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The Perfect Man - Part 18 -
GUYS I'M BAK FROM INDIA! Gawd, I'm so glad! I missed the site so much, I missed writing. You just don't know how much I have to read right now! ALOT! O_O lol. Well guyz, not much to say. Enjoy the story aight? :):) I hope you like it! Dedicated to my bestie Isra, She requested the part! :D:D And all MJsite family of course. ENJOY! :D <3 - Vicky!:D ---------------------------------------------------------------- **Part 18** --- Spence --- I looked at Vicky; she had a shocked look on her face. I don't think she believes whats happening to me. I can't believe whats happening to me. I was still crying a little. I slowly put my hand on the door and unlocked it. Me and Vicky slowly got inside the house. Vicky called out mom and dad. Silent. They weren't there. I silently sighed in relief. I took off my jacket and sat on the couch, Vicky sat beside me. I could hear our heart beat sounds. We were both scared, from what people are going to say. I was thinking about Marlon. Whats he thinking about now? I wonder. Vicky: *Slowly* Spence? Me: *Looking at her and whiping my tears away* Yes. Vicky: How did you know? Me: Marlon said... It broke. Vicky: What broke? Me: The thing... You know. Vicky: *Gasp* Are you serious? Did you get a pregnancy test? Me: No, Vicky I'm scared. I mean when he told me it broke, I presumed I was pregnant. I mean it broke, I... I don't know, what if I am pregnant? Suddenly, a smile came up on her face. I looked at her weirdly, I mean is this time for smiling? I wanted to slap her and take off that smile off her face! Me: What? Vicky: What if you're not pregnant? Oh my god, what if you're okay? Me: *Looking around* I don't know Vicky, what if I am. Vicky: *Slapping my hand* Have some hope. Me: Ow, that hurts you know. Vicky: The point Spence, the point! Me: Yeah, Um... I don't know. You think so? Vicky: Just have some faith, Aight? *Going to the stairs* Me: Yeah, maybe. Vicky dissapeared up the stairs, and I heard our bed room door getting closed. I sat there in a trance of thoughts. What if I am not pregnant? Thats a good thing right? But I'm not sure yet, and I am terribly worried. *Ring Ring* I let it go on voice mail. Vicky: "Hi this is the Washington's house" Me: "We're not here right now" Me and Vicky: "Leave a message Ya'll" Vicky: "If we like you we'll call" Me: "If we hate you, then get the hell outta here" Me and Vicky: *Giggling* "Just Kidding! BYE!" I giggled at our voice mail, it was Vicky's idea. Her and her dumb jokes. After the "Beeep" I heard Marlon's voice. Marlon: Um.. Hi, Spence, its me Marlon. Um... I just wanted to check on you. Well... Call me when you get this message. Bye! And he hung up. I looked at the phone, I took it in my hand but it instantly fell on my lap. I can't call. I don't want to call. I just feel... Unsecure about this. I'm worried, I can't call. No! I can't. I lost my virginty to this man. What is wrong with me? Does momma know, should I tell her? Should I...? Questions, Questions! --- Vicky --- Hope! Hope! Hope! This word is in my mind right now. I sure have hope for my sister. She is NOT pregnant. Lets hope so. I don't her to be in trouble. Wow, my sister lost her virginity before ME? I'm older than her... Alright, we're twins I know. But heck I'm older in 5 minutes, have a problem? I was siting on my bed watching TV. I was laughing at this episode of "The prince of Bel Air" It was hillrious. Will Smith is awesome! *Ring Ring* Okay? I'm watching, you don't have to interupt me. Me: *Sigh* *Getting the phone* Yes? ??: Guess who? Me: *Excited* Jackie? Jackie: Oh no, its Will Smith. Of course its me. *Laughing* Me: *Laughing* What the hell Jackie? Jackie: Sorry, watching "The Prince Of Bel Air" so I thought of Will Smith. Me: Awwwh, I'm watching it too. Jackie: Really? Me: Yes. Jackie: See, thats why we're together. Me: *Laughing* I love you. Jackie: I love you too. Me: *Smiling* ... Jackie: Vicky? Me: Ha? Jackie: You there baby? Me: Sorry, yes I'm there. So whatcha doing? Jackie: Thinking of you. Spence: *On the other line* Stop being lovy dovy you two. Me: Um... Spence get off the phone. Spence: Ugh! *Hanging up* Me: Sorry. Me and Jackie talked for a while. I think I really love him... No I do love him. I mean he's HOT, he's sweet, he's cute, he's awesome. He's everything you can think of. Everything! ~~* 1 week later*~~ This is it. The moment. If it goes "Negative" we're making a party. It goes "Positive" I don't know what will happen. Spence was shaking. My heart beats were getting faster by the moment. Marlon had his hands linked with Spence, both of them were shaking. Jackie had his hand around my shoulder. Michael and Tatum were siting there together too. We were the only ones to know about all this. No one else knew. We were very nervous. I could feel their heart beats around the room. Our breathing is getting heavy. Five more seconds... Spence startled all of us by saying "Its time" We all jumped from our steats. I know what has been going on thier minds when she said that. "Baby" was the word. Spence slowly went in the bathroom. Seconds later she came out with a blank expression on her face. She had the pregnancy test in her hand. We all were looking at her, waiting patiently for the answer. Is she or is she not? Spence: *Squinting her eyes* I'm... Pregnant! To be continued... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff Hanger! :D:D lol. I hope you guyz liked it. Don't 4get to vote, next part will be up soon! :):) <3 Love you all, BYE! :D
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