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Michael:Hi Nice To Meet You Me:(shaking his hand) yeah you to Mom: hey Imani wont you go take Michael and show him around our new place My mom invited Ms.Katherine in, but i was wondering where they were going to sit because we didnt have the furniture yet.. But we did have those pull chairs.... I was kind of shy around Michael so i didnt really say anything unless i was showing him something, it seemed like he was looking at me the whole time but i didnt pay it any mind. We finally reach my room and i stare at Michael.... Me: well this is my room, the best room in the house i shall say Michael:(laughing a bit) ohh okay i see its really nice, but have to say not better than mine (smiling) Me:yeah okay sure, i have to see this Michael:(coming closer to my face) well maybe you do He walks into my room looking around and opening my closests and then he goes closer to the window and looks out to see outside.... Michael:(giving me this look) so this is where you were peeping at me at Me: what.. I wasnt peeping at anybody(turning my head trying to play it off) Michael:(walking towards me and grabbing my hand) well i could have sworn i saw a girl that looked just like you looking at me through this very window Me:(pulling my hand away) well i dont know what your talking about Michael: yeah sure you dont and im not Michael Jackson I payuse for awhile and then it hits me.. Omg Michael Jackson is in my room, i couldnt believe it.. I was soo rapped up on my moving and getting used to living in a different place that i wasnt paying attention. Something was telling he looked familiar but i just shrugged it off. I tried not to go nuts so i contained myself in the most possible wayyy i can... Michael:(waving his hands in my face) Helllloooo are you alright Me:(snapping back) ohh yeah im fine,but ummm lets go downstairs i think we had enough of my room Michael: yeah lets go, i was starting to feel a littlt girly in this room Me:(looking back at him) you were starting to feel girly ha thats funny Michael: hey whats that suppose to mean Me: ohhh nothing nothing at all(going down the stairs smiling)... I see my mom and Ms.Katherine still talking so i decide to get a chair and join them, Michael followed right behind me and did the same Ms.Katherine:(turning to me and grinning) so Imani how old are you Me:(acting shy) im 19... Ms.Katherine: oh okay so is Michael.. And when is you birthday.. Me: its August 24th, on tuesday(holding my head down) Ms.Katherine: woww isnt that something Michaels is the 29th I was acting kind of shocked like i didnt know but really i did.. Who didnt know Michael Jacksons birthday. I look at Michael and he has the biggest smile on his and i dont even know why. I excuse myself from the conversation and i go into the kitchen. I was hoping my dad put some food in the refrigerator,and luckily there was. I had a feeling somebody was Following me but i didnt pay it no mind.. I go look into the refrigerator and thats when i feel somebody tap my shoulder. I look back but didnt see anybody. I continued to what i was doing but i felt the tap again i quickly turn around but nobody is there so i walk towards the kitchenn door and see Michael hiding in the corner smiling.... Me: Enjoying yourself Michael:(coming closer to my face once again) actually i am (smiling) Me: you sure do act silly for someone i heard is supposed to be shy Michael: well i am shy.. But i can feel the way people are so i get used to them.. And well to me atleast you seem like a funny person so thats why im acting like this... Me:(continuing to look in the frig) ohh Michael:ohh(mocking me) Me: your on a role arent you huh, just having a good time messing wit me right Michael: yeah ofcourse(being sarcastic) Im still looking in the frig for some food but i couldnt find anything, but i see some bread and i look in the cabinet for some peanut butter and jelly. Everywhere i went Michael would follow me and stare, i have to admit i did like it,because when i would look at him he would smile and look away... Me: am i like an easy target for you to mess with Michael:maybe maybe not(walking away to sit down) Me:yeah whatever I finished making my sandwich and i get a chair and sit at the table. I dont know why but Michael was looking at me eat and i hate when people do that.... Me: what are you looking at... Michael:(pointing) that over there Me being the stupid one i actually turn around to look but when i look back my sandwich is gone.... Me:(punching his arm playfully) where did my sandwich go Michael:(shrugging hs shoulders trying not to laugh) Me:open your mouth Michael:(shakes his head no) I grab his cheeks and Michael opens his mouth.. That boy ate my food Me: Michael you owe me a sandwich.. Michael:(putting his hand on my thigh) ohh do i now, i thought that sandwich was for me I look at Michael and look into his eyes.. They were so nice and brown and what made them look even better was the sun shining through the window at his face. I pause and we are just there looking at eachother i look away because i was getting to shy but Michael puts his finger under my chin and turns my face to look at him.... until my father comes in.... Dad:whats going on here..... To Be Continued........
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