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could this be pt.29
me and michaels relationship is falling APART!! i can tell he has another girl the perfume and makeup on his shirt the text messages and just 2 think whenever i wanna leave i cant i look into those big brown eyes its done my friend teryn has been with me through it all im so lucky 2 have a friend like her me:(talking 2 teryn)yeah i know its getting worse michael:(walking in )hey me:teryn let me call u back michael:what? me:(glaring)nothing were have u been u 3 hours late michael:uhhhhhhhh practincing girl nevaeh:dada michael:(picking her up)hey babygirl me:who is she michael:(frowning)theres nobody me:michael im not conflicted i know theres someone else just tell me michael:(going upstairs)i just never mind me:u just what! MICHAEL! michael:ITS TERYN ! me:what michael:im sorry me:(walking upstairs)yeah me 2 michael:no no no were gonna talk about this me:THERES NOTHING 2 TALK ABOUT MICHAEL! WERE OVER! DONE michael:ok then leave but you will be back me:(slapping him)u wish u sorry bastard michael:(getting mad)i think u need 2 go me:i think u need 2 fuckin chill out wit yo punk ass michael:(going in the room and throwing my clothes around)u wanna be a bitch ill treat u like one me:(calling randy) randy:hello me:whats up randy randy:hey foxy momma me:thank u umm i got 2 tell u something it might not be good but u gotta go along with the plan that comes with it randy:well me:well michael has been messin with your girl randy:WHAT! me:yeah (giggling) randy:why are u laughing ? me:because michael:who are u ..CATERA! me:yes? michael:r-ran-randy im sorry stop yelling randy:(hanging up) michael:(throwing my phone down)u enjoying this me:very much teryn:(coming upstairs)hey michael hey catera me:i know and oh u can have him and get ready for a call from randy hes not happy teryn:u told him me:is that a problem (laughing) teryn:im sorry i me:dont sweat it truth of the matter is your a hoe and michael is a punk ass bitch who cant do better teryn:hold u- me:hold what u aint gonna do shit! michael:dont hurt her me:oh i wont she aint worth it oh and u aint either both of u are sorry and i hope u rot in hell me:(packing my clothes and leaving)bye once i got nevaehs stuff i put it in my car and headed 2 randys of course i wasnt moving in but since im a evil bitch i might do a lil something with randy just 2 even the score but first i dropped nevaeh off at my mommas and my stuff i took me another shower put on something sexy and headed 2 randys me:(knocking at the door) randy:hey wow umm come on in me:(smiling)thank u (sitting on the couch) randy sat in front of me and since my dress showed alot of cleavage i leaned over 2 put my purse down and caught him staring me:(giggling)take i picture it will last longer randy:(clearing his throat)umm im sorry its just wow u lookin good me:(getting up and sitting on his lap)i put it on for u randy:really? me:yeah really (putting his hand on my thigh)u like that randy:uhhhhh i cant me:(kissing his neck)why not come on randy:i-i-i me:(leading him 2 his room)come on once i laid him down i unbuckled his belt and got on top of him i could tell he was enjoying this so i unbuttoned his shirt and took of his pants i could tell he was wanting 2 do the same for me but was 2 scared so i did it myself i handed him protection making sure i make no mistakes and started kissing him he started kissing me and turned me on my back i felt hi m slip inside me going faster and faster each minute i started screaming from the feeling and didnt want him 2 stop he turned me around and did the same but once he started going slow it really started feeling good me:(moaning)oh randy randy:(going faster) once he started going faster i felt him cum inside me and we reached our climax i was so tired but i had 2 leave since it was only 10 oclock so i put on my clothes on and hurriedly went 2 my momma and daddys house once i stepped in everyone waz up momma:who did u do it with me:w- daddy:dont play who was it we know damn well it wasnt michael me:it was randy so momma:if u get- me:its not like we didnt use protection momma:oh ok then your room ready and we already got nevaehs fixed up so dont worry daddy:come on once i got upstairs i was exhaughsted i took me a shower put some pajamas on kissed nevaeh goodnight and went 2 sleep RING RING me:hello ???:WHERE U @ BITCH! me:huh
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