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Made me Better--3
Hey ppl hereâ??s our next part Love it, Enjoy it, Vote it. ???:Hello Me: Hi, mmâ?¦My name is Lauren Iâ??m calling for Michael Jackson. ???: What did I tell you to call me? Me: (laughing) Oh, hi Michael. Michael: Hey Lauren how are you? Me: Im doing okâ?¦How are you? Michael: Better since I am talking to you? Me: (blushing) awww, Michael that is so sweet. Michael: well I take it you got the note that Carlos left for you from me. Me: Yeah, I thought that you werenâ??t gonna come back to see me. Michael: Of course I wouldâ?¦ Me and Michael talked for hours. I had to get up early the next day but I didnâ??t want to get off of the phone, his voice made me all warm and tingly inside. We talked and talked and talked. This was what I neededâ?¦I needed Michael. Me: Well Michael ----- Michael: call me Mike. Me: Well Mike I have to go. Michael: (whining) Do you really have to go? Me: ummm yeah I have a job and I have to be there early. Michael: what time do you have to be there? Me: I have to be there at 10:00 am Michael: well ok Iâ??ll see you soon. When me and Michael hung up I didnâ??t pay what he had said attention. All I know was that I went to bed happy as could be. When I arrived at work the next morning Janelle wasnâ??t there, I hated being there alone because it seemed like everyone and there mama wanted something out of my store. As I gave the customer her bag I seen a tall man lurking around the store he kinda scared me but with all of the security around nothing bad was gonna happen. Me: Here maâ??am 12 dollars and 13 cent is your change enjoy the rest of your shopping. (God I hated saying that lineâ?¦ I could careless about your shopping experience) Tall Guy: Hey (pulling magazine off of shell and putting it on counter) I want this magazine. Me: ok sir thatâ??ll be 6 dollars. The guy throw paper instead of money on the counter, the note said : can you come to my place at 7:00 tonight? Me: (whispering) Michael, is that you? Michael: Yesâ?¦so can you? Me: yeah..i can come over. The entire day went by so slow. I couldnâ??t wait to get the hell out of there. When the clock hit 5:00 I was gone. When I got home I called Michael to let him know that I was going to be there in a few. When I got out of the shower I put my under clothes on and then I put on my outfit. I wore a form fitting dress, the dress hugged every curve on my body it was black and stopped right at the midpoint of my knee. My shoes were red heels and my assecories were a black and red necklace and a pair of black hoop earrings, and my hair was swooped into a curly ponytail. When I arrived at Michaels house I was instantly nervous. When I rang the door bell my enemy opened itâ?¦the chuffer. Carlos: how may I help youâ?¦(looking at me closelyâ?¦surprised) youâ?¦.you are the girl at the mall. Me: Yeah I am, good to see you to so youâ?¦ so gone let me in or what? Carlos: (angrily) why are you here? Me: (sly smile) Michael invited meâ?¦so can you get him please. Carlos: (irritated) hold on, Michael sir your (glaring at me) guest is here. Me: (walking in smiling) thank you. After getting Michael for me Carlos went off to whatever he was doingâ?¦like I care to know what that was. Michael: (walking up to me smiling) Hi Lauren, (hugging me)you look beautiful. Me: (hugging him back) thank you Michael, you look really handsome yourself. Michael: Thanks, we can go into the dining room now. Me: ok As I followed Michael to the dining room I looked at the paintings, and all of the beautiful things that we were passing. This house was gorgeous I never seen anything like it before. When we were in the dining room Michael and I sat across from each other. Michael : You look really pretty tonight Laurâ?? Me: you can call me Laurie. Michael: okâ?¦ you look pretty Laurie. Me: (blushing) thank you Michael, so you live here alone? Michael: yeah this is my get away homeâ?¦.like when the paparazzi and family get to crazy I come here. Me: So which one was getting to crazy for you family or Paparazzi? Michael: (smiling) Neither. Me: (smiling) so youâ??re here to be alone with me. Michael: yup that was the plan for tonight, for the both of us to be alone for dinner. Me: (blushing) Well I think that was a great idea. Me and Michael were so close to kissing but the chef interrupted. We both ate our food and talked a bit. After dinner I told Michael that I had to go, but he begged me to stayâ?¦I couldnâ??t, even though I wanted toâ?¦ what a mistake I made. Thanx for reading I HOPE you enjoyed HOPE--Kylay
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