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True Friends Part 13 :)
HEY GUYS! Imma lil hyper right now. Had so much fun with my lil weird crazy family! Love you girls! :):) <3 Anyhow, I'm finishing up my story today. Yup, FINISHING IT! I'm seeing that its getting seriously boring :P And well Mine, Lexa and Caity's craziness gave me an idea of a new story, so I'm starting it soon. I hope you guys enjoy the ending! Kindda said '-___- lol. ENJOY! Dedicated to my CooCoo Girls; Lexa, Caity, Cessy, and Kelz! :) Love you guys! :D:D And to my Sissy Spence *COME BAK FROM HAWAII I MISS YOU!* lol. Let's start the ending now! :):) **************************************************************** Jermain pulled away after the kiss. He seemed embarrassed because he kissed her. He was smiling shyly. "Thank you" Miley blurted out. "For what?" "For everything, for staying with me, for... The most amazing kiss ever" Miley blushed. Jermain smiled and kissed her cheek, "You're welcome" He tucked her, "You should get some sleep Miles" "Sure" She got comfortable on her bed, and closed her eyes, until she heard a THUD on the floor. She jumped and looked down and saw Jermain on the floor. "Ow!" Jermain looked up at Miley. "What happened?" She tried holding back her laughs. "Fell off the couch, duh!" "How?" "You know, thatâ??s so not funny!" He got up. "I ain't laughing" And suddenly she burst out laughing at him. She gasped for breath and asked him to sleep with her, "Sleep here Jermain; you don't have to sit on that lousy couch!" She giggled. "Thanks Miles" He smiled and came and sat beside her. He was quiet far away from her. Miley could feel the tense, awkward situation. She got closer to him and hugged him, placed her head on his chest and dozed of to sleep to his chest bobbing up and down. ~~*Next Morning*~~ "Oh my god, look at this" "Michael, this is hilarious! Here take a picture man" SNAP! Miley got up to see where the flash came from. She squinted her eyes to see what's going on and there stood, Janet, Latoya, Jackie, Michael, and Marlon. "W-What are you doing here?" She said sleepily. Jermain got up, "What's going on?" He saw his brothers and sisters there, "Oh, You're here!" Jermain looked at his and Miley's position, their legs were linked together. They both blushed while the boys were laughing. "Someone help me to the bathroom" Miley said half embarrassed, half annoyed. "You have it." Michael went to her and helped her. He took her to the bathroom and locked the door with him inside. "Hmm... I'd like to stay alone in the bathroom, not pee in front of you" "Why don't you wanna pee in front of me?" Michael laughed. "MICHAEL!" Miley laughed, "You're weird" "That's why you love me though" "Yes, that's why I love you Mikey" She hugged him and he kissed her cheek. Michael left the bathroom and went back into the room. "You're serious Jermain?" Janet asked. "Wow, this is hilarious!" Latoya said. "Jermain and Miley sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love---" Michael started singing. Jermain interrupted him, "First falls your teeth then I'll dumb you in the garage!" He sang. "Jermain, that doesn't rhyme" Michael laughed. Jermain mocked him and got out of bed, "You guys are annoying" He went inside the bathroom just after Miley got out. She slumped herself on the bed. "I'm bored of this hospital, why do I have to stay ---" Before she could complete her sentence Miley started shaking. Everyone in the room looked at her with horror. Latoya was able to call the doctor. He came inside while Miley was shaking on bed; he pushed everyone out of the room including Jermain who was pulled out of the bathroom while he was making his belt by Michael. Everyone went out of the room with shock. What just happened? Back in the room, Miley was still shaking. The Doctors put on the machines on her, and thats when her heart stopped. "1...2...3... CLEAR!" ...... "Once again, 1 2 3 CLEAR!" ...... They did it a several more times, and more and more... Untilâ?¦ "That's it..." The doctor said disappointed, "We can't do anything, Time of death" "10.03 am" The nurse looked down. "GOD!" He pushed the heart monitor away. He went outside where the family stood scared. Everyone had tears in their eyes. Michael looked at the Doctor's face, and fell on his knees crying. "Oh god, No! Oh lord, No!" He started crying. "I'm sorry..." The doctor's words, felt like a knife in the family's heart. Everyone was crying. Michael the most. Jermain was hugging his sisters, and Jackie and Marlon stood there shocked looking around not believing the doctor's words. Michael could feel a million knifes being stabbed in his heart. "She said she loved me!" Michael cried, "I love her more! Oh god, Lord! Jesus!" He couldn't believe it, sheâ??s... Dead! ~~*1 week later*~~ The house felt so quiet. So quiet without Miley's happy laugh. Michael looked around her room and felt so lonely, so lonely. He lost his best friend. He never thought he'd lose her. She's his best friend. Child in heart. Young forever. Never will die... That's gone. She died. She left forever this time. "Miles..." Michael whispered to himself as he touched her things. "I can't believe you're gone!" "Michael, come on baby" Momma Katherine called out. "I'm coming Mother!" Michael called back. He blew a kiss in the room, "I love you Miles" And went out of her bed room. As he went inside the limo, it was quiet. So quiet. Cold! Something was missing. He never rode a limo without Miley. So cold. She'd always be here to light the limo with her jokes. Gone too soon! ~~*At the funeral*~~ "Michael, baby, they called your name. You're up" Momma Katherine whispered. Michael came out from his daze, "Yes mother!" He stood up and took the paper out of his pocket and went to the stand and started giving his speech. "What can I say? Miley, Miley always smiled. She was Smiley! Always smiling, she was the joker around the house. She was the fun girl. Rarely to get her upset. I was going around her room today, it was cold. The whole house was cold without Miles. She lightened the house up. She lightened every place I go. We were close, very close. I really loved her... Still love her so much. She's my precious Miles. Everything will be different from now on without you Miles. I love you Smiley" A tear rolled down his eyes as he went back to his seat. Spence went up on the stage, she was crying pretty badly, "Miley, God I miss you. Who's going to act crazy with me? Who's going to be my crazy Sissy? Who's... Oh lord, she was everything! She was the happiest person alive. I love her so much. Fun things happen when she's here. We get to hit Michael together" She giggled then got back to crying. Michael smiled at her. "And we've done some pretty crazy stuff. That song you made about the Paparazzi, when you sang it in the video and Michael was trying not to laugh. You've always been creative Miles. You're the greatest friend... Sister I've ever knew. I'll miss you, and I love you so much!" She went back to her seat beside Michael crying. He was hugging her tight. The priest read a few verses from the Bible, and then they lowered the casket down. Everyone was crying, including Michael and Jermain, who truly loved Miley from the bottom of their hearts. And so did Janet and Spencer. "I love you Smiley, so much!" Spencer threw the flower over the casket. "You were my sister! My older sister!" Janet cried as she threw the flower too. "I love you Miles, You were everything to me" And Michael kissed the flower as a tear fell on it and he threw the flower over the casket. "I love you" That was it, they all lost her. But the one who lost her the most was Michael, he loved her... So much! And he still does. The end! :) **************************************************************** What can I say? The girl dies! :P Lmfao, I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! :D I could've made it much longa, but what the hell, Imma end it up! xP The end! :D Anotha story is cumin ova aghit? :):) I love you all, Until next time, Buh Byee! :D:D <3
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