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Reflections Of Affection 1
Well today is moving day, Its 1977 August 20th 4 days before my birthday. Instead of me celebrating my birthday i might spend it unpacking my things. I never thought this day would come where i would have to be moving again. Moving away from my friends and everything i got going on here. Incase your wondering i live in New York and my dad is making us move to Encino,California, I never even heard of a part in California called Encino,so why would i want to move to a place i dont know...ugh. We were perfectly fine here but nothing can be changed so i just have to deal with it...I finished all my packing and my dad was moving the boxes in the Truck. I was walking around the house looking at the empty spaces,remembering all the good times i had in this very house..I was lost in a daze until i heard my mom calling me Mom:(yellling my name) Imani Let's Go!!!!! Me: ughh(looking around before i leave) give me 5 minutes Mom: Just Hurry Up... 5 minutes became 15 minute, I was sitting by the floor in the Living Room when i see my dad sit next to me Dad: you alright minnie Me: No!! I dont want to leave, do we have to go Dad:(putting his arm around me) yes we do,believe me i know how you feel but this is the best thing for us right now Me: For Us, you mean YOU,Its like i have to start a whole different life all over again Dad:(getting up) well sorry you feel that way Imani but we but we are leaving no matter what the issue is Me:(getting up and walking out) all you do is care about yourself I got out my house and put my luggage in the cab,one by one we start packing all our stuff in the car and we were were done in 20 minutes. Right about now everybody is in the cab ready to go. I look back while the car was slowly drifting away,I tried to hold my tears back but they were forcing their way out my eyes. I looked up at the mirror and i see my dad looking at me then looks away. After about 35 minutes we finally hit the airport.We take our luggage out and head in, I look back because knew this was probably the last time i would see New York. We had to hurry up and get on the plane because it was starting to board...To cut to the chase we finally reached California ughh. We get a cab and get to our place. The houses there was HUGE, My house was HUGE. I get my things out the car and head in. I look around and cant believe this is my house. Mom:(putting her arm around me) so you like it (smiling) Me:(playing it off) ahhhh its alright, i liked the one in New York better Mom:you'll get used to it,it was for the better Me:yeah not for me My mom walks away and i decide to find my room. I was looking in every room and i couldnt find anything that fits me,Until i seen this big room in the corner with the sun shining in it. I knew imediately that this was mine,I walked in set my bags down and looked out the window. I seen this boy come out with his mother,he had a afro and waz dressed really nice. You could tell he was a really nice person by the way he was helping his mom out..well atleast i think thats his mom.I seen a whole bunch of guys coming out of his house. It was like a whole army of people coming out,I even saw some girls leaving the house the house. I kept watching them until the boy with the afro turned around to look up at my window. I quickly ducked under the window,I peeked my head to see if he was still looking and he was... Mom:(passing by room looking at me) what in the name are you doing,you look like a Peeping Tom Me:ohh umm nothing just here Mom: thats not what it looks like to me Me:(getting up) nothing mom,just, you know what whatever My mom leaves my room and i check to see if shes offically gone, I got up to go look out the window again but the kid and his mom were gone,so i just decided to get my sheets and blanket and make a little bed on my rug. I been laying there for awhile..but i heard the door bell ring but i continