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Taken for Granted (Part 10)
Hi welcome back to my exuberant story! I hope the last one really kept you on the edge of your seats. Here's part 10 (double digits baby!) Id like to dedicate this part to my friend Elizabeth and Michael Jackson. ENJOY!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- I needed some family advice. And the only family that i had was my brother Kalvin. And he's in Germany right now. He graduated last year and immediately got to work with real estate. He's SUPER wealthy now. I think of him like a younger Donald Trump. He owns like 5 houses. One in France, one in England, one in New York, one in L.A. and one in Germany. I didnt wanna talk to him JUST by phone. And then an idea hit me. Me: *to self* Why dont i go to Germany? I decided to put my house on the market. I called Kalvin up and asked if i could live with him in Germany. He said yes and i quickly got to work. I sold pretty much all of my furniture except an old chair that my dad owned and a coffee table my mom owned. They were pretty much the only things i had left from my parents. I told Megan and Ann about my idea with moving in with my brother and, as heartbroken as they were, they said theyd help. I chose not to tell Michael that i was moving because he would ask why and i wouldnt wanna lie by not saying "because i wanna try to forget you." After 2 months my house was sold and Kalvin got me a flight that was straight to Germany. I said bye to Ann and Megan at the airport and i waited the 14 hour flight to Germany. Fun. Once the flight ended i was greeted by all of these German people. Good thing that i took German for a couple years. There was a person holding a sign with my name on it. Me: Um thats me. Person holding sign: Hello Ms. Jones. Im Mr. Parker. I'll be your driver to Meissen. Mr. Jones will be there when we arrive. Me: Oh thank you, Mr. Parker. Mr. Parker: May i take your bags? Me: Um sure. Thank you. Damn this guy was so proper and formal. You could never find a man as polite as Mr. Parker any where in Oklahoma. If Kalvin can find a driver as prim and neat as this, i cant even imagine what the house is gonna look like. We make it to Kalvin's house and i was in complete and utter awe. It looked like he was living in the German version of the Buckingham palace! I step out of the car and Kalvin comes out of the house. He's wearing a suit?!? Kalvin: Harper! Youre here finally! *hugs me* Me: Hi Kalvin. Ive missed you. Looks like you've changed a lot since the last time i saw you. Kalvin: Oh thanks. Wait that was a compliment right? Me: If you want it to be! Kalvin: Hey! Me: Oh im just messing with you Kalvin. Kalvin: Ya ya. So come on in. We walk inside the giant house and Mr. Parker puts down my bags and goes back to get the chair and the coffee table. Kalvin: So what have you been up to sis? *drinks tea* Me: Oh well did i tell you that i met Michael Jackson? Kalvin: *spits tea out* No! Me: Oh well i met him last year. Kalvin: Why didnt you tell me sooner! Me: I tried to but whenever i called you you always said "oh im busy." Kalvin: You could have just blurted it out or something! Me: Well SORRY! Kalvin: Its ok. So tell me all of the details. Was he as handsome as he is on TV and in the newspapers? My brother was gay. I guess Kalvin became gay because he didnt have a motherly figure growing up and didnt have the fatherly figure to teach all the things men like to do. He also has a crush on a few male celebrities. Which includes Michael. Which is kinda weird since i like Michael. But Kalvin just thinks Michael is cute, not absolutely in love with him. Like i am. Me: Yes. Kalvin: I bet that Steve of yours got jealous because of that. *sips more tea* Me: No he didnt. In fact i broke up with him last year too. Kalvin: *spits tea out again* WHAT! Why am i the last to know these things! Why didnt you tell me! Me: Cuz you never asked! Kalvin: Touche. (thats how you spell it right?) Me: Well Steve was cheating on me. Kalvin: Oh! You poor thing! Me: Ya. Turns out he was married to another woman for 5 years. Kalvin: Oh my God! Thats atrocious! Me: Yup. So how has Marcus been? Thats his boyfriend. Kalvin: Well small world here. He was cheating on me too. Me: Oh im sorry. Wow. People must really like to cheat on the Jones siblings huh? Kalvin: Ya. But it does give me the chance to be single now. And to search around. So do you like Michael? Me: Ya. Hes really charming. Kalvin: OOH! So why did you come here when you wanna be with him? Me: Well, thats why i came. I ran away because when i was about to tell him that i liked him... *starts to cry* Kalvin: Just let it out Harper. Me: *cries* Well he said that he took Brooke Shields to the Grammy's as his date! Kalvin: So? Me: Brooke dumped him a year ago before. *bawls* Kalvin: *gasp* How could he! Me: *still crying* I know! Kalvin: Well i have a suggestion for you. *hands me a tissue* Me: *wipes away tears* What? Kalvin: How about we completely get rid of all sorts of media from here. He's usually in the tabloids right? Me: *nods* Ya. Kalvin: Well i think that it would be better for you to not even see him any where while youre here. Me: Thank you Kalvin. Kalvin: *smiles* No problem Harp. How about i show you to your room now. Me: Ok. He takes me upstairs and shows me into a beautiful room. It was all furnished up and done very well. It was all red too. A great color for this room. Me: Wow Kalvin! This is so lovely! Kalvin: Yes its remarkable isnt it! Well please make yourself at home. I'll tell Mr. Whithers that youre here. Me: Whos he? Kalvin: He'll be your well lets say "provider." He'll be helping you and assisting you while you stay. Me: Oh ok. But i dont think i'll really need one. Will i? Kalvin: Oh well when im out doing business he's gonna be the one to give you the help you need. Me: Oh alright. Well thank you Kalvin. Kalvin: No problem Harper. Let me go get him. Me: Ok. When Kalvin went back downstairs, Mr. Parker came up to drop off the chair, coffee table, and my bags. I started unpacking and put the furniture pieces exactly where i wanted them. It was kind for Kalvin to let me have my own personal assistant while i stay here, but i dont think that i really need one. But i'll play along considering all the work he has done to get my arrival ready for me. Kalvin soon came back in. Kalvin: Harper, this is Mr. Whithers. I turn around and right along side Kalvin was this handsome man. I thought Mr. Whithers would be some sort of old man. But not him. He was absolutely HOT! Was it getting hot in there or was it just him? Kalvin: I have to get going now. I'll be home in time for dinner. *leaves* Me: *gazing at Mr. Whithers* Mr. Whithers: Hello my name is Richard Whithers. *holds out his hand for me to shake* He was BRITISH!!! Ya!!! Even better! That made him seem even more sexier. He couldnt have been any much older than me. He had blonde hair, green eyes (YA!) and tall. Looks like that my luck was turning around. Me: *shakes his hand* H-Hi, Mr. Whithers, im Harper Jones. Mr. Whithers: Please call me Richard, if you like. Me: Sure. Could this day get any better! I was suddenly REALLY attracted to RICHARD! I think im starting to forget about Michael already! ----------------------------------------------------------------- What did you think! I know that youre hating me for making her find another guy. But trust me it'll get better. I promise. PLZ VOTE i want at least 10. Until next time, BYE!!!
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