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Whatever Happens Part 13
*Dis is Part 13! Hahah. I posted two parts in one day. That must be a record for me. lol. Sooooooooo i'm extremely bored. And my back hurts. Damn back! haha wait why am i tellin you about me?! I should just get to the story already. Okay this goes out to Jennell and Samone. And everyone elsee. And MJ! of course.(: * Me and Michael were still kissing when we heard a knock at the door. Michael: What?! ??: Dude we have a meeting in 10 minutes! Get your ass out here! Michael: Iâ??m in the shower. ??: Whereâ??s Halle? Michael: Umm, I donâ??t know. Maybe she went to get breakfast. ??: You donâ??t sound to sure about that. Me: *giggles* ??: I just heard a girl laugh. Michael: Halle, you blew our cover! Me: Sorry. ??: Ewww, Halle is in the shower with you?! Michael: Got a problem with it? ??: Yeah, thatâ??s nasty. Who would want to be in the shower with you. Me: I do! Michael: Yeah, Halle does. ??: Whatever. If you arenâ??t over in 5 minutes we are leaving without you. Michael: Okay. The mystery person left but I knew it had to have been Randy. Michael: Okay, fun time is over. Me: Awww. Michael: I gotta go to the meeting, its important. Me: Okay. Me and Michael got out of the shower and dried off. We got dressed and then Michael had to leave. Me: I donâ??t want you to go. Michael: I donâ??t wanna go either, but I have to. Me: I want to come. Michael: I wish you could but you canâ??t. We have to discuss our contract with Epic records. Me: Why, do they want to cancel it? Michael: No, Joseph just wants to find something to argue about like he always does. Me: Okay babe, bye. Michael: Bye. I love you. Me: Love you too. Michael kissed me and then he left. I missed him already. I started to cry which was really weird because I donâ??t cry that much. Did I really miss Michael so much Iâ??m crying about it. Well I guess so. When Michael got back it was around 4pm. That meeting was too long. Michael seemed really excited about something when he came over to visit me in my hotel room. Me: Okay what are you all excited about? Michael: Well I was extremely bored during the meeting so I started thinking and I was thinking about you, like I always do. And I thought about marrying you someday, and I decided that someday is today. Letâ??s go get married, right now. Me: Michael you want to just run off and get married. Michael: Why not. Letâ??s do it. I donâ??t have a performance tonight. We can drive to some chapel place and on the way you can buy a wedding dress and Iâ??ll buy a tuxedo and then weâ??ll buy rings and then we can get married! Me: Michael I donâ??tâ?? know. Donâ??t you want to have you family at your wedding? Michael: No, not at all. Me: Oh well than in that case, letâ??s do it! Michael: Yes! Letâ??s go. Me and Michael ran off and didnâ??t leave a note. Oh just like the movies. We got in his limo and we told his driver to drive to the nearest jewelry shop he knows of. When we got there Michael bought me and ring and I bought him one. We didnâ??t see what each other bought because we wanted it to be a surprise. Then we hopped back in the limo and we stopped at a tuxedo place. Michael bought his tuxedo and we headed off to a dress shop. This was so exciting. My mom and Hayden are gonna hate me though. I mean they are REALLY gonna hate me. We got to the dress shop and Michael had to stay in the car. He gave me his credit card because he insisted on paying for it. I bought a beautiful dress and I was satisfied. I grabbed my dress, headed back to the limo, and then we were off to a church! When we arrived at the church it was one of the churches that weds people really cheap. Like they have in Las Vegas. So me and Michael paid some minister guy and badda bing badda boom Me and Michael were married, with a paper to prove it. Now you guys can call me Mrs. Michael Joseph Jackson. Me and Michael had made great time. It was 8pm and we had a 2 hour drive back to Hotel Berlin. When we arrived back at the hotel everyone was in the lobby and they looked absolutely worried. I was still in my wedding dress and Michael was still in his tux. We were laughing having a grand time when Marlon walked up to Michael and slapped him. Michael: What was that for?! Marlon: Where the fuck were you?! Michael: Where does it look like we were? Marlon finally looked at what we were wearing and he looked mad.. Marlon: You ran off and got married. Me: Yeah. Michael: Gotta problem with it? Marlon: No, but I know people who will. We walked back to all the other Jacksonâ??s including Joe who I hadnâ??t met yet. Jackie: What did you do Mike?! Tito: You know itâ??s so uncool to run off like that. Randy: I was