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Promises. <3 PART 2
Hey guys! Don't have much to say.. soo enjoy. And this is for the readers. =] -Shanice* _______ My mom had driven me to school cause I didn't know where the hell I was going, and cause I was running late. I went to the office so I could be fully registered in the school system. After that was completed, I got my schedule. My mom wished me good luck and left. I searched around for my class and I found it. I hesitated a while before I walked in the classroom. As soon as I step foot in the class, everyone turned around. I felt nervous and just wanted to run out the class.. instead I was just scanning every face I saw in there.. and the familiar boy from next door was in there.. and then it hit me. I know who he is! That's Michael Jackson!! Omg.. I was hyper inside but outside I just kept a straight face and played it off. But I kept looking at him.. I've never been so close to a celebrity before. Wow! Teacher:Hello, you must be new since I never seen you round' here before.. May I see your schedule? Me:*hands it to her* Here... Teacher:Hmm.. you're in the right class. Everyone this is.. *looks at the paper* Shanice. She will be here with us for the rest of the year. I'm Mrs.Prentice.. have a seat and copy what's on the board. I found a seat, but it was far from Michael. I took out a notebook and a pen, then I looked up at the board.. I stared in disbelief... Me:*raises my hand* Mrs.P:Yes? Me:You want me to copy all of that? Mrs.P:Well everyone else is so you must do it too. You don't get any special treatment since you're new so don't think that at all. Me:I wasn't even thinking that... Mrs.P:I don't care. Get copying or get out. Me:*mumbles*I choose get out... Mrs.P:What was that? Miss if you wann leave. Then leave.. the door is right there. At least my lesson won't be interrupted. Me:*gets up*Fine.. but you said it. *walks out the class* I got up and walked straight out the class. I went to the bathroom and I saw a girl in there, she was fixing her hair, and she looked like a nice person.. soo.. I figured id befriend her. Me:Umm.. hi. I'm new here. My name is Shanice... ?:Welcome to this school. Hope you like it here... Me:Thanks. What grade are you in? ?:11th. You? Me:I'm in the same grade. ?:Oook. Can I see your schedule? Me:*hands it to her* ?:You're in 3 of my classes! Me:That's cool. *smiles* What's your name? ?:Tiffany.. but call me Samone. Me:Ok. And I like your name by the way. Samone:Thank you. Why you in here anyway? Me:Long story, short. This lady named Mrs.Prentice wrote a lot of work on the board. And I didn't wanna copy it.. so she gave me an option. "Get copying or get out" and I chose get out. Samone:Haha. been there. Done that. But, this period is almost over anyway. Well I'm off back to my class now. See ya next period. Me:Bye.. She walked out the girls' bathroom. I stuck around a little before I went out, and when I did. The bell rang. And in seconds the halls filled up with students.. I was looking at my schedule so I could see where my next class was. I wasn't looking where I was going though.. so as soon as I realized that, I looked up and bumped my head into someones open locker.. Maaann did that shit hurt! I held my head trying to ease the pain.. and guy that was behind the locker... which was Michael Jackson.. closed it and walked up to me. Michael:I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen.. are you okay!? Do you want me to bring you to the nurse!? Does it- Me:It's okay, it's okay! I'm fine. And it wasn't your fault.. I-I should've looked where I was going. *walks away* Michael:....Wait! Me:Huh? Michael:Weren't you going that way? Me:*laughs*Right.. thanks. *walks away* Michael:You're.. welcome.... I guess. I was lost for about 2 good minutes trying to find my next class, which was spanish class. Then I finally found it! I walked in.. and saw Samone, the girl I met earlier. And following behind me was Michael.. he's in this class too. Coooool. But he sat somewhere by the window.. keeping to himself. I wanted to go talk to him... but I went to Samone. Samone:Hey girl! Me:Heyy. Samone:Well this is one of the classes we got together.. and that man up there aint the official teacher.. Me:Subsitute? Samone:Yep. Me:Soo... free period? Samone:Right. Me:Good! *puts