necklace. *Pulling the necklace from my neck* Miss. Tatum, this was brought to you from a person who loved you. Michael! But oh no, you forget your soul mateâ??s anniversary and go fuck another person. I can't believe this. I can't believe you two. *Running outside crying* Michael: *Shaking his head and running behind me* Vicky, WAIT! I went outside crying. I passed by my parents. They were still on the swing. They looked shocked when they saw me. I ran, and ran until I couldn't run anymore. I was in the middle of no where. Well... I was beside a children's play ground. I went behind a tree and started crying hysterically. I was crying my heart out. The second time I get heartbroken. Why does this happen to me? Why do men have to do this? I loved him. They're all the same. ALL THE SAME! Michael: *Coming* I found you. *Sitting beside me* Itâ??s alright. Me: No itâ??s not Michael. I was heartbroken once, this is the second time it happens to me. Men are assholes. I should start dating woman. Michael: *Giggling* Me: *Looking at him* That's not funny. *Smiling* Michael: I made you smile. Me: *Crying on his chest* I hate men Michael, I hate them. They love the look on a girl heartbroken, they love it. Michael: *Pulling me to look at him* Do you love me? Me: *Looking at him* Michael: Do you? Me: Yes. Michael: Am I a girl? Me: *Laughing* No. You're... I just realized what Michael is. He's not like any other man. He's... Me: You're the Perfect man. Michael: *Smiling* I'm not. Me: Yes you are. Michael: *Kissing me* *Through kisses* I love you. Me: *Through kisses* I love you too. Yes. I love Michael. I love him more than Jackie. Me and Jackie will never be the same again. He broke my heart. I can trust Michael; he will never break my hurt. No. He won't. He never will. I was kissing him; we were so into the kiss, until we heard a flash. Me and Michael looked up, and there we saw paparazzi all over us. Me: *Hiding my face* Oh my. Michael: Shit! *Helping me up* Take off your heels. Me: *Taking them off* The next thing I know me and Michael were running. Me and him were laughing all over it. And when we looked back there was a bunch of paparazzi and people running behind us. Now I started freaking out. We're going to die. Just as I was about to fall, Michael pulled me into a corner and put his hand on my mouth before I started screaming. The people missed us and went the other way. Me and Michael broke out laughing. I hugged him and kissed him. Me: We should go. Michael: Yeah. Me and Michael started walking home. When we reached mom and dad weren't home. And neither were Jackie and Tatum. Nor Spence is here. Where is everyone? I'm guessing Spence is with Marlon and Jackie and Tatum are kissing, and my parents are out somewhere. Michael lied on the couch and started staring at the ceiling. I sat on top of him and started kissing him. A while later my pants were on the floor and his shirt was on the floor too. Michael took me upstairs to mine and Spence's room. We sat on MY bed... That very evening we made love for the first time. My virginity was lost to HIM! Weirdly. But I'm glad I gave it to him. I'm so glad. ~~*Night*~~ Me and Michael were still sleeping. We were really tired from what happened in the evening. Marlon, Spence, Mom and Dad were already back home. They opened the door and went inside the living room. As soon as they entered there, they all gasped. Spence: No way. Dad: Jesus. Mom: Oh boy. Marlon: Michael's pants? Damn! He seems to have got it good. All: *Looking at him* Marlon: What? Dad: Michael and my daughter? Mom: Oh god. Spence: I'll go check on them. Marlon: I'm with you. Marlon helped Spence up the stairs then they came in the room. Me and Michael were sleeping there naked with the sheets over our body. Spence started laughing with Marlon. Me and Michael woke up to their laughing. As soon as I saw them I started screaming. I caught the bed sheets hiding myself. Me: WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? Marlon: Oh my god Michael, I didn't know you had it in you. Michael: *Throwing the pillow on him* SHUT UP! Marlon: *Jumping* Eww man! Spence: *Still laughing* Me: Wow! ~~*2 months later*~~ Me: *Kissing Michael* Michael: *Pulling away* I can't do this. Me: ...What's wrong? Michael:... ---------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you guys enjoyed this part!:) Next part will be up soon... I think!:P Please vote!:) Imma be on later, BYE!:D
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