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i love you always michael(part nine)
okay you guys this stoy is getting better so keep reading and VOTE this is for my new friend on here teryn___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ so now me and michael are starting to look for dancers this are the guys james marous*i know that name from so where* jo jo*i know that name too* kentay(in life thats my brothers name hes 9 mounths old)*i know him also* camren justin fernado and adam and the ladies were tatiana teryn*hey i know that name too* hether hannah anna sammie ke-ke ashely me:michael michael:yeah babe me:i think i know some of this people michael:are you sure you know some people have the same name the dancers and when the man called there name they step out and said "here" man:teryn teryn stepped out teryn:here and smiled and waved to the crowd me:TERYN IS THAT YOU! I CANT BELIVE ITS MY BESTIE FROM HERE I GROW UP IN LIBRYA(hope i spelled that right)i havent seen her seen me and my sistes and brothers let teryn started looking around i got up and ran on stage and hugged her teryn:OMG YOU KNOW MY NAME i puled back and smiled at her me:YEAH I KNOW YOUR NAME YOUR MY BEST FRIEND teryn:I AM*gave me a crazy look*i...am WAIT...YOUR she finally knows who i am me:say it teryn:TINKER!! me:YUP teryn:......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the guards and michael ran up to us and these 2 guys names jo jo,marous,kentay they who i was and knew them too me:you guys i've missed you jo jo:i miss you more jo jo gave me a BIG HUG i saw michael at the coner of my eye i was soooo excited me:michael come and meet my besties my friends:omg its its MICHAEL JACKSON me:clam down friends:okay wow jo jo:yall date me:yeah duh didnt you know that friends:NO! me and michael looked at one other and laughed me:really you didnt know that friends:no me:ooo.kay.then i signed them up on the stop i knew they could dance really good we wactched the rest of the dancers we signed up adam,james,anna,sammie,ke-ke,james and we headed to the house my friends with us michael liked them i mean who wouldnt there the best we and tatiana came too she was sooooo nice me and her became friends tatiana:your lucky me:how come tatiana:michael is you boyfriend i smiled me:i know right tatiana was sitting to michael talking michael piont of view i was thinking who the hell is jojo and is he alllllll on my girl then tatiana came over to talk tatiana:hey mike me;hi how are you she sat next to me tatiana fine and you michael:okay tatiana:i got a gift for kanika will you help me get it me:sure we headed to the door and kanika looked at me and smiled i smiled back and winked at her and made a kissie face she laughed kanika:where are you going me:to go get your gift tatiana gave you tatiana:yeah i left it in my car just in case you voted me as one of the dancers so were gonna go get it kanika:kay bye tatiana:bye me:bye baby kanika:bye love we headed out the door we got into the car i drove this time and tatiana sat in the passger side me:so are you excited to be on tour with us tatiana:yeah who wouldnt i laughed she started staring at me me:what tatiana:your cute thats wired me:okay she got up and kissed me eww but i like it what im thnking im engaged! me:STOP STOP tatiana:what me:kissing me i have a girlfriend tatiana:so....i wont tell her ........michael i lo9ve she dosent if she love you why is she hanging out with jojo soooo much micke that girl dosent love you i started to think about it tatiana is right soooo i kissed her michael:right im sorry i love you too i mean shes hot tatiana laughed and sat back in her sit and i started the car and we were half way to the parking lot so it wasnt that far to drive we finally got to the place tatiana wakled over to my side of the car and walked with me we went into the car and got the gift it was a necklace an maching earrings i put themin the car and started to get in tatiana:WAIT michael:what tatiana:lets go inside really qick michael:why tatiana:i wanna do something me:okay we went inside a room i there and then she started taking off her clothes she looked HOT then i took off my clothes we had sex for 10 mins. i wish it was longer but we had to get to the house as we pulled up to the house......it hit me.i cheate on someone i love who could have been my wife____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OMG YOU GUYS LIKE wait just wait its gonna get better
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