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i love u daddy part 13
prt 13 i have a new addition to my stories now her name is mandy u mite know her she gets on here a lot so here goes the story the nxt mornin i woke up an took a shower an did everything u should do in the mornins then i went down to daddys room i used my "emergencies only" key to get in daddy was still asleep but he had someone beside him it was a blonde chick *no offense to any blondes out there* i looked at daddy his eyes started to open i think he saw me becuz wen i was crawlin i saw his feet appear in front of me me: he daddy daddy: ter wat u doin me: o nutin just came to see how u were doin guess i came at the wrong time huh daddy: wat do u mean i poited to were the lady in the bed was daddy: o yea me: im goin to go call mandy about my birthday party daddy: whos mandy me: shes been my best friend since i was 3 years old daddy: then y havent i met her yet me: maybe becuz ur never around i walked out the room back to mine mommy was up takin a shower so i got the phone out an dialed mandys number mandy: hello? *soundin tired* me: u sound sleppy mandy: yea cuz i am did u forget the time difference me: o im sorry just wanted to see if u were still comin to my party mandy: yea and i met this guy an told him about u he said he was intrested his name Justin Bieber me: huh? cute name give me his phone number an ill give him a call mandy gave me his number i said ok an then i told her ill let her sleep she laughed an said ok an shell call me later we said goodbyes an hung up daddy an tat woman knocked at the door mommy got it i didnt even realise she was out of the shower mommy: hey mike an who might this be lady: hi im debbie mommy: hi im catera um ru preganant me: hello may i introduce myself im Teryn michele Jackson we shock hands an i reapeated mommys question me: yea umm ru preganant debbie: umm yea 6 months acctually me: whos the father debbie: michael me: michael who debbie: michael jackson sweetie the one standin beside me ur father i looked at dad mommy: wow mike u sure do have alot of secrets dont u me: yea ummm wat happened to lisa u guys were still datin werent u daddy: um yea but at first me an debbie were just friends then i started to like her so u kno had sex wit her i thought i was goin to puke mommy: o how great i just need to go 2 the bathroom to brush my teeth again me: i tink i should to i think injust barfed up somethin me an mommy walked away mommy used alomst half the listerine bottle i laughed at her mommy: how can he choose her im man look at her she looks like a pig wit hair me: haha mom just calm down im sure this will blow over in a month maybe mommy: yea ur probably rite no offense to her but he should have stayed wit lisa me: ya i think so to me an mommy walked back in i saw daddy lookin at some photos him an mommy had wen they use to date i saw the sparkle in his eyes i cleared my throat he jumped me: haha lookin at somethin daddy daddy: umm no me: i kno ur lyin daddy: yea i kno me an daddy laughd i think debbie went bak to the room mommy an daddy went to take a walk i was happy to see them together wit mommy an daddy mommy: umm... mike teryn told me u were lookin at our old photos daddy: yea its true mommy: do u miss us bein together daddy: yea i do mommy: really daddy: actions speak louder then words daddy came up an kissed mommy they went to a different hotel an stayed the nite it got really kinky haha i was startin to worry then i decided to call this justin boy his name sounds familuir i dialed the number an it rang 2 times before someone picked up me: hello may i speak to justin plz justin: speakin me: o well my friend told me tat she met u the other day btw im teryn, teryn jackson justin: o hi yea ur friend name is mandy me: yea ur name sounds really familuir justin: it should i made the new song one time an one less lonely gurl me: an who might tat lucky gurl be justin: i dont kno but i have a feelin i just met her i giggled me an him talked til 12 midnite my time i told him i have to go he said ok we said our good byes an hung up mommy still wasnt bak so i just decided to go to sleep if she comes shell come nxt one comin soon hope u like it bye guys vote plz dedicated to mandy catera and mj L.O.V.E TERYN
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