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Attraction To The Jackson..♥ Pt. 3
Dedicated to many people whom I can't name :D. (Y)(H). Part Three ~ Let's Just Talk ~ From then on Janet and I had grown a strong bond. I ignored all her brothers as best as I can since the whoppie incident. I had also known that the Jackson Family had taken the popularity spotlight into concern. For this I was devistated. I was still popular but not AS popular. This annoyed be wuite alot. Since then I didn't like any of them except Jermain. He was always a gentleman. It was another day that came. It was the last day since the Christmas holidays. I was looking forward to this alot. Janet and I had planned alot to do this Christmas. Things with Beverly, Well she turned out a loner. Janet was the popular one with me now which was good. The same thing happened every morning but not this morning. Me: Morning Mom..*Walking into room* It was silent she wasn't in there. Me: *Walks upstairs and hears moaning* I turn the knob quite frightened of what is going on. To see mom in bed with a stranger. Me: WTH is this?!? Mom: Oh hey hunnz. *Still humping* Me: Mom! Get of this creep. Creep: DOn''t fhuckin touch me pratt. Me: Dude, Get the hell out of my house! Mom: No he's your father Me: Seriously GET OUT! I grabbed the naked guy and chucked him out of the house. My four bodyguards grabbed him to take him out. Me: *Cries* Mom: *Wraps a robe round her body* Me: WTF is your problem? You can't live without that can you? Oh Yea, Just bring any guys to this frickin house like it's a club! Mom: Do NOT talk to me like that I am your mother. Me: Really? Well, To be fair you don't seem like one at all. Mom: *Slaps* Shame on you. Me: *Crying louder* No mom shame on you.! I walk out and slap the door. She never slapped me across the face. I couldn't belive what I had just experienced. I got my school bag and this time I didn't feel like asking my driver to take me and instead I walked. While I was walking I was listening to my IPOD. I was sniffling on the way and trying to get rid of all my tears. I knew soon enough cameras will be flicked in front of my face, Well they were. I got to school ten minutes late. Mrs Munnings: Why are you late? Me: Sorry, Got caught up in things. Mrs Munnings: Don't let this happen again and sit down. Me: Okay. *Takes seat* Marlon: What got into you today, angel? Me: *No Reply* He turned around confused that i wouldn't speak. Nobody knew what was up except Janet. After the bell rang I waited everyone else to go out taking my time. Janet: Yo, What's wrong? Me: Nothing, It's nothing. Janet: Gurl when you say nothing it turns out to be everyhting. Me: *laugh* Right. Janet: C'mon we got science. I packed in all my stuff and went to the next class. On the way there telling Janet everything that had happened. Janet didn't speak until we were ready for chemistry. Janet and I were partners. Janet: NO! How could she? Me: I don't know she just does these things. I hate it alot. Michael: What's wrong. Me and Janet: *Silence* Marlon: Why everyone be here? Yo Cookie summin bettah be up. We didn't say anything. I hated them why would they want to know. Marlon: Ight then don't say. Buh I'll bug you. Michael: Marlon shut up. Marlon: Fine, But I'm gonna find out soon *Walks away* Michael: *Grabs stool and sits opposite* Anything serious? Me: No, WHy do you want to know anyway? Michael: You just don't seem like you. Me: Listen, I'd find it easier if you would just get da hell away from me, K? Can you do that? Michael: Wow.. Fine. *Goes back to seat* After that dreadful class Jermain comes to chat to me at break. Jermain: Hey.! Me: Heey. *smile* Jermain: Everything alright? Me: Yea, you? Jermain: Yea cool. So the jackson 5 are doing a concert you wanna go? Me: When? Jermain: Next Thursday. Me: Maybe. *smile* Thanks for being here for me. Jermain: No problem. Is Michael bothering you? Me: No, He just wanted to know what's up. Jermain: Right but you never told him? Me: Nope. Jermain: You gotta tell me I'm like your bestest friend *smile cheekily* Me: *laugh*... *Laughing drowns* Uhm.. My mom. Jermain: What bout her? Me: She just... is thick sometimes. Jermain: How? Me: She brings back strangers from the club and just.. you know. Jermain: *Laugh* Oh wow. Michael stares over at us with a bunch of people trying to get his attention. Jermain and I remain talking until the bell goes for Lesson 3. Jermain: Anyways, I'll meet you in the canteen? Me: Sure. *smile* I went into our third period to find Janet waiting. Janet: Where you been? Me: Talking to Jermain.. Michael: Sure know how to flirt with him. *Quietly* Marlon: Nahh she mine. *Laugh* Me: What? Michael: Nothing. I remembered that thing Janet told me. Nothing = Everything. I knew something was up with Michael. But I tried not to take much notice although it was bothering me alot. Me: *Sits down and takes out books* I was sitting next to Samira. Samira: Hey Cookie! Me: Helllo.! *Smile* Samira: *Fiddles with hair staring at Marlon* I look at her and then at Marlon. Marlon was making kissing faces at her. Me: *SIgh and put hands on desk* Teacher: Class take out your book and draw anything you want as a treat for the last day. I don't want anythign rude or harassing. I will be next door classroom if anyone needs me. With that he left. Everyone switched seats and started chatted. Janet came over to me. Janet: have you noticed bout Samira? Me: *Looks over* Uh-huh. Marlon was sitting with samira on his lap snogging. Michael was sitting next to him chatting to Beverly. I dispited Beverly now. After all she done to Janet. Janet: Look at that bitch Beverly. *Fake punch in the air* Me: I know.. *Laugh* Janet: So we still up for town? Me: yeah But can you come to my house before hand? Janet: DUH! I can't wait to come tommoz! It's gone be off the hook! Me: UH-HUH!! We started to bounce up and down shouting Yay! Marlon finally stopped snogging his new girlfriend Sam and came to me and Janet. Janet: What you want.? Marlon: Nothing just was checking you guys out. Janet: That's gross you can't check your sister out. Me: *Chuckle* Marlon: No I was checking Cookie out dumbass. Janet: WTH.! You have a girlfriend *PUSHES HIM* Marlon dissparears. Janet: Don't ask. *serious face* Janet and I disscuss everything we were to do write them down. We ran out of paper so when I get out of my seat to get some more I stand up and see Michael sat with Beverly in his lap snogging eachother's faces off... To Be Continued... - Sabrinaa♥
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