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Competing For Love Part 2
Hey, its Breyonna again! this is my 3rd story so I hope you like it. Dedicated to MJ and everyone on MJSite. Happy Father's Day! *6 weeks later* July 17, 1999 This competition is going by fast. Its only down to three more girls. Pamela, Joselyn, and myself. During these past 6 weeks I think Michael and I have gotten really close to each other. I hope I'll win in the end, but I have a fear I wont. The girls and I are kinda getting along and are becoming friends. Ok, Im lying. We absolutely hate each other! Just a few minutes ago, Pamela and I got in this huge argument. It started out by Joselyn telling me what Pamela was planning on telling Michael about me. Joselyn:Look, I know you don't like me, but I think I should tell you. Me:Tell me what? Joselyn:Pamela told me that she knows your little secret. Me:What secret? Joselyn:You still live with your boyfriend. Me:EX-boyfriend. Joselyn:Whatever. She told me that she gonna tell Michael. Me:No, not while Im here. I walked out of my room, looking for that little rat. I can't believe her! How did she know anyway? Yes, its true. I live with my ex-boyfriend, but there is definately nothing going on with us. After we broke up I really couldn't find a place to stay. So, he let me stay with him until I find a house and stuff. Ugh! Im so mad now. I look through the mansion and saw her going up the stairs towards Michael's room. I darted up the steps and grabbed her arm to turn her around. Pamela:(smirks)Oh, I was just about to talk about you, Maryse. Me:No, you ain't talking about no one. You know, you're a twisted chick, right? Pamela:Maybe, but I know Im gonna be with Michael in the end. Me:So you act like a snake in the grass to get your way? Pamela:Yeah, now get out my way. I've gotta tell my future boyfriend something. Me:Oh, hell no. Its non of your business what the hell I do with my personal life. Pamela:It is now. You know, Im just doing this to see you die inside. Me:Well, someone is gonna die, but it aint gonna be me. Pamela:Is that a damn threat? Me:Is your face fake? Yes. Pamela:Sweetie, you dont want me to go off on you. Me:(points to my cheek)C'mon. Hit me, bitch. I wanna see you do it. Pamela:No, you're not worth it. Me:You think you fuckin' scare me? Pamela:You should be. Me:I swear, dont let me catch you in the street when this is over! Pamela:(pokes my chest)Or what?! I know for a fact that you're still sleeping with your boyfriend. Me:Ex, bitch! Get it right. Pamela:I dont care! You better get ready to pack your fugly stuff cause when Michael find out yo- Michael:When I find out what? Pamela:I think there's something Maryse wants to tell you. Right? Me:I've got nothing to say. Pamela:Oh, you don't wanna mention that you live with your (does air qoutes) Ex-boyfriend? Me:(glares at her)Sneaky, slut. Pamela:(giggles)I know. Thank you. Michael:Maryse. Me:(looks at him)Yes? Michael:Can I talk to you for a minute, please? Me:Yeah. He lead me to his room and closed the door behind him. Honestly, I think he's gonna send me home cause of this. Cause of that bitch! He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to him. I slowly moved towards that spot, but I was looking down the whole time. Im not even gonna dare to make eye contact. Michael:(sighs)What was Pamela talking about? Me:(silent) Michael:Ryse, answer me. Me:(looks down)I do currently live with my ex. Michael:Oh God, Maryse I- Me:But absolutely nothing is going on between us and nothing will. We broke up and I had nowhere to go. My dad was in Berlin at the time and I was lost. He let me stay at his place until I get back on my feet, but I swear nothing is happening. Michael:Are you sure? Me:Yes. He has a fiancee so we're only friends. Michael:(lifts my face by my chin)Look at me. Me:(looks the other way) Michael:Look at me, Maryse. Me:(looks at him) Michael:I believe you. Im not gonna send you home. I really have a strong connection with you and I don't wanna lose it. Me:So, this is past us? Michael:Yeah, lets squash it. Me:(smiles)Consider is squashed. Michael:I'll see you in a bit, ok? Me:Sure. I kissed his cheek and got off his bed. I went downstairs to the kitchen to get an apple, and I saw Joselyn and that bitch talking. I took the apple from the fruit basket on the counter and took a bite out of it. I could see Pamela giving me a cold look. Pamela:Are you ready to pack your things? Me:Are you ready to get punched? Pamela:What? Me:Get used to me cause Im staying. Pamela:He gonna keep you? Me:(smiles)Hell yeah! Pamela:Whatever this isn't over. I gonna get you back. Me:Can't wait. I threw the apple at her and she caught it. Gosh these next 3 days are gonna be fun! I walked pass the living room to go