worried about you, do you know how lame I felt?! Joseph: No son of mine runs off and has some cheap ass wedding. Marlon: Whatâ??s mom gonna say. Michael didnâ??t look like he was gonna take this crap. Michael: I can do whatever I want. Iâ??m an adult and I donâ??t need your crap trying to ruin my happiness. Me and Halle wanted to get married and so we did. So Iâ??d appreciate if you treated your new sister-in-law with some respect. Randy: Sorry Halle. Marlon: Sorry. Jackie&Tito: Sorry. Me: Itâ??s okay. Randy: Thatâ??s a beautiful dress. Me: Thanks Randy. Me and Michael then walked up to his hotel room and he started packing all his stuff. Me: What are you doing? Michael: Iâ??m done. Iâ??m done with them. They can be the Jacksons minus Michael. Me: Donâ??t do that. Michael: Pack your stuff. Me: Fine. I walked over and packed my things. I didnâ??t even bother to take off my wedding dress. I finished packing and when I left my hotel room Michael was waiting for me. As we were waiting for the elevator Michaelâ??s brotherâ??s and Joseph had come off an elevator. Marlon: Mike, why you guys all packed? Michael: I quit. Randy: Quit what? Michael: The Jacksons. Joseph: No you donâ??t boy. You get your ass back in that hotel room right now or Iâ??ll whip your pathetic ass worse than I did when you were a child. Michael: You canâ??t control me Joseph. Joseph: Whatâ??d you say boy? As Joseph said that the elevator arrived and we got on. As the doors were closing I waved bye to the Jackson brothers, and well Michael just ignored it all. We headed off to the airport and as we waited for the private plane to arrive I saw on the TV the news that the Jacksonâ??s tour had been canceled. Michael was watching too, I guess he wanted to see what excuse they made up. TV Reporter: The Jacksonâ??s tour has just been canceled only minutes ago. It is said that Michael Jackson was injured during rehearsal and can no longer perform. The tour may resume in Japan in 2 weeks as planned but it is unsure at the moment. Reports have claimed to see Michael Jackson and a girl outside a Germany church just this evening. A local of the area the church is in said he saw a man who resembled Jackson leaving the church with a women wearing a wedding dress. He saw the man and woman enter a limo and drive away. Reports strongly suggest this was Jackson because the limo bares a similar resemblance to the limo the Jacksonâ??s show up in when they arrive at performances. The story is most likely true, but has not yet been confirmed. If it is true, there is a Mrs. Michael Jackson out there somewhere. But who is she. *End of Report* Me: Whoa. Michael had gotten out a phone and started dialing the number to contact the news station. Me: Michael what are you doing! Michael shushed me. As Michael was on the phone I could only hear what he was saying â??Yes, Iâ??m Michael Jackson. The reports are true. Yes I am married. Yes, it is the girl I was seen with in the video. Byeâ? Michael: Done. Me: What was that for?! Michael: I dunno. If they already knew, why not confirm it. Just as he said that the TV said Michael Jackson Married: Not Confirmed but switched to Michael Jackson Married: Confirmed by Jackson himself. When the TV said that everyone in the airport gasped. They couldnâ??t believe Michael Jackson was married. Some little kid had walked up to Michael. He was so cute, he looked about 4 years old. ??: Hello. Michael: Hey, whatâ??s your name? ??: Charlie. Michael: How old are you Charlie? Charlie: Almost four. Michael: Oh youâ??re getting big. Can I help you Charlie? Charlie: Are you Michael Jackson? Michael: Can you keep a secret? Charlie: Yes sir! Michael: Okay, I am Michael Jackson. Charlie: Oh my! Charlie ran away to his mom and I saw him dragging his mom over to us. Good secret keeper you are Charlie. Charlie: Mommy, dis is Michael Jackson. Charlieâ??s Mom: Umm Hello. Michael: Hey. Charlieâ??s Mom: Whoâ??s this? Michael: Oh, this is my wife Halle. ??:MICHAEL JACKSON! We all looked and someone was standing on a chair pointing over at us. Losers. Me and Michael grabbed our stuff and ran. Thankfully the plane had literally JUST got there. We ran on the plane and sat down. Me: That was crazy. Is that what you go through every day? Michael: Yeah. Me: I feel bad for you. Michael: I kinda like it. Me: Why? Michael: I feel loved. Me: But you are already loved by me. Michael: I know. Michael gave me a kiss and a flight attendant had been standing there the whole time and we didnâ??t notice. Michael: Oh hey. ??: My name is Alex. Iâ??ll be your flight attendant today. May I get you anything. Michael: Iâ??m good. Me: Iâ??m fine. Alex: Okay, ask if you need anything. Michael: Will do Alex. Alex walked