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Journey to Defining 12
HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY TO KATHERINE JACKSON(*MOMMA KATHERINE*) I would like to THANK MOMMA KATHERINE for bringing us the MOST WONDERFUL GIFT GOD could ever bless us with(*MICHAEL JACKSON*)..Thank You Ms.Katherine for being STRONG..THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING... <3 I stared at Michael in complete silence,he looked at me waiting for an answer.I put my head down but i couldnt bare the look on Michaels face.He came closer to me and grabbed my chin with his whole hand and put my head up,we were staring into eachothers eyes..i wanted to cry but i just couldnt because i didnt want Michael to know what was going on... Michael:Nadirah did Jackie put his hands on you Me:(pushing his hand off my chin) No Michael i told you i fell Michael:are you lying to me Me:no i am not,and what does it matter to you anyway Michael:because no man should be putting his hands on a lady Me:well Jackie's not doing that to me so just let it go The bathroom door opened,my stomach dropped when i saw someone i didnt really want to see,Michael saw the look on my face and he turned around..There Jackie was just staring at both me and Michael... Jackie:(strong voiced) whats going here Me and Michael:.... Jackie:are you two deaf.. i asked a question Me:Michael was just helping me change Shawnee's diaper Jackie:looks to me her diaper is already changed,so i dont see why the two of you are still in here Michael: we were just about to leave Jackie:(staring at me) okay so you can leave now I look at Michael and grab the diaper bag,Jackie moves from the bathroom door and lets me out..Michael and Jackie stood there looking at eachother for awhile until Michael walked out the bathroom.I went to go sit on the couch and all i could to is think...I had a feeling When i got home Jackie was going to hit me again and i wasnt looking forward for it.Marlon took Shawnee out my hands,this gave me a chance to go into the kitchen and speak to Ms.Katherine..... Me:need any help?? Ms.Katherine: oh no sweetie no thanks i got it Me:okay then(looking into space) Ms.Katherine:(looking at me)is there something wrong Me:uhhh no not really Ms.Katherine:not really?? okay tell me whats the matter Me:i just wanted to know if i can stay here for the night Ms.Katherine:(looking at me strange) why would you want to stay here..is there something going on at the house Me:well Jackie is getting a little to agressive Ms.Katherine:and by aggressive you mean.. Me:i mean he's not acting the same.. i just dont... Joe comes into the kitchen and interupts me..I waited there for awhile for him to finish but he kept continuing on..I walked out of the kitchen and headed towards the dining room,i sat down at the table and put my head down..I felt the table shake so i knew somebody was sitting there with me..I didnt bother to put my head up because i really didnt care.I heard a soft voice saying my name but i ignored it..I felt a hand lightly stroke my shoulder...i looked up and saw Tito Tito:are you alright Nadi Me:yeah im fine Tito:is it Jackie Me:what?? No just a alittle tired.. Tito:mmm okay but if there is anything you need to get off your mind im here for you alright(flashing me a smile) Me:Thanks Tito i appreciate it Tito walks away and leaves me alone.He was the only person to make me smile today..I Thank Him for that...I was smile to myself until i see Jackie coming towards me..he put his hand around my shoulders making me flinch. Jackie:ready to go Me:yeah i guess Jackie:well lets go then Mostly the whole family was in the kitchen,I went towards them and said my goodbyes,they werent to happy about it and so wasnt I..I really didnt want to go home..I took Shawnee out of Marlons arm and headed for the door..And then i remebered i didnt say goodbye to Michael either Ms.Katherine...I went to the car and got everything situated..I sat in the car waiting for Jackie to come out,i see him coming out the house with a smile on his face until he looks at me and the smile goes down..he gets in the car and starts to drive off.He had a mad look on his face..i felt like i was going to throw up..After awhile of silence in the car we finally got home.I took the baby to her room and layed her down in her crib...As soon as i turned around to head for the door..Jackie smacks me right across the face..AGAIN..i fell to the ground trying to get up..but he pushed he back down..he climbed on top of me and started punching and slapping me everywhere.he even took off his shoe and started hitting me with it.I was begging him to stop but it was like he wasnt even hearing me.He grabbed onto my shirt and dragged me into the bedroom..he lifted me up and threw me on the bed..i was crying my eyes out and he was just sitting there breathing hard and looking at me.Blood was everywhere,My shirt,the rug,and the sheet,there was a track of blood leading to where he dragged me from... Jackie:stop the fucking crying right now Me:(still crying) Jackie:(coming towards me) i said stop crying Me:(wiping my face) Jackie:how dare you be alone with Michael and with my child with you..and how stupid of you to tell my mother you wanted to stay at her house..why would you do that huh Me:im sorry Jackie i just thought we needed sometime apart thats all Jackie:so what you dont want to be with me anymore Me:i didnt say that Jackie:so what are you saying then Nadirah..you know what dont even answer that..i cant even look at your face anymore...clean yourself up He walked out the room..just leaving me there.I went into the bathroom and washed off my face..it looked like it was starting to bruise..i went to check on the baby and then i layed down and went to sleep..in tears.. I woke up the next morning with every part of my body hurting,i turned around to see if jacie was there but he wasnt,but i did see boxes next to me..they looked like presents..i sat up in the bed and grabbed a box.I saw a card on it and i opened it..It Read.. To Nadirah, Im sorry for how i treated you yesterday,i never should have put my hands on you.I dont want you to think that im a bad person because i am not.I hope these gifts will make you forgive me,i still want to be with you..because I Love You,once again Im Sorry..Dont Leave me Sincerely Jackie I threw the card to the side and shook my head..i got up and freshened myself up.I went into the kitchen to see Jackie sitting there looking at the wall.As soon as he saw me his face lit up and he got up to hug me.. Jackie:hey good morning did you like gifts Me:i didnt look at them yet Jackie:why not,wait dont you forgive me Me:what is wrong with you,you think im just going to forgive you because you wrote some stupid card..its not that easy Jackie:your leaving me arent you(tears falling down his eyes) Omg is this guy serious..he thinks just because hes crying im going to feel sorry for him..But for some reason,i went closer to him and hugged him real tight.What i should have done was beat the crap out of him but im not going to stoop to his level...We were there for awhile until the door bell rang..Jackie looked up at me and i let go of him, i went to the door and opened it.. To my surprise it was Tito.. Me:uhh hey Tito what are you doing here Tito:can i talk to you Me:about what Tito:can you come outside for a bit Me:umm okay I closed the door behind me,me and Tito walked to the back yard..it was silent and all we could hear is the birds..He stopped infront of me and took my hand.. Me:what is this about Tito Tito:i have to tell you something Me:what?? Tito:Im falling for you!!! To Be Continued....
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