my head down* I'm tired.. wake me up when this period is over. Samone: Hahah, ookay! The next period.... It was math. And Samone wasn't in this class.. But Michael was. And guess what? I just happened to be sitting next to him. We haven't said a word to each other though. The teacher wrote down math problems on the board to do. I got out my book, and my pen and started copying down the problems so I can get started on them. In about 10 - 20 minutes I finished them. I turned in my paper to the teacher so she could check my answers. Teacher: All of these are correct, good job. You're new right? Me:Yeah. Teacher:Welcome. I'm Mr.Young. You may have a seat now.. Me:Okay. As I was walking back to my seat, this boy reacher his arm out and slapped my butt. Ughh! Me:Touch me again and I'm gonna beat your ass up. Boy:Agressive and fiesty. I like. Me:*shakes my head & walks back to my seat* Quick enough, at around 2:45 PM, we were dismissed from school. My mom had picked me up since I didn't know how to get home. When we got in the house, she questioned me about school. Mom:How was school? Me:It was okay I guess. Mom:Made any friends? Me:Just one. Her name is Samone. Mom:Anything happen? Me:Not really.. but I did bump my head into Michael Jackson's locker. Mom:Well you should've looked where you were g- wait.. you said Michael Jackson's locker? Do you mean.. the lead singer of the Jackson 5? Me:Yes mom... he lives next door to us. Mom:How do you know? Me:I saw him yesterday. Mom:Wow. That's good I guess. Did you talk to him in school? Me:Barely... *sigh* Mom, I'm gonna go to my room for a while. Mom:Okay... I went up to my room and cried for a few minutes. I missed my friends and I knew I wasn't going to see them anytime soon. it felt like there was a knot in my throat when I cried, it was difficult to breathe too. When I stopped, I noticed that I was crying longer than I thought because about 30 minutes had passed. I was about to go downstairs but I heard a woman talking and it wasn't my mother. I went by the steps and peeped and saw Mrs. Jackson, Janet, and Michael sitting in our living room talking to my mom. I guess they came to greet us and stuff. I walked back to my room, lyed in the bed and just tried to calm down. Then I heard footsteps coming up the steps, then in the hall .. and then a knock at my door. I got up and walked to my door, then opened it. It was Michael. Me:Hi...? Michael:Hi. *smiles* Me:Umm.. do you wanna come in? Michael:I guess. I let him in. we both sat on my bed. Me:So what brings you to my room? Michael:Your mom said you were crying... Me:Uh huh... Michael:And I wanted to know if you were okay. Me:Ohh... Michael:So are you? Me:Yeah, I guess. Michael:Okay. But why were you crying? Me:Because.. well.. I wanna go home. I miss my friends.. and.. I don't know.. I just feel I don't belong here. Michael:I know the problem. Me:What? Michael:You're not used to it that's all. I remember when I first moved over here.. Me:When did you get used to it? Michael:Last week. Me:Oh great.... Michael:I was kidding. Me:Ohh...*giggles* Michael:I made you laugh.*smiles* Me:I guess so.. Michael:But don't worry about it, it'll get better here. And you'll end up loving it here. Just like I did.. Me:You sure? Michael:Positive. Me:You swear? Michael:I swear. Me:You promise? Michael:...I promise. Me:You pinky promise? Michael:Enough! Me:Kay *laughing* fine.. haha. Michael:You're laughing again *smiles* Do you feel better? Me:Sorta, kinda. But, thanks for being so concerned. Michael:You're welcome.. and sorry again about the locker incident earlier. Me:Its okay. it was my fault.. I was looking at my schedule and yeaah.. it's really okay. Michael:Okay good. Me:Lets go downstairs, I wanna meet your mom and stuff. We went downstairs so I could introduce myselfa to them and later on, they left. Michael is a good guy. He was keeping my company and trying to make me feel better about being here in LA then we started to get along really well. Janet is like a mini Michael. She's so cute! And she's really nice. And Mrs.Jackson would probably be the sweetest woman in the world. She was so nice and understanding.. sometimes I wish my mom was like her. TBC.... Hope you liked it. =] And sorry for any mistakes you notice.
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