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Maria Carmen 2000s*2*
alright. i gusse i'll keep it going. i didn't know everyone liked Maria Carmen. well, i guess it's gonna keep on truckin'. -Cay-Cay:) *hereâ??s part 2!!!* The day daddy I was talking with my friends on are Vidi-chats. And if you donâ??t remember then my friends are Kelly, Sarah, and Maria. I miss themâ?¦very much. Kelly still the same with her jokes. Sarah is still her peaceful self. And Mariaâ?¦wellâ?¦sheâ??s the same old Maria. But we all love her. All the same. Anyways sheâ??s are same old Maria. Wellâ?¦on to what I was saying. (Kelly): man, Chris, kicked it with â??Wall 2 Wallâ??!!! (Maria): what is with you and your love for that song? (Kelly): whatâ??s with you and the love for â??Pump itâ??? (Maria): *singing* donâ??t phunk with my heart. No, no, no, phunk with my heart. Me and Sarah was laughing are heads off. Dang! I miss these girls. I remember all the jokes we had with each other. We would run around Neverland with are waterguns and me with my supersoaker. They would get so mad at me because of it. Kelly and Maria started fighting more. Sarah had her â??take me awayâ?? look. I know that because she had her hands up in the air mouthing it. I love themâ?¦alright my life was really duel without them. I have my daddy, mommy, sister and brother, but you really need friends to make the family whole. I was laughing so much I grabbed my stomach and fell out of my chair. I heard them laugh. I cought my breath and started to stand up. (Sarah): wow, Mary, I just heard â??Lovegameâ??. it was really sweet. (Kelly): never knew ya had that kind of mind. (Maria): no your getting her mixed up with you, Kelly. (Kelly): hey, I joke like that. Not put it as a song. (Me): shut up. It was Sarahâ??s idea. Sheâ??s the one that help me pick out the beat, lyrics, and the costumes. (Sarah): did you like the leather thug otfit you wore? (Me): I loved it. (Kelly): it was playinâ?? on my clock radio this morning. I thought it was some chick with no time on their handsâ?¦but when they said your name, Cry Baby, I was likeâ?¦WHOA!!! (Maria): me too. I heard it on the car radio and I was the same way. Your pipes sure has grown since youâ??ve been singing. (Me): and look at this. I stood up to show them how much weight I lost while Iâ??ve been dancing. They were shocked I used to be 117lbs as a teen. Now 19lbs are gone away I am now 98lbs at only 20-years-old. Alright so Iâ??m tinyâ?¦I weigh less then my dad. And thatâ??s very odd since dad weighs less then most men his age. Well, he dances a lot soooâ?¦manly thatâ??s why he weighs that much. I know itâ??s somewhere in the 100 pounds I just donâ??t know how much it is. (Kelly): dang girl, look at you. Are chubby rubby Mary is so tiny now. (Me): thanks. Dancing as it advanagies. (Maria): if you get that skinny I really should have never quite it. (Kelly): though for you. Me, sarah, and Mary are the only ones dancing. (Me): can you draw my dad like she can? (kelly): weeeellâ?¦ (Me): then donâ??t talk smack unless you get ready to be snapped back. (Sarah): whereâ??d you get that? (Me): I just made it up. (Maria): sorry Mar. I gotta go. My sister is having her baby shower today. (Sarah):*hears her motherâ??s muffled voice*same for me I gotta go to my cousinâ??s boxing match. (Me): oh, alright. They have no idea but Iâ??m dying while their signing off on me. Please Kell you arenâ??t gonna log off on me. I look to see she was already logged off. That did it I died really inside. Tears stained my eyes. We said are goodbyes and they logged off on me. My eyes were so stinging. I turned my laptop off and went to my bed. I pulled my knees to my face and balled into a tight ball. I wish they were here with me. Tears fell from my eyes to my cheek. Kelly picked a darn good nickname for me, Cry Baby. I cry to no end. Maybe not but I cry to much and I start to hypervinalateâ?¦not pretty. Last time daddy almost had a heart attack with worrying. Mommy had to rub his back before he started doing the samething like me. It wasnâ??t good at the concerts either on the last History concert it hit me real bad. And he was crying to no end. I guess I fell asleep like that because when I woke up I saw black shoes and black pants. I fallowed them to see daddy. He had his hands behind his head. His eyes were closed. His chest moved up and down. He had no shirt on. I sat up and wiped my eyes. Sure enough I saw in my big mirror in my room they were red. I kept wiping them. If I forgot to tell you Iâ??m sitting Indian style. I felt someone taping me in the back. I saw daddy was smirking. I knew it! He was pretending to be asleep. I pushed his foot away. I crawled over to him. I poked him in the chest. I whispered daddy while I was doing it. Remember this from when I was seven when I asked him if he thought Jalice was pretty? Oh, well, as to it. I think you all do. I kept doing that with no results. I did it harder. The next thing I know he pulled me down where I spread out on his lap. I looked up and him. He was smirking at me. He started tickling me. THAT CHEATER!!! He knows Iâ??m very ticklish. More then him. I know that it lameâ?¦btâ?¦God itâ??s true I am the world most ticklish girl on this earth. I was kicking my legs while I was being attack. He went under my arms. What did I tell youâ?¦cheater!!! I got back at him and started tickling him. He fells on his side laughing. I fell on him by accident. My hand slipped. We staid like that laughing. I placed my head on my dadâ??s chest laughing. He was rubbing my head. I love it when he does that. It makes me feelâ?¦like no one can tear us apart. And I never want that to happen. Never. I want s to be this one big family. (Daddy):so you wanna tell daddy why you were crying? (Me): well, you see, um, you remember Kelly, Sarah, and Maria right? (Daddy): wow, I missed those girls. I remember the slumber party you had when I snuck up behind you and scared you girls and Emmanuel while you were watching â??Blood Nightâ??. (Me): it was a fun movie. (Daddy): and you know your not suppose to watch them. (Me): getting off subject. (Daddy):*laughing*alright. Alright. Tell me why you were crying? (Me): well, you know how long itâ??s been since I talked to them. When we get talkinâ?? and catchinâ?? up. They have to leave. And Iâ??m sad. Itâ??s been almost years since I talked with them and Iâ??m sad that they logged off while we were talking again. (Daddy): see what you mean. butâ?¦ Man I hate it when he says that. It means heâ??s about to go all M.C Hammer on me like Hammer Time. Alright I need to stop that. (Daddy): you know you guys are doing different things. Youâ??re the Princess of Pop. Kelly is a Hip Hop dance teacher. Maria is getting her P.H.D degree so she need to study as much as she needs. You were homed schooled. (Me): please donâ??t remind me. (Daddy): back to what I was saying. She need to study. And Sarahâ?¦well, sheâ??s livinâ?? her dream of being a fashion model. And clothes designer. And to top it all off sheâ??s supporting her cousin in Ireland. With his boxing games. And you know itâ??s hard for her to keep her job where she is and then go to Ireland. And you on the other handâ?¦ (Me): daddy, I get it. (Daddy): Iâ??m glad. Well, I better go. (Me): daddy? Can you please hold me some more? (Daddy): sure. I balled up again where daddy could hold me better. We fell asleep there in each others arms. It always makes me feel safe to be in my daddyâ??s arms. I miss these daddy daughter times we always had when I was little. I think he still wishes I was little like Prince and Paris so he can pick me up like he does them. I felt daddyâ??s hand go on the back of my head and pull me closer to him. My head rested under his chin. I canâ??t talk anymore. My dream world is calling me. Goodbye for now. There was the 2nd part. 3rd will be here very soon. Thanks for liking it. -Caitlyn
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