upstairs, but I heard Marlon calling us. I walked backwards to the room and sat on the couch opposite from Joselyn and Pamela. Marlon:Ok, you are the final three. Joselyn:Wooo! Marlon:And before Mike can eliminate one of you and make his big decision, he wants to meet your parents. Pamela:Crap! Marlon:Tonight. Joselyn:So, they're coming to the house now? Marlon:Yes. Pamela:Huge problem. Marlon:They'll be here shortly so just wait, ok? Me:KK. Im worried now. Since my dad is Al Pacino and all, I think he might not be able to make it. I KNOW he isn't gonna mak it cause he told me before I came here that he was shooting a movie in New York. And my mom can't come niether cause she's a famous French model and her schedule is always busy too. So, Im the only one without a parent here. Great! The doorbell rung and Pamela answered the door. Pamela:Lyn, its your parents. Joselyn:Mom, Dad! *13 minutes later* Im still kinda parentless. Pamela's parents showed up, and they didn't looked pleased to be here. Im pretty sure they don't like Michael or something. I was sitting on the bottom of the steps looking down at my shoes. Im bored! I have nobody here for me. It just all sucks! The bell rung again, but I didn't notice cause I was deep in thought. Pamela:Al Pacino?! Me:(looks up) Dad:Is Maryse here? Me:(runs to him)Daddy! Dad:(hugs me)My little stromboli. Me:You made it! Dad:Yeah, I did. Me:What about the movie? Dad:I took the day off to be here with you. Me:You're so awesome. Dad:(smiles)I know. Me:Where's mom? Dad:She had to do an interview in France. Me:Figures. At least you're here. I showed my dad the whole house and my room. It really doesn't suprise me that my mother couldn't be here. She's my mom and I love her so much, but I've never really seen her that much in my life cause of her career so, she hasn't really been there for me. That's why Im so attached to my dad more. Anyways, when we showed up at the kitchen, its seems everyone was starstruck or something. Pamela:(whispers)Did you know her dad is Al freakin' Pacino? Joselyn:No, but damn. We better stop messing with her. Her dad is in the mafia. Pamela:Im not afraid of her or him. Joselyn:That's what you say, but I don't wanna wake up in a bodybag in the dumpster. Pamela:(looks scared) Me:(outside in the yard)Hey, guys! Michael left a letter! Everyone:(comes to me) Me:It says: Dear ladies, Im so glad your parents made it here. I asked them to come here to learn more about you three. You and your parents will be with me today so, Joselyn I want to spend time with you and your parents first. Pamela and Maryse, I'll see you later. Love, Michael. Joselyn:Ahh! I gotta get ready! (runs upstairs) Her mom:Wait for us. She went on her dates with her parents and Pamela and I were stuck here. My dad and I were in my room talking about Michael when I heard Pamela talking about me from the patio by the pool downstairs to her parents Pamela:To me, she is like so fake. She lives with her boyfriend and Michael keeps her? I don't get it, I hate her. Me:If your fake ass got something to say, say it to my face and not behind my back. Pamela:Alright then come down here. Dad:Do you need help with this? Me:No, I got this. (goes downstairs outside) Dad:(follows me) Pamela:I said you fake and I hate you. Me:(walks up to her)You're a little bitch! You talk so much shit and can't back it up! Her mom:Hey- Pamela:No, mom. Me:Im done puttin' up with your crap. You're a fake ass slut and you need to be exposed. Pamela:At least I don't live with my ex! Me:I don't care! I live with my ex, your point is!? Pamela:You shouldn't be here. That's my point. Me:I think you had too much botox. Its getting to you're little brain. Pamela:You want a piece of me? Me:No, you're not worth breaking a nail for. Pamela:That's what I thought, slut. Me:Im a slut?! I hear you in Michael room suckin' his dick almost every night, and Im a slut?! Dad:(whispers)Good job. Her dad:Watch your mouth, young lady. Me:Im sorry, but your daughter's a slut. Her dad:And you're trashy. Dad:Don't you dare step to my daughter. Who do you think you are, huh? Me:I don't know what Michael sees in you. You're a liar, a skank, a barbie wanna-be, and a cheap plastic- (pushes her in the pool) whore! Dad:Yeah, that's my little stromboli! She got that temper from me. Her dad:You encourage this thing?! Dad:You want some too? Her mom:(grabs her husband' arm)No, we're fine. Me and Dad:That's what we thought! We walked back in the house, and gave each other a high five. We make a great team! A few minutes later, Joselyn and her parents came back from their day with Michael and It was my turn. I wonder what we're gonna do today. When my dad and I walked downstairs and saw Michael standing there, he looked starstuck too. Why is everyone