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Michael Jackson(Sexy Dream)
so one day i was walking to the liquor store and i dropped my house key.i never notice it until someone with a black hoodie and all black clothes on comes in and give it to me The Guy:excuse me miss you dropped this i was behind you when you were walking in and dropped it here you go Me:(omg i know that voice it is MICHAEL JACKSON)UHHH thanx um can i get your name please so in case i might run into you again please The Guy:(whispers)okay but dont go all crazy girl i am Michael jackson Me(really wants to scream)thank you mike Michael:your welcome but i have a question now can i get your phone number b/c i am a really busy man if you know with the music and stuff Me:sure so i give mike my number i get home and he calls Me:hello Michael:hello and let me guess you are drunk Me:no but i am alittle tipsy why Michael:i was wanting to know if we could hang about alittle if you want to if it is okay with you Me:okay what time do you want to hang out Michael:now Me: okay let me get ready Michael:alright i will have a limo come and pick you up i give him my address and he is here in 30 minutes Michael knocks on my door Me: hey Michael whats up i am ready we get in the back of the limo and the limo is all black leather seats and smells like a brand new car mhmmmmmmmmmm lolz Michael:you look good in just tight jeans and a tight shirt Me:(blushes)thanx and your not wearing you hoodie so i can see your cute face Michael:thanx your pretty hot yourself Me:you think so Michael:i dont think it i know so Michael scoots closer to me and leans in for a kiss but i reject Me:lets get to know each other more Michael:okay Michael is sitting very close to me where his upper thigh is basically right on my leg and he is sooooooo warm and hot like himself Me:so do alot of girls get this chance in a lifetime Michael:no not many b/c most of them arent as hot as you and i feel different when i am around you Me:what do you mean Michael:i mean i like you like you Me:well i like you we arrive at his home neverland and it is like so fucking big and pretty Michael:you want me too show you around or do you want to come inside Me:i think i might want to come inside it is kind of chilly out here Michael:well i could give you my jacket Me:you sure Michael:yeah no problem Me:okay he gives me his jacket Me:ooooooooooo it is still warm Michael:....(smiles and bites his bottom lip) it is Me:yeah why are you looking at me like that Michael:no reason Me:okay whatever mike (laughs) Michael:lets go to the pool Me:why Michael i want to show you something sweetie OMG i know Michael jackson did not just call me sweetie YAYAYAYAYA MICHAEL SHOWS ME THE POOL AND has an evil look on his face Me: i know what you are thinking and if you do i swear you will pay Michael:you and what army it is only us here what can you do too me Me:well i dont know PUSH YOU IN FIRST Michael:you do and your going in with me his jacket is making me hot so i take it off Michael:strip tease is no way to turn me on Me:i wasn't trying to turn you on but if you want i will Michael:ooooooooohhh i would love to see this Me:shut up and get in the pool Michael:not with out you Me: i dont want too(and i take off) Michael runs after me and i run away but not too far when he gets me and throws me over his shoulders and jumps in with me on his shoulders Me: you are going to pay Michael:yeah like i said with wha..... i cut him off with a kiss Me: like that so you better watch out Michael:....... Me:hahahahahhaha i got you back and.... Michael cuts me off and is kissing me but longer we kis for like 5 minutes
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