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Love & Affection <3 PART 4
The next day... I woke up at 7am super happy because, I WOULD BE WORKIN' FOR MICHAEL! I brushed my teeth, took my shower, picked out a nice first day outfit, and did my hair. This is what I wore: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img- set/BQcDAAAAAwoDanBnAAAABC5vdXQKFmZHRzRXNmNJM3hHN215bGltUUc0ekEAA AACaWQKAXgAAAAEc2l6ZQ.jpg That was my full outfit. My hair, looked like this: http://www.haircutshairstyles.com/img/photos/full/2008- 05/rihanna_high_ponytail_hairstyle36.jpg I don't wear make up, but I still felt pretty. As I was about to leave, Sierra woke up and came downstairs. When she saw me her eyes were widened. Sierra:Okay, no homo stuff but, girl, you look hot! Me:(smiling)Awe, thanks I know right! Sierra:(giggling)Dressin' up for Michael right? Me:(playfully pushes her)No! (giggles)I'm just tryna' make a good impression.. Sierra:But that "impression" of yours is way too good. Me:I know, but, what's good to us, is probably just normal to him. Sierra:You're right..(looks at the time)When are you supposed to be there, cause it's 8:27? Me:Oh shit! 9AM. Ugh! I'll see you later alright, I don't wanna be late.. Sierra:Yeah, bye!(walks into the kitchen) Me:(yells from the door)BRUSH YOUR TEETH, Si-Si! Sierra:Okay! Me:(walks out the door) I didn't have a car, so I figured I'd just take the bus. As I was walking, heads turned and looked at me. Even some guys were staring, I was getting so frustrated as I sat on this damn bus full of pervs. Luckily, a policeman walked on the bus, I didn't tell on the pervs until they... OKAY THAT'S IT! I'm gonnaa make a complaint because just now, at this very moment.. this damn old bastard turned around and bit at me. Eww. Me:Officer! Police:How can I help you young lady? Me:Can you tell this old fart to turn around and watch for his damn stop, he all up in my face and it's annoyin' as hell. Police:What? Me:(sighs)He keeps starin' at me and I don't appreciate it.. Police:Alright..(looks at the man)You heard the woman, stop staring..(walks away) Me:(thinking to myself)That's it!? wow. Then again this dirty old stank ass man stares at me, you know what. Just fuck it, this is my stop anyway. I got up and walked out the back door since I didn't wanna pass this man on the way out. I was so happy to be out the bus, God knows! So I'm away from the pervs, walking down the block to Michael's house. Minutes passed and I finally reached, when I got there, I checked the time and i was 7 minutes late. His house was totally incredible, I was looking around the outside for a while then I pushed the buzzer outside those big gates. +*BuZzZzZz*+ Person:Who's visiting? Me:Uhh.. I'm Destiny James. Michael Jackson's new assistant. Person:Are you sure? Me:How can I not be sure? Person:How do I know if you're not lying? Me:Multiple reasons. I'm here alone, I'm not screaming, and you can ask Michael. Person:Okay, I'll be right back. Me:(mutters)Hurry up! It's fuckin' freez'n! Person:(comes back)Okay, you're right. (opens the gate)You can walk in. Me:Thank you.. I walked in to what was behind those huge gates, and WOW! This place is so amazing! It's like a dream come true, when I was looking around, I was in a daze. I kept spinning around and smiling, then I saw Michael walk out. Michael:(smiling)Hi, Destiny..(looking at me)You look just....wow! Me:(blushing)You too, Michael. Sorry for reaching here late.. Michael:It's okay, if you make this a habit you're fired, got that? Me:(thinking to myself)Oh shit.. (speaks out)Uhh..Yes, sir. Michael:I'm just kiddin'.(laughs) Me:Oh my god, that's not funny! (playfully pushes him) Michael:You should've seen your face! You really wanted this job right? Me:Well, yeah! You scared me for a minute, do that again, and I quit.(smirking) Michael:You wouldn't.. Me:You just don't know me to well, Mike. Oh, I will. Michael:Alright I won't do it. Me:Good. Michael:So you were serious? Me:(giggles)Nope. Now, you should've seen your face.. Michael:(shakes his head and smiles)No ones ever did this to me you know. Me:Well, theres a first time for everything.. Michael:Or maybe, you're just up to my standards.. Me:What's that supposed to mean? Michael:Whatever it's supposed to mean. Me:(laughing)Uh, Okay! But can we go inside now, I'm freezing. Michael:Okay, lets go. Me:Thank you. So Michael and I went inside his huge home of paradise. He showed me around his house, it was alot of stuff in there. He told me what my job was to do and I was more than happy to be working with Michael.. To be continued..
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