so suprise to see my dad? Michael:(shakes his hand)Hi, Mr. Pacino. Dad:Please, call me Al. Michael:(hugs me)You never told me your father was Al Pacino. Me:You never asked. Michael:Are we ready to go? Me:Yep. Michael:(smiles)Great. After a few minutes, I looked out the car window and saw what we were gonna do. I was so excited that I ran out the car and started jumping up and down. Im so happy!! Dad:(smiles)Calm down. Me:I can't! Michael:(giggles)Excited? Me:Yes, we're going horse back riding! Dad:Im just gonna be over here while you do that. Me:(whines)Daddy! Dad:Do I have to? Me:Yes. Dad:Fine. Only for you, stromboli. Michael:(laughs)Stromboli? Me:(blushes)Don't laugh. Michael:How can I not? How did you get that name? Dad:She used to eat it alot since she was 7. Michael:(giggles)Aww, so sweet. Me:(walks up)Shut up. Michael:(reaches me)Ok, Im done. Me:Better be. Michael:(tries to hold back his laugh) Me:Let it out. Michael:(laughs like crazy) Me:(walks up again)Gees! Dad:(hits his shoulder)Stop it. Michael:(stops) I walked up to one of the horses and pet its head and it licked my hand. It kinda tickles! The only problem was I couldn't get on it. When my dad and Michael reached me, Michael tried to help me on, but he was looking somewhere else. Dad:Hands and eyes off her bottom. Michael:Yes, sir. Dad:Al. Michael:Yes, sir Al. Me:(giggles)Michael, relax. Michael:Im trying. Dad:Try harder. Me:Dad, you're not making it easier. Dad:Ok, ok. After we got on the horses, they started walking. This is actually relaxing and we got a good view of the sunset. I named my horse Coconut for some odd reason. After a few minutes, I noticed my dad kept moving around and he got off. Dad:Im done, my butt hurt. Me:(whines)Daddy! Dad:I did my part now go. Me:Ok, pushy. Dad:Watch it. Me:(repeats)Watch it. Dad:(gives me a look) Me:(sticks my tounge out) Now its just Michael and myself. Together. On these horses. Alone. This is actually our first one-on-one time together cause the other times I spent with him, I had to share him with the other girls. But not anymore. Michael:(looks at the sunset)This is beautiful. Me:Yeah, it is. Michael:But its nothing compared to you. Me:(blushes)Stop, you're making me blush. Michael:(smiles)Its true. You know, I've never been intimidated until I met your father? Me:Why? Michael:Do you know who he is? Have you seen the Godfather? Me:Yes, I do and Yeah, I did. He's just a normal person like you. Michael:I know, you're right. Me:He might threaten to chop your fingers off and dump you in the ocean if you ever hurt me, but he's just another person. Michael:(sarcastic)Thanks, I feel so much better. Me:No probl-Woo! All of a sudden, Coconut, the horse, ran off and it caught me off guard. So I fell off and landed on my left shoulder. It didn't really hurt as bad as I thought it would. Michael quickly got off his and ran to me. Michael:Oh my God, are you ok? Me:Yep. Michael:Can you move? Me:(gets up)Yeah. Michael:Are you sure? Me:(smiles)Yes, stop worrying. Michael:I think we're done with this. Me:You think? Michael:(puts his arm around me)C'mon lets go back. Me:Im not getting on the horse though. Michael:(giggles)Ok. Michel and I walked back to where we started, but niether of us got back on the horses. We just had our hand on them and Coconut didn't run off anymore. Once we made it back, I seen my dad sitting on a bench smoking a cigar. Dad:That was fast. Michael:Yeah, we had to cut it short due to an injury. Dad:Who got hurt? Me:(points to my shoulder) Dad:(glares at Michael) Me:It wasn't his fault. I just fell, that's all. Dad:Just checking. Michael:I think we should end this early and go back home. Me:No, I can continue. Michel:You sure? Me:Yeah, I had worst injuries than this. Michael:Ok, then. So, Michael, my dad and I continued our day together and it was really fun. It was better then I thought it would be cause my ad actually told a joke. To me, it wasn't funny, but he never ever tells jokes so that suprised me. And he interigated Michael with a lot of questions about if I happen to win, what are his intentions with me and stuff like that. It was pretty annoying. We went back home after the sun started to go down, and Pamela went on her date, which I hope it was horrible. Later that night, our parents had to leave and I was kinda sad about it. Long story short, Joselyn went home and Pamela stayed. I was pissed off cause I really thought Lyn diserved to be here more than that fake barbie doll. At least I can spend more time with Michael. Michael also said that we should pack our bags cause we're spending our final time together in Hawaii! I wonder who's gonna win. Me or Pamela? To Be Continued....... *Its All For Love, L.O.V.E* 1313
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