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No Matter What **Part 3**
Hey guys. I like to dedicate this story to new two persons that I didn't give a shout out to on my 1st part... Norah and Emy. Thanks for liking my story girls =) Well shall we get started with part 3 now? ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours later I went back home. Well after hanging with Jesse. He seemed like a very nice guy. Well he was handsome and he treated me nicely. Anyways, back home. I entered the house and there was no one. So I sneaked into my room and took of my clothes and slipped into a pair of PJs. I was so tired I headed straight to bed. It felt so good to open my hair. I had it in a clip earlier. Well I put my head into the pillow and I was going to sleep when I heard someone knocking on my bed room window. I was so frustrated and I really didnâ??t want to get up. I wanted to SLEEP. I ignored at first but then again there was a knock. I got up and saw that it was just a bird. What the hell was a bird doing knocking on my window? Dude piss off I want to sleep. He went after I scared him off. I went back to bed and under the sheets and I drifted off to sleep. Thank god into my dream world. Next day I woke up at 10am. I just woke up like that. No alarm, no nothing. I did my morning routine and I wasnâ??t really in the mood of looking in my suite case for what I should wear. So I took out the 1st that came into my hand. It was a shirt, and well I wasnâ??t in the mood for looking for pants. I wore it with panties and went down. Shirt: http://www.gojane.com/36902-dresses-peacock-feather-flutter-sleeve-dress.html I went down the stairs and I found no one in the living room. I entered the kitchen and there he was Michael! God, I was so mad at him. Hey whereâ??s that lady? Oh probably went. Thank god, I really didnâ??t want to look at her ugly face anyways. Michael was reading a newspaper while eating. He looked at me and his eyes widened. Here we go again! Michael: Youâ??re not going out like that now are you? Me: Ah. Michael stop giving me those stupid clothe lectures. How come when your girl wears those its ok with you? Oh wait, you do want to see her like that. And her ugly boobs. Michael: What? Me: Ah. Forget it. I got my food and sat and ate in silent. I really hated sitting here with Michael and eating. I donâ??t know why am I so evil? I mean seriously whatâ??s wrong with me and Michael. We never get along. Unlike Janet and Michael, theyâ??re like always together. Me and Janet though are close too. She tried getting me and Michael closer, but all we do is argue. Janet, I remembered I wanted to call and see how sheâ??s doing. I finished breakfast and as I stood up and went for the phone Michael said, Michael: Who are you calling? Me: **Dialing** none of your business! Michael: Yes it is. Me: No it isn't. Michael: I'm older in here, so I'm supposed to know. Me: **Ignoring** Michael: Answer me. Janet: **Picking up** Hello? Me: Hey dude, how are you? Michael: What dude? Are you talking to a boy on the phone? Janet: Suze? Hey sissy, what's up? Me: **Walking around** Oh I'm doin well. **Looking at Michael** Very well. Michael: **Coming behind me** who are you talking to? Will you answer me already? Janet: Not again Suze, why are you teasing Michael? Me: He's being so annoyin right now. So I called you to talk to you. **Whispering** I'm gonna talk to you as if you were a boy. **Aloud** K, babe? Janet: Suze. **Laughing** God you're like mental crazy. Me: **Laughing** Oh I love you too babe. Michael: Babe? What babe? You have a boyfriend? **Snatching the phone** If you ever talk to my sister again I will literally kill you with my bare hands. Janet: Wassup Mike. How are you my applehead? Michael: **Embarrassed** Dunk? I'm so sorry, I thought you were --- Oh no you didn't just do that Suze. Me: **Laughing on the ground** Michael: **Sigh** Sorry Dunk. Janet: It's ok Applehead. Michael: **Smiling** I thought I was the one who needed to talk to my sister, god Michael. Why do you interrupt on everything? He took the phone and started talking to her leaving me sitting on the table with the breakfast. Ah, I swear this sucks. As I was flipping the channels one of Michael's body guards came to me. BD: Mrs. Jackson there is a man who claims to be your friend. Me: Um, what's his name? BD: Jesse. Me: Oh Jesse. Let him in, I know him. BD: K. He went out and got me Jesse in the room. I totally forgot I was wearing only a shirt without my pants. Jesse came in with the bodyguards. They went out and Jesse's mouth was hung open looking at me from "up" to "down". Me: **Laughing** What? **Looking at myself** Oh well, I didn't wanna wear pants. So this came into my hand. Jesse: You look great. Me: Thanks. Well? Why did you come here? Jesse: Damn those bodyguards gave me one hell of a hard time to get in here. Me: Oh you know, Michael and all. Jesse: Oh yeah I know. **Straightening himself** I came to see you. Me: **Blushing** Oh thanks. Jesse: I thought that you would be alone in this house and all... and well your fights with your brother. Me: **Smiling** Jesse: Damn, did you see your brother's house and Never Land. I was standing in awe looking at all those games. Me: **Laughing** Yeah I was in the same awe. Hey wanna go for a ride? Jesse: **Smiling** Sure. We went out and the first game we went on was the "Farris Wheel". We reached the top and Jesse looked at me and he did the most unexpected thing ever --- he kissed me. And guess who saw us kissing ------- Michael: SUSANNAH!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks guys for reading and I hope you liked this part. I know it's kindda boring but it gets better =) And don't forget to vote guys, part 3 will be up by tomorrow <3 - Vicky xD
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