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Honey Isn't Always Sweet Pt. 4
Just had some ideas in my head so I wrote them down hehe Dedicated to Tiara,Kimmie,and Halle :) enjoy♥ -Jennell :D! **************************************************************** **************************************************************** The rest of the car ride was silent only my whimmpers were heard Katherine pulled in the drive way and turned off the car Michael helped me out the car and into the house layed me on the couch I hurted so much my stomach was all twisted my head was pounding I just closed my eyes to ease the pain Michael:*feeling my forehead*I'm going to get you ice water and pills for your headach Me:*trys to sit up*ouch...eh thanks Michael Michael went into the kitchen and grabbed me a drink I heard Janet in the next room over on the phone which had to be with the cops I just wanted to forget about everything that happened and move on Michael:*coming back with a cup of water*Sit up Me:I can't it hurts to much*takes a sip of water* Michael:here take these*hands me pills* I took the pills as Michael insited to I finally got the strenth to sit up I felt to terriable about myself blaming my self for it everything that happened to me was my fault all of it I started to cry Michael:whats wrong? Me:It's my fault all of it Michael*puts head in hands* Michael:it's not your fault none of it is somtimes things happen to us*rubs hand up and down my back*that we think is our fault but really is someone elses they make it seem that way to us just get some rest and you'll feel better*kisses my cheek* **3 weeks later** Things have not gotten any better every morning I feel sick or dizzy and can barely walk with out stubling I feel worse then ever I've been laying on this couch for a good 2 weeks straight I havn't been outside Michael has been tending to my every need I have feelings for Michael now I see the feeling through his eyes trying so hard not to kiss him cause I need to figure out if he likes me or not but then I'm not ready for a relationship but then when I see Michael I feel better I feel happy Janet wants to take me to the doctors today since I refused to go get check out to see if I was alright she said there going to test me for house in virgina"H.I.V" and anyother std's We arrived at the hospital and Janet helped me in the took me back right away and did all kinds of tests when they were done I was so exhausted Janet:Well at least we know what you have and don't have*looks through doctors cabinets* Me:Janet stop before you get caught*layes down on patient table* Janet:You know Michael is real worried about you he said he can't sleep knowing what happened to you and he's the one who called for you to get tested Me:*sighs*I have strong feelings for Michael I just feel somthing between us somthing I can't figure out what it is but I don't want to jump right into a relationship Janet:Girl you love Michael no matter if your together or not you love him he's loves you too you guys can remain friends but if you guys have each other as friends or as somthing else you guys are happy Michael checks on you ever hour and I know he wanted to be here but this is the womans clinic so he couldn't be here *Laughs* Me:I just want to forget forget about everything that happened with Raymond and move on Doctor:*knocks on door*Well your test results may take a few mintues I just want to let you guys know*smiles and closes the door* **1 hour and 30 mins later** Janet:*imitating th doctor*oh your test results may take a few HOURS!*blows up a doctor glove* Me:I find this relaxing Janet:well for you I'm the one on the chairs here*puts on 4 gloves*Look at me I am Mrs.Glove mwahahaha Me:Janet...your a idiot*laughs* **2 hours later** Janet:I can't belive I've blew up 40 gloves and there all over the floor*laughs* Me:Doctors are going to be mad!*giggles* Janet:We were board for 3 hours gosh we can't have fun*kicks glove ballon* Doctor:*opens door*Sorry*looks at the floor*if it took so long,Test are all clear your a healthy woman Janet:see nothings wrong*smiles* Doctor:but we did find somthing else...Your pregnant Me:eh..what!?Read the test again there has to be a mistake Doctor:*shakes head a reads clip board*we are 100% sure Me:*tears running down my face*is there anyway I can have abortion? Doctor:you will have to wait a week but yes you can Me:okay..... The doctor left and I sat there in surprise How can I be pregnant by Raymond I'm don't want nothing to do with him and thats the only reason why I am getting rid of it I can't take it Janet:well..what a surprise... Me:I hate Raymond*crys* We got back to the house I didn't want to tell Michael cause he loves kids and he would be willing to take care of it and wouldn't want me to kill it but I had to it was best for me I put on a smile when we walked in the house Janet agreed to keep it between us Michael:*coming downstairs*what happened is everything alright? Jackie:Damn bro over pretective much? Jermaine:he's in love*acts like a girl* Michael:*glares at Jermaine and Jackie*how it go*moitioning for me to sit down* Me:*sits*it went good I don't have anything I just have to go back next week to see how I'm doing Janet:I'm starving...