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Michael Jackson(Sexy Dream) Part 2
Michael is kissing me and i pull away Me:you know you would be my first boyfriend Michael:i would,well then are you willing to be my girlfriend sweetie Me:uhh....i would love to i hug him and we get out of the pool and are dripping wet with no towels on and it is like 60 degrees outside and the wind is blowing so me and mike run in the house and we get some towels and michael comes out of the bathroom with no shirt on and pants on they are solid black hehehehe Michael:what are you doing looking at me like that Me:oh i am so sorry Michael laughs at me Me:what i cant help if you are hot with just black pants on Michael:spins around and looks at me smiling Me:oooooo i quiver with fear Michael chases me around the house and i run inside the bedroom hoping it was a closet or something and i run in and see lit candles everywhere and i stop really quick and turn around and mike is still running after me so i run into his room closet and michael runs in the room and he locks it and i laugh so hard i give up my spot Michael:you acually think you can hide from me ooo thats is a big mastake Me:exactly how is i...... Michael cuts me off with a deep deep deep kiss and it isn't usual it is GREAT.he picks me up and puts me on the bed and he is on top of me unbuttoning my wet shirt and i roll him over unexpectantly and he starts to giggle b/c i took over then he rolls me back over Michael:no i am in charge Me:oh you are me and mike start to wrestle when we fall off the bed and we start to laugh and i didn't know until i open my eyes and see him only in his boxers and my bra is half undone Michael:lets go and get something to watch and something to et and drink Me:okay Michael puts his black pants back on and i fix my bra and i get one of his shirts since mine is wet and a pair or bed pants Me:do you have some sprit Michael:yeah its in the fridge michael gets me some sprite and we get chips and dip and we get the movie "sleepy hollow" we get into a hour of the movie Michael and i go into the room and he wraps his arm around my waist and i wrap my arm around his waist and we look at each other and start to laugh Me: we are pathet........... michael cuts me off by kissing me deeeeeeeeeeeeeply and he gets on top of me and we start laughing and i dont even bother taking control Me: are yo sure you want to Michael:are you sure you want too Me:yeah Michael:okay then thats my answer Michale take his shirt off of me and the i undo his pants and the we are both ripping off each other clothes when we get done stripping each other in goes inside (im still a virgin so it hurt badly)of me Me:got it hurts and your huge michael michael laughs Michael:sorry i will go easier Me:okay michael is shaking the bed b/c he likes it rough and well my first time having sex was with michael jackson mwahaaaaaaaaa i am sooooooo goooooooooodd and hurting right now) the next morning i wake up from hurting and i cant move Me:baby wake up and help me take a shower please Michael:alright im up Michael picks me up and turns on the hot water and gets in with me he bathes me while i bathe him after me.we get out after and hour or bathing each other and he helps me get dressed and he gets dressed and we walk down stairs and he cooks breakfast bacon,eggs,hash browns,and biscuits and we have orange juice we get done and me and michael go out side on swing on the swings and and we are talking when his cell phone rings he doesn't bother it and later he checks to see who called it was joe. Michael:humppppppppp my dad never calls me unless it is an emergency Me: maybe you should call him back too see why Michael calls him back and he answers it Joe:hey i called you earlier why didn't you answer Michael:sorry dad i have a friend over and we got carried away Joe: whose over there Michael:a girl we were having fun and i asked her to be my girlfriend well anyways why did you call Joe:awwwwwwww,well you boss called me and said you have to rehearse for your bad tour Michael:when Joe:tomorrow at 8 am can you make it Michael:i had plans but i Joe:well okay i will call him back and tell him Michael:thanx dad Joe:whatever bye Michael:bye dad
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