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Sour Then Sweet -31-
-Heyy guys I havn't been on for like ever but My bros b-day is today so I won't be on my moms won't let me dress as MJ :O I wanted to write this part cause I wanted to :D onto the story love you guys!!- Michael:hey..you okay? Me:Am I,I don't feel any feelings right now Michael:I'm sorry truely Me:Mike stop I just can't take it anymore second time this happened to me Michael:I hate myself for it Me:I just don't know what to say,what to think,what to feel! Michael:(sounding like he's crying)It was a mistake a bad one it all started after that dare.. Me:what dare...that night when I went upstairs by myself? Michael:yes... Me:I don't even want to know Michael:I let my feelings go I couldn't controll them We sat there is silence for acouple of mintues.. Michael:do you forgive me? Me:(Sighs)I don't know..I think it's better if...if were not together it's to much stress on my shoulders do oyu understand? Michael:I do completly just remember that I will always have love for you(heading for the door)See you around I didn't say nothing back I just left it as it is I had no feelings for Michael after what he did Days went by with no sight of Michael then days turned into weeks then months then years.. (1986) It's been acouple of years my birthday is in acouple of days Julie had moved with her boyfriend a few years after the insident we didn't mention it to each other but she did apologize so were back to friend staus she's coming down for my B-day with her Boyfriend Me on the other hand was doing great I'm still single but I changed my job to a perfessional designer my co-worker Lia has a big surprise for my B-day and says it has to do with work I thought I would hate it if it had to do with work I have a new BFF her names Yasmine(Yaz) we hang alot now and gossip about everything I feel old since I'm turning 28 almost 30 oh god.. Yaz took me out for a day at the spa *At the spa watching t.v* Me:I am old girl I can't belive I'm almost 30 do I got wrinkles? Yaz:No girl stop before you do listen you better live your life to the fullest now(hits my arm)look(points to the t.v) I rubbed my arm she hits hard and I gazed towards the t.v and on the Screen was Michael looking sexy as ever .. He was talking about his future bad tour either in 1987 or 1988 Yaz:(slaps me with the magazine)whipe your mouth your drooling! Me:Huh!?Stop playing Yaz:your drooling over your ex that you have no feelings for what so ever as you told me.. Me:but he never look that.. Yaz:cute? Me:No sexy before I mean never when I was with him Yaz:Well now how you going to get a hold of him? Me:I have no clue.. We finished our day at the spa and I went to my Mothers house and told her about what I saw and she said that I still loved him which I totally don't I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever eeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvveeeerrr!!! get back with him in my life time maybe in the afterlife Today is the "big day" for me my B-day yay for me my Mother oreder me not to come to her house until it was party time wasn't a big party at her house but the after party was gonna be big! I got all did up yes I meant did I wore this little outfit trying to feel younge again: At around 4 I drove over to my Mothers house and was greeted by Julie she looked like a regluar Mother yes she's of mother of two twin boys which are just adorable I said hi to her and her boyfriend and her kids Mother was just cooking like usal Lia and Yaz were talking but then stopped when the noticed me. Yaz:Happy birthday buddy(gives me a warm hug) Lia:your gonna love my gift to you..literally(hugs me after Yaz)happy birthday! Me:em..okay. We talked to each other until the food was done we ate it the food was tasty I was wanting more but didn't want to over eat After we ate and cleaned up it was time to open my presents!I felt like I was 12 again Julie got me langeria(how ever you spell it)outfit..Mom got me a 500 dollar dress Yaz got me the purse I wanted from the mall and gave me 40 dollars with it Lia I saw didn't have a present I asked her were is it but she got cut off by the door bell she ran to get it Everyone had a weird grin on there face Lia came around the corner first then I saw a man feet following I followed those feet up to those longs legs to that familiar chest to the sweet face oh good it was Michael! I sat there staring at him like a retard he had his hands behind his back smiling at me Michael:hey Jennell. Lia:like my gift? Me:.... Julie:Jennell? Jennell speak come on you can do it.... I couldn't breath in his presences I had to leave the room I ran to the bath room to catch my breath Julie:Jennell whats up with you why you acting weird? Me:(rubs eyes)I don't know I don't know what to say to him it's been to long 7 years what do I say? Julie:Hello at least the words will come to you he misses you alot(grabs my arm)were both sorry She took me back to were everyone was talking... Julie:she's fine Lia:Michael needs you to design him outfits for the Bad Tour Me:em..okay. After seeing Michael I wasn't in the mood to go out tonight Julie and her family left My mothe cleaned up the kitchen I had a headach so I wanted to head upstairs to rest I went to go up the stairs and Michael followed Michael:can we talk? Me:Michael I don't feel good(opening door) Michael:please just to ease my mine Me:(about to close door)fine Michael come in.. I sat on the bed and Michael sat next to me what the hell did he have to talk about with me Michael:Do I seem different to you? Me:Yes! Michael:cause you were acting kind of weird.. Me:I ....(thinking:love you) Michael:....I came here today to tell you that I never forgot about you and I still have strong feelings for you Me:I...(softly)do too.. Michael:I just wanted to get back in touch with you Me:I just didn't know what to say but....now I do Michael I loved you all this time but I was mad really mad at you thinking I could never forgive you(sighs)just wish everything was normal Michael:It was my fault totally and I'm real sorry(looks down) Me:Michael(tilts his head up)I love you mistakes happen We inched closer to each other and Michael put his hand on mine and our lips touched I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Michael Me:(pullin away)Michael your amazing Michael:(takes my hand)come on Me:were? Michael:away with me vacation?A little one? Me:Sure..but clothes? Michael:don't worry Michael and me said good bye to everyone he took me in his S.U.V and his driver drove off We talked about how much we missed each other and kissed acouple times the ride was so long that I got tired I layed my head on Michael's lap and drifted to sleep while he brushed his fingers though my hair When we got to the hotel I insited on walking but Michael carried me anyway surprisingly there was no one in sight Michael layed me on the bed Me:I can't sleep in a dress what am I gonna wear? Michael:here Michael threw me a big mikey mouse t-shirt I slipped it on and it fit like a night gown We talked for acouple mintues about personal stuff then Michael gave me a sincere look and said Michael:will you have my children? Me:We just got back together. Michael:I'm saying in the future I really want kids but of course it's after your Mrs.Jackson Me:(shocked)em..okay(Smiles) We cuddled for the rest of the night until I fell asleep.. Michael was serious now very serious kids marriage I thought it was a great idea he is the best Birthday gift ever!I just have to thank Lia. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Hoped you like it now I gotta rest for tonight it's gonna be on and poppin aha see you soon I guess <3- -Jennell♥
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