*heads to kitchen* Jermaine:but we are going to kill that Raymond kid for you Me:Jermaine no need I don't care about him anymore Michael:so do you feel better?*smiling* Me:*smiles*yes I feel perfect*places hand ontop of his* Michael:*blushes* Jackie:Awwwh so cute*girly laugh* Me:shhh...*giggles**hugs Michael*you've been the best friend I could ever have thank you Michael Janet:Hey I thought I was your best friend?*peering from the kitchen* Me:Babe you are girl*winks* Michael:hey I'm going to the studios to record a song wanna come? Me:sure can Janet come? Michael:*sighs and puts on a thinking face*ehh Me:please?*baby pout* Michael:fine*bites bottom lip* He is too sexy for us just to be friends but then again I can't be with him **At the studios** me and Janet sat in these chairs that were so comfortable and they spun around me and and Janet would spin in circles Michael:*stoping my chair*this is not a playground*giggles* Me:how else are we suposed to have fun? Michael:watching me*smirks* Janet:*pushes Michael*get to work chop chop we don't have all day here*snaps her fingers*we got work to do here Me:get it moving Michael*smiles at him*oh and no glasses in the recording thingy hand them over sexy*giggles* Michael gave me the most sexiest look ever and gave me his glasses I put the glasses on and turned to Janet.. Me:you know after you put these on people look like cartoons? Janet:for real? Me:Nah*laughs*But I like them though Janet:...when are you going to tell him? Me:tell him what*spinning in chair* Janet:about the little thing in your stomach Me:oh...I don't plan on telling him.. Janet:oh Me:But it's so hard to lie to him...and I don't know why.. Janet:cause you love him thats why Me:No I don't!*crossing arms around chest* Janet:yes you do look you just called him SEXY!and your wearing his glasses.. Me:...... Janet:I mean come on it's so easy to see that you both like each other it's just that your both too dumb to see it **20 mins later** Michael called Janet in to have her record a back up for him she came out 10 mins later telling me he wanted to see me I walked in and Michael was standing by the microphone and his producer Quincy was on the other side of the glass Me:ehh..what did you want Michael? Michael:I need your voice.. Me:*nervous laugh*I can't sing Michael you know that Michael:I don't care I want you in this song cause this song is dedicated to you I wrote it*handing me headphones*put these on Me:*puts them on*okay.. Michael:now this is what Janet sung just before*plays what Janet did*Now I want you to do the same Me:Michael.... Michael:you can do it*kisses my cheek and joins Quincy on the other side of the glass* He qued the music and I started to sing the part It wasn't that hard I looked up after the music had stopped and saw only Michael sitting on the other side of the glass smiling he waved for me to come to him Me:*sitting next to him*how was I? Michael:*looks at me*perfect*presses a botton* I heard my self combined with Janet and Michael*it's the part in pyt* Me:wow.....thats me? Michael:*shakes head*yes it is see I told you you can do it*giggles* Me:it's these glasses that help me*laughs* Michael:I want you to listen to the whole song and don't forget this is about you Michael played the song and I was in tears Michael sang with it while looking at me and holding my hands The song stopped.. Michael:I really put emotion in the lyrics I hope you get the point... Me:whats the title of the song? Michael:Pyt... Me:so...that song was pointed to me so you were saying that to me? Michael:*shakes head yes*your my pyt We sat there looking at each other I knew Michael liked me so I went on and kissed him in kissing I mean french kissing We finally pulled away and I had butterflys in my stomach Me:*nervous giggle*you must of aced fench class*trys not to look him in the eyes* Michael:never took it*laughs*Now...I love you do you love me? Me:........... ******************************************************************************************************************************** Enjoyed?Hope you did and I know a bad cliffhanger hehe drama in the next one hehe
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