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Business With Pleasure Part 1
Hey, Breyonna here! Im starting a new story that I wanted to post for a while now. Im still gonna post Me & Michael's Foridden Love though. Hope you all like this one. Dedicated to MJ and everyone on MJSite. Its just an ordinary day at MJJ productions, the sun is shining through the glass windows, people were talking business-like, and I was waiting for Michael to arrive and inform me what to do. Im his personal assistant, I have been for the past 3 years. Oh I forgot, Im Rebecca McMichaels, 22 years young. Im half Caucasian and half African American. I look like this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FW86_jO7k_A/Sx5V__KeF-I/AAAAAAABVfU/7z_kwGQDDTI/s400/Tatianna400x300.jpg I know my ring is big, but I like big things (not in that way!) I wear it everyday, everywhere. Michael said he loves it when I wear it so that makes me wanna wear it more. Anyway, Michael finally arrived and he did something I never thought he'll do. He cut his hair! Its really short, but not that much. I love it, its so different. He looks....Sexier. Michael:(walks towards me)Hey, Becca! Me:(smiles)Good morning, Mike, why are you so...bubbly today? Michael:What I can't be bubbly for once? Me:Uh no. Michael:(giggles)Whatever, girl. Me:I love what you've done to your hair. Michael:Really? Me:Yeah, its se...Different. Yes that's what I was gonna say. Michael:I know what you what you was about to say, but Im gonna let it slide. Me:(blushes)Ehh..Oh some executives are in the meeting room waiting for you. Michael:Aw man I forgot about them. How long they've been here? Me:I don't know probably um....8 minutes. Michael:Ok, I'll talk to you when Im finished. Me:No problem, dude. He went to have his meeting and Kasey came over to my desk. She works here too, She's in charge of all the paper work that comes here. We tell each other everything. Kasey:Girl, did you see how sexy he looks? Me:Uh, yeah he was right in front of me. Kasey:You know you want him. Me:(blushes)No, I don't. Kasey:Don't lie to me. Me:Im not lying! Kasey:You want me to slap you? Me:Ugh! Fine I want him, happy now? Kasey:Very. Me:I can't have him anyway. He's married remember? Kasey:Oh, yea to....Leslie? Me:Lisa Marie. Kasey:Whatever. How come everytime we see her, she looks angry? Me:Maybe there's trouble in paradise. Kasey:I hope so. Me:(gasps) Kasey:What? You know when you get married, the word divorce is all up in it. Me:(giggles)You're a mess. Kasey:I try. Me:I gotta get back to work. Kasey:Me too. Later. With her gone I could concentrate on finish reading these documents for Michael. I don't wanna be stuck her overnight so I might as well do it now. A few hours later, I was getting ready to go back home cause its 9:26pm, but I wanted to say goodnight to Michael. The executives left two hours ago. As I was getting ready to walk into his office, it sounded like he was arguing to someone on the phone. Michael:I don't want to argue with you anymore...I understand, but can we talk about this when I get home?...Im not trying to avoid you, Lisa! Fine do whatever you want! Bye!! Michael slammed the phone down on his desk and deeply sighed as he rubbed his temples. I've noticed him and Lisa argue alot! I though it was "minor", but now I know its way from "minor". I've been married before to a guy named Zach so I know what it feels like. We was together since highschool and in our freshman years he got me pregnant with two kids. A boy named Shawn and a girl named Ava. Their both 4. Zach and I ended up getting married after we graduated, but after 2 months he started being abusive towards me and drinking lot and I didn't want my chidren to be around a bad influence like that so, I filed for divorce. Its not finalized yet. I bought a house in Beverly Hills so, I know what divorce feels like and its not pretty. That's why I don't want that to happen to Michael. I walked into his office, but I guess he didn't hear me cause he didn't move. Me:(walks towards his desk)Michael? Michael:(raises his head)Yes? Me:I uh wanted to say goodnight to you before I go. Michael:Can you stay alittle bit longer please? Me:Sure. What's up? Michael:I need some marrige advice. I know you've been married and I know you're getting divorced...This is my first marrige and its nothing like I thought it would seem. Me:Well just sit down together and express how you both feel. Lisen to her and try to understand where she's coming from then you do the same. Michael:Are you sure about this, girl? Me:Would I ever lie to you? Michael:No, I guess not. Me:(looks at the clock)Oh, I gotta go pick up the kids from my mother's. Michael:I'll take you there if you want me to. Me:Oh, no its ok. I got a car. Michael:Can I come with you? Me:Sure. I can use some company. Michael:(takes my hand)Great come on.(runs off) Me:(giggles)What's the hurry? Michael:I can't wait to see your kids. I haven't seen them in forever Me:You last saw them 3 days ago. Michael:That's forever to me. Me:Impatient much. Michael:(sarcastic)Thank you. We got in my car and I drove to my mother's house. Michael wouldn't stop smiling the whole way there. I guess he couldn't wait to see Shawn and Ava. We finally got their and I got out my keys to unlock the front door. My mother gave me the spare key to her hous just in case. Soon as Michael saw the kids, he immediately ran to them and hugged them. Ava:(smiles)Yaaay! Mikey's here! Shawn:Hi, Mikey! Michael:(giggles)Hey, I missed you guys. Ava:We missed you too. Me:Yeah, they wouldn't stop talkin about you. Shawn:Ava wouldn't stop talking about you. Ava:Nuh-uh you too. Shawn:No, you. Ava:You! Shawn:You! Michael:Come on, calm down you two. Ava:Shawn started it. Shawn:No, you did. Mom:Enough. Ava & Shawn:Sorry, Grandma Mom:Its ok, but behave. Ava & Shawn:We will. Me:Thanks for whatching them, Mommy Mom:No, problem, sweetie. Me:Come on, lets go home. Ava, Shawn & Michael:Yaaaay! Me:(giggles)You're crazy. We went back to my house and the kids got ready for bed. It was 3 minutes past their curfew. I guess you can call me a strict mom. It was getting late though so I offered Michael a ride home and we were talking about children, his marrige, my divorce, and even our wildest fantasies. We talk about everything and anything. Michael told me is wildest fantasy is to get a tub filled with melted chocolate with whipped cream and do you know what in there with a special girl. He didn't say Lisa =) After a while, I finally arrived at is house. Neverland. I love it here cause it always make me feel like a child again. Michael:Thank you. Me:For what? Michael:For everything. Mostly for being my best friend. Me:No, I should be thanking you. Michael:I know you're going through a rough time so, whenever you need to talk to someone, Im here for you. Me:Thanks. And if you need more marrige advice, Im here. Michael:I know you are...Well I should get inside, Lisa's probably worried about me. Me:Yeah, goodnight. Michael:You too. Michael moved in to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I guess he changed his mind cause instead he gave me a peck on the lips. Im not gonna lie and say I didn't like it. It might have been a little peck on the lips to him,but to m i was an all out kiss. Plus his lips felt so soft! Michael:(smirking)I'll see you tomorrow Me:(snaps out of it)What? Oh yeah sure. Oh my gosh, he's smirking! Did he kiss me on purpose? To Be Continued.......... *Its All For Love, L.O.V.E*
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