away and I heard her mumble â??I hate my lifeâ?. Aww, donâ??t hate your life, that can lead to depression which leads to suicide. Not good my dear Alex, not good at all. Oh fuck, cramp. I wanna give a shout out to all my girls out there, I know you agree when I say cramps hurt. Do I have to get this now? Make my horrible flight home even more horrible. Gahhh. Well anyways I fell asleep despite my pain. Surprisingly and thankfully I slept for the whole flight! Michael on the other hand, didnâ??t get much sleep at all. When I woke up a looked at him and he looked terrible. His eyes were blood shot. Aww mikey! Me: Didnâ??t cha sleep? Michael: No. Me: Why not. Michael: Iâ??ve been thinking about things. Me: Like what. Michael: How my mom will feel about us just running off and getting married. Me: Your mom is so nice, Iâ??m sure sheâ??ll understand. Michael: I donâ??t know. Me: Iâ??m sure she will. Michael: I hope so. Me: Hey the plane just landed. Michael: Yippee. Me: Oh someone is in a bad mood. Michael: Sorry, I blame it on the lack of sleep. Me: Blame it on the boogie. Michael laughedâ?¦ Michael: Good one. Me: Thanks. It just comes to me. Michael: I can tell. Me and Michael got off the plane and we grabbed our luggage. Off to tell his Mom about our marriage. Michaelâ??s doubting that sheâ??ll understand is starting to make me worry a little. I donâ??t want her to hate me, she was so nice. Well me and Michael finally arrived at his house. Michael opened the front door and we walked to the living room. No one there. We walked outside, no one there. We walked to the kitchen, and Janet and Katie were there. Katie: Michael! I saw you on the news! Janet: Yeah, first you â??got hurtâ? and then you were married. Boy you sure are busy. Michael: Actually I quit. Katie: You quit?! Michael: No one treats me with respect. Katie: Sure they do Michael. Michael: Mom, they donâ??t! You should have seen them! Katie: What did they do? Michael: Marlon slapped me; Randy, Jackie, and Tito didnâ??t even congratulate me; and Joseph said that no son of his runs off and has a cheap ass wedding and then when I quit he threatened to beat me. Katie: Oh Michael. Janet: I respect you Mike. Michael: Thanks Dunk. Janet: Yep. Katie: And you know I support and respect every decision you make Michael. Michael: Thanks Mother. Michael hugged his mom and then Katie came and hugged me. Katie: Welcome to the family Halle. Me: Thank you so much. Katie: Of course. So are you going to be moving in? Is Michael moving in with you? Are you buying a house together? Michael: We havenâ??t decided yet. I think we are gonna tell Halleâ??s family about the marriage first. Right Halle? Me: Correcto. Michael: Do you wanna go now? Me: Sure, might as well get it over with. Michael: Okay. Bye Mother, bye dunk. See you later. Katie&Janet: Bye Michael, bye Halle. Me and Michael left and we walked to my house. Me: Mom! Hayden! Iâ??m home. They both ran from upstairs. Mom: What happened? Why are you home early? My mom and Hayden saw Michael with me. Hayden: Sheâ??s prego! Me: No Hayden. Mom: Well than what is it? Hayden: You guys had sex and now you canâ??t be in the club? Me: No! We are still in the club. Michael: Weâ??re married. Mom: Oh shit. Hayden: You didnâ??t invite me! Hayden ran upstairs to her room and she was crying. Mom: Iâ??ll go talk to her. Me: I got this. Michael: Can I talk to her? Me: We can go together. Michael: Okay. Me and Michael went to talk to Hayden. *Knock* Hayden: Go away. Me: Hayden me and Michael want to talk to you. Hayden slowly opened the door and she walked back over to her bed and laid face down in her pillow crying. I sat down next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. Michael stood next to me. Me: Hayden look at me. Hayden: No. Me: Come on. Hayden looked at me. Me: Can we explain? Hayden: You can try. Me: Me and Michael got back together while Michael was on tour because I realized I couldnâ??t live without him. Michael: And I didnâ??t want to live without Halle so after a meeting I asked her if she wanted to go get married. Hayden: Why didnâ??t you have a big wedding. Me: Itâ??s complicated. Hayden: No itâ??s not, itâ??s easy to plan. Michael: No itâ??s my family, everyone doesnâ??t always support each others decisions. So we decided that if we went by ourselves there would be no one to stop us. Hayden: Okay I understand. Me: Good. Gimme me a hug. Me and Hayden hugged and then Hayden gave Michael a hug. Michael: Whatâ??s that for. Hayden: Welcome to the family, brother-in-law. Hahha hope you liked. It sorta ended weird but now you gotta wait to see what shall happen next. hahah. Pleasee vote. (:
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