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2000's lovers part 17
Kenny: Youâ??re getting toasted Me: Why are you using me as the test dummy? Kenny: well- Me: donâ??t answer that Kenny: (laughs) donâ??t worry I wonâ??t Me: Donâ??t you even think about it! (Giggles) Kenny: I wonâ??t but you know what to do right? Me: Yup, squat down with your legs at a 90 degree angle (squats down) and keep your shoulders square Kenny: push the toast button! Me: God toast sounds pretty good (I get shot up quickly out of no where and land back on my feet) Kenny: you gonna be okay? Me: Yeah, I didnâ??t really expect that though (smiles) I thought we were counting down Kenny: wellâ?¦whatever (looks at the dancers) you guys got how to do that? Mark: I do Alejandro: yeah Rest: yup! Me: Youâ??re very nice Kenny: I know (smiles) thatâ??s why you love me Me: Yeah whatever (smiles) After about 2 hours of toasting the dancers, I started to work with them on the dance moves for Jam. We were having some lovely conversations while we were dancing. Jalen: So how old are you Mrs. Jackson? Me: Call me Kelly please (I smiled) and Iâ??m 49 Jalen: really? I thought you were 28 Me and Mark: Suck up (laugh) Jalen: what Iâ??m serious! You look like youâ??re 28 Me: well thank you Jalen: Iâ??m not being a suck up Me: I know your not! Relax (laughs) stop taking everything so personal Jalen: wellâ?¦yeah Travis: (Walks in) Are you almost done with the dancers, MJ and Kenny want to do a run through with them today on Jam Me: oh yeah, just about Travis: alright Me: Give me like 10 more minutes with them Travis: gotcha (walks out) Alejandro: Bam! (jumps into one of Michaelâ??s poses) Everyone: (looks at him) Alejandro: what? Me: did I tell you how random you are Alejandro: I think I did, I canâ??t remember (laughs) Me: (smiles and letâ??s out a small laugh) well you are very random, I like that Alejandro: thank you After we finished up working on the dance routine for Jam we headed out and Michael took over from there. They spent sometime working on Jam then I went back to working with them again and this time we spent about 4 hours working on routines for â??I want you backâ? and â??Wanna be Startinâ?? somethinâ??â? Iâ??m really loving these dancers all of them theyâ??re hilarious always making me laugh and theyâ??re always giving me a challenge for dancing. While Michael was finishing up for the evening with the dancers I was talking to Caitlyn. Caitlyn: gosh this is really an honor to be working with you two; this was my dream since I was like 3! This seems like a dream! Me: (holding onto Michaelâ??s towel) well you better believe it Caitlyn, because itâ??s true Caitlyn: I know! You guys have inspired me so much growing up, I always wanted to dress like you, act like you and Michael I mean you guys are such an inspiration to me Me: well thank you (I smiled and nodded my head, a little crept out) Caitlyn: yeahâ?¦youâ??re welcome (She smiled) There was something different about her, but I liked it. When Michael finished up he wanted me to toss him his towel so I did and he wiped the sweat off his face. I thought he looked pretty hot like thatâ?¦but any who, it was 2 a.m. when we headed home and Michael looked exhausted, I knew he was gonna fall asleep the moment his body meant that bed. *in the bedroom* Michael: God, Iâ??m exhausted (takes his shirt off) Me: I can tell, well itâ??s been a while but you did really good today (I slipped on my pajama bottoms and took my shirt off) Michael: thanks (he sat down on the bed in his boxers) Me: (I crawl on to my side of the bed and over to him and whisper in his ear) letâ??s get to bed (I sat back in my spot) Michael: Iâ??m way ahead of you (he said as he got under the covers) Me: (I slipped under the covers and waited for him to get situated and I placed my head on his chest) youâ??re warm Michael: (Smiles) youâ??re beautiful Me: thankies Michael: (giggles slightly) youâ??re welcome, letâ??s get some sleep weâ??ve gotta be up in about 8 hours Me: Mmmk (I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep) to be continued... Not until i get 10 votes and the next part will be up in 5 minutes!
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