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Chemicals collide part 2
Michael: Hello (he smiled) Iâ??m Michael Jackson I smiled and shook his hand. He had a good firm gripâ?¦and huge hands! Oh my God those puppies are huge! He probably could hit one hand around me. We were still shaking hands. Me: I know who you are (I smiled and said nervously) Michael: (smiles and jokes around) Man Iâ??m more popular than I thought Me: (slightly giggles) Michael: what is your name again? Me: Oh, Kellyâ?¦ Michael: Kelly?? Me: Kelly Marie Jacksonâ?¦ We stopped shaking hands, he looked at me still smiling and his children were looking at me. Michael: well, that is a great name Me: (giggles) thatâ??s what I thought too Don: Kenny, why donâ??t you tell Kelly about the 2nd part to her surprise? Kenny: Sure Manâ?¦I feel like a little kid for some reason, but I like it. Kenny looked at me and I couldnâ??t believe the words that came out of his mouth. Kenny: how would you like to come on tour with Michael for This Is It? Me: (not thinking about my ticket and not caring) okay (sounding dumbfounded) wowâ?¦this is such an honor Michael: (smiles) its an honor to have you with us Me: (about to cry from happiness and over joy ness) I mean this has been my dream since I was just a little girl to work with you Michael, you have no idea how honored I amâ?¦really Kenny: Michael, you know there is one more spot for a dancer Michael: (looking at me) and I think that spot just got filled, what do you say to that Kelly, being a dancer and singing â??I just canâ??t stop loving youâ? with me? Thatâ??s when I started to cry. I covered my mouth with my hands and nodded yes. I mean being on the road and on stage with him, thatâ??s totally awesome!! Michael put his arms around me and hugged me, I hugged him back. I almost forgot his kids were with him because they were so quiet. We hugged for a couple minutes then he let go of me, I stopped crying. Michael: are you going to be okay? Me: (I nodded yes and let out a little laugh) yeah Iâ??m going to be just fine, this is overwhelming for me though, I never thought itâ??d happen! Michael: well the dream is coming true (he smiled) rehearsals start tomorrow at the Staples Center at noon Me: Okay (thinking-â??where is the Staples Center?â?) Michael: see you tomorrow and Don donâ??t forget to order my pants Don: donâ??t worry I wonâ??t forget Michael: come on Children letâ??s go Michael walked out with his kids to the world filled with paparazzi and Kenny right along with them. I stood there now completely shocked, and then I thoughtâ?¦what about my job? Me: Don- Don: go for it Kelly, it was your dream to work with Michael, thatâ??s why I did it I know how much you love him and always wanted to work with him. My sister will fill in your spot until youâ??re back Me: (smiling) thank you Don: Youâ??re welcome Me: wait, how does Kenny know that I can dance? Don: I showed him the video back a couple months ago when you were dancing to â??Billie Jeanâ? he said you looked just like Michael when you dance Me: (blushing) well I have been studying his moves since I was a little girl. Don: (smiles) you better send me letters on your trip around London Me: I will, wowâ?¦London Don: (smiles) Iâ??m gonna let you take the rest of the day off okay? Me: Okay! I canâ??t believe Don, oh my lord he is my savior at the moment! My dream never would of came true, ever. Iâ??m glad I said something to Don. I headed home more hyper than a kid thatâ??s had a whole pound of sugar, ugh why canâ??t tomorrow come along already?!!! Time was moving so slowly for me around 9 p.m. I went to bed so I could be up early. Tomorrow. I was in the middle of a deep, deep sleep. When my house phone started to ring. I got up and looked at the caller ID, it was my mom. I ignored it and looked at the clock. Me: Oh crap, itâ??s 11:49. i don't even know where the Staples center is! to be continued... not until i get 10 votes :)
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