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i love you always michael(part 11)
the next moring i looked beside me and i didnt see michael so looked in the bathroom he wasnt there and down stairs he wasnt there but he let a not on the counter dear kanik, im going to rehaerls early you can come in late today and get some sleep you dont even have to come today after i get done working i have to go shoot dirty dina and ill might get home at 12 or one i really dont know love, michael im gonna come early because i wanna talk to teryn she said she was gonna bring a friend so i watched some good times and mtv and went back upstairs to get ready i decided to wear skinny jeans and a black leather jacket michael bought me on my last birthday then i took a shower and blow dried my hair its naturally curly wild so i put a little gel on it so it settles down the wild curls put some eyeliner brown and some tan eye shadow and lipgloss not too much i hate wearing too much make-up i walked back down stairs turned off the t.v and got my keys and purse off the counter i walked outside got into the car started the car and drived i diceded to drive thu starbucks and get coffe i got my coffe and headed to the place when i got there i walked into the place i got my converses out of the car and headed inside i was walking up and there like this big pole i was about to walk into it when i walked around i saw michael and tatiana ........................................................................................................................KISSING WHAT i backed away so they couldnt see me thay were talking i was listening without them knowing tatiana:why cant we just be together michael:we are tatiana:you what i mean micke without..............that bitch you call your"girlfriend" michael:well ill braek up with her later tatiana:you better is she comin today michael:i dont think so i left her a note tatiana:yes!*smiled* michael:haha*smiled*your silly lets get inside they walked inside when they were inside i slide down the pole and cried ??:are you okay tink i look up it was a boy with light blue eyes soft pink lips and gold curly short hair he was cute a little then i finally knew it was........jojo i never looked at him really hard to know he was that CUTE i mean iallllllwayyyyys knew he like me but i always tell him we just need to be friends i whipped my eyes me:Jojo......is that you jojo laughed jojo:the one and only me:help me up he pulled out his hand he pulled me up so hard i jumped in the air then came back to the gound me:whoooo your strong jojo:well i work out eat my greens you know he flexed he's muscles i laughed jojo:feel em me still laugghing:ill pass a other time okay jojo:all right we laughed and went inside i forgot alllll about michael until i saw him sitting next to tatiana ugggggggggggghh i could kill him right now!he walked over to me and jojo stopped laughing michael:whats sooo funny me and jojo didnt say anything so i broke the slince me:oh nothing ummmm lets go jojo sooo we can find teryn jojo:ummmm okay we turned around and and headed to the dance room to partice my dance moves for single ladies(i mean the one she did for the mtv awards in 2009 love it!)and i ordered all the girl dancers to bring one piece swim suits and your highst pairs of high heels we saw teryn and her friend me and jojo walked up to them me:hey teryn who this teryn:oh hey guys this is my friend arne,arne meet kanika and jojo,kanika and jojo meet arne me and jojo and arne:nice too meet cha arne:ima fan love your music and your boyfriend michael toos i sorta fliched me:HE NOT MY BOYFRIEND! oops that wasnt suppose too come out everyone looked at me me:ha.ha ummmm mind your on buz-wax then i notice michael was lookin at me i was mad at him soooooo i said something that wasnt suppose to say out lound me:WHAT THE HELL R U LOOKIN AT michael was shocked he just walked away i turned around me:(hard sigh)sorry about i looked up at them there mouth was wide opened i tryed to lightin the mood me:you trying to catch fies they laughed jojo:sooooo you guys werent together anymore i was gonna tell you what he was doin outside or later today me:i know he's cheating on me jojo:that goooooood i mean not sooo good.....i guess me:yeah now i have to make it offical tonight i looked at my ring hand played with it on my head teryn and arne:HE MARRIED YOU jojo looked kinda upset set me:(sigh)he was but not anymore i looked at jojo and we were looking into each others eyes me:im waiting for someone else teryn amd arne gasped i smiled at jojo he smiled back____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________hope yah like it this to my new friends arne and teryn you guys are the best
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