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a little luv never hurt part 3
mike was at the door me: wat ru doin here mike: jada and arne told me u were leaving becuz of wat happened me: and so wat mike: if u do it'll only make matters worst me: how? mike: kelsey will be enjoying the satisfaction of u not being here she finds u as threat to me me: mike i dont want u mike: she doesnt kno that so just stay me: and let her ruin everything i luv an care for mike: no just ugh idk me: exactly cuz u already did that mike i thought we were friends i guess ur gurlfriend came first rite to scared to hang out wit someone unpopular mike: no i am not and how did i ruin everyting me: u r goin to get me pregnant u said that wat u guys were planning rite so now i cant go to college becuz ill have a baby mikE: well yea i guess me: i hate u michael u kno wat im not leaving but guess wat i'll make sure i get revenge on kelsey and u now plz leave before my father gets bak mike walked away he never looked bak either i felt like cryin so i knew i was going to stay just to save the talk wit my dad and to get revenge i heard the phone ring me: hello catera: hey cuz me: hey where ru i thought u were suppose to be here rite now \ catera: o ik but open the door i got a suprise for u me: ok fine so i walked to the door there stood catera my cuzin shes such an idiot but i luv her she came from nc too so she was also cuming to tell me wt hunt has been up to lately and shes goin to school wit me me: so hows hunter cater: o ummm..... yea he has a new gurlfriend me: really who? catera: ummmm... her name is payton terry me: really wow catera: but i got someone better then hunter look there twins but not identical catera got something out then showed me pics of them they were so sexy i was like in shock me: wow wats there names catera: one is brandon he's older and the other is colton me: really well which is which catera: the blonde one is brandon aand the brown headed one is colton me: i call colton catera: i hate u but u can have him that leaves me wit brandon me: watever so where are they catera: o yea we kinda have a double date in an hour me: omg i have to get ready i ran up the stairs to like a 15 min shower did my hair and got dressed i looked so cute i came down catera was sitting on the couch me: come on catera: wow dont we look nice me: i kno and so do u catera: ok lets go were eating at red lobster me: ok so we got in her car and yes she was a few months older then me but were still the same age wen we arrived i checked myself and got out we saw them standin at the door omg they looked een better in person catera: hey guys brandon: hey catera whos ur friend catera: thats my cuzin and her name is teryn colt was starin at me i tried not to feel akward but it did so i just talked me: its nice to meet u brandon *turnin to colt* u must be colton colt: yes but u can call me colt me: cool brandon: ok luve birds enough lets go sit down me: ok the boys walked behind us and i heard whispering then i turned around colton was lookin at my but and brandon was lookin at cateras i was like well take a picture why dont u me: ok lets sit down u guys we picked a booth one side for me and colt the other side for brandon and catera we ordered then we just sat and talked me: so wat school u guys go to colt: we got indiana high me: really i go there to i never see u olt: weve been on vacation me: o was it fun colt: yea we went to florida then massachutes me: wow i wish i could do that colt: maybe u guys can come wit us this weekend our parents arent goin and they said we could bring friends we were goin tobring michael and kelsey me: u kno them how ur to nice colt: well mike is nice its just he really likes kelsey so he acts that way towards others me: o i dont think u want to kno wat he did to me catera: wat did he do me: he made a sex tape of me and hima while i was drunk so i wouldnt kno if wat he was doing colt: really me: yea kelsey told him to colt: wow ru ok me: no i could get prganant and i wanted my first time to be special colt: o really me: yea colt: like how me: well with someone special someone i really really like and its someone at this table *lookin away* colt: ru sure its someone at this table who is it then me: i cant tell u colt: y not ill tell u if u tell me me: ok u first colt: its u me: really ru sure colt: positive now ur turn mee: ok fine mine is u too colt:*happy* really me: yea colt: well will u do the honors of going out with me and being my date all this weekend me: of course we ate all brandon and catera did was look at each other and smile then look the other way they did this a couple times but it was starting to get annoying me: ok u guys if u like each other go out plz colt: ik its so ovious brandon: fine catera would u go out wit me catera: yes they kissed i smiled i looked at colt he started moving in strangley i did to i never felt this way for hunter then we kissed it was a deep kiss but nothing to serious we pulled away i looked at him in amazement me: wow colt: same here me: u guys lets have a sleep over colt: yea that would be fun just the 4 of us me: u up for it brandon: im in catera catera: fine wat the hay whos house ur dads goin to be there teryn colt: its fine we can do it at my house me: really omg i luv u colt: i kno u do me: shut up we got up then we all meet bak up at colt house it tooks us a while to get there but we did so watever but wen they opened the door they didnt look to happy me: wat wrong................................ nxt one soon ok this one was lame yes i entered some new ppl to my story the twins colton and brandon rodgers hope u vote 10 votes plz thanks L.O.V.E TERYN
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