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Confused? Part 6
Sorry it was soo long since I wrote here. My internet went out and i'm cheating right now...I'm on my Nanna's computer lol. Okay, this might be the last part for a while, until my internet starts up again. The last lesson that week. Mel met me out front and she had a geeky smile. I really should be kinder to her. Me: Hey Mel. Sorry about this weekend. Mel: Nahh it's cool. Maybe another time. We went in and got straight to work. I managed to scratch myself with a shard of metal, burn myself, burn Mel and drop the burning metal on the ground, narrowly avoiding a mass fire. Once again though, Michael was there to help me. Daniel had appointed him as my "babysitter". Me: Thanks Dorky. Michael: What happened to just "dork"? Me: Oh okay. Dork it is then....Dork. Michael: (Makes a face) Ouch. I gazed at his clutched hand. His hand was bleeding profusely. I looked frantically at dropped piece of metal. He must have grabbed it, unthinkingly. I quickly notified the teacher and escorted Michael out of the technology room. I knew Michael hated being the center of attention in class. Michael: Ava, it's okay. Really.... Me: I may not know anything about Metal work, but I do know something about cuts and bruises. Michael laughs. I put his hand to the water fountain and he jerks it back. Me: You need to clean it. Michael: Buttt!! It will sting. Me: No it won't. The spray will. Michael: What spray? Me: Oh nothing. He winced as the icy cold water touched his purple hand. I made a "sorry" face. He shrugged and we waited in silence. Everyone was still in class and it was deserted in the yard. Daniel came out with a spray. Daniel: Okay, Michael. This might sting a bit. I held Michael's other hand and it was sweaty. Daniel sprayed it and Michael grasped my hand and he gasped in pain. Me: (Without thinking and blurting it out) Are you okay?!! Michael: Yeah....thanks for asking. Daniel: Oh it's end of lesson. Ava, do you mind bandaging him up? I got a bandage and gently wrapped it up. Michael was really cool about it and he was really funny. I didn't realise the time until we had finished. School finished at 3:05pm and it was 3:15pm. Me: Shoot! Gotta get home! (Hugs him) Hope you feel better Monday! I left him and ran home. Vicky and I had a long chat on the phone. I had lost complete track of the time. Alexis will be here in half an hour!! I got changed extremely fast into a pink dress that I had bought for the occasion... http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/100616/Mariah-Carey_300.jpg I had been starting to wear pink more often. Partly because I was sick of being an outcast and I was trying on a whole new image. Chloe would hate to see me in pink. She would dump me on the spot. I sighed as Alexis's horn echoed through the house. I didn't bother saying bye to mom and dad. I wanted to avoid an awkward situation. Alexis had a super mini dress on. Wayy shorter than mine. I cringed as I suddenly became self-concious. Alexis gave me a random hug as I sat down. Me: Hey Lexis. Alexis: Hey babe! Ready for this?? I wondered what she meant. Suddenly her foot slammed down on the pedal, sending us flying down the street. I screamed in pure excitement. The feeling of disobeying my parents. They would have a heart attack if they found out this was happening. Am I becoming a rebel? The smell of fresh perfume and hot chips filled my head. There were shoppers everywhere, Alexis and I were having a blast. There was a man signing "how much is that doggie in the window?" with his dog chiming in for the "woof woof" parts. Alexis and I cracked into hysterical laughter. This was so fun!! Me: I'm hungry.. Alexis: I know, there was a cafe' down the street last time a checked. Me: Mmmm. We skipped to the cafe' and I ordered a small cup of hot chips and Alexis ordered a ceasar salad without the dressing. She frowned at my meal. Me: What? Alexis: Oh nothing. (Quietly) Just the empty calories. I felt embarassed, but kept it to myself. At 9pm, Alexis and I were walking back to her car. As we took an escalator, I noticed something that made my stomach churn. CHLOE!! She was sitting on a bench near the end of the escalators reading a book, covered in her familiar cloud of smoke. If she looked up, she would see me....in this pink dress, with another girl, hooking arms together.....What would she think?? What would Alexis think if she found out I was lesbian? I had to escape... >>>TBC, I'm sure Michael will be more involved soon. Gimme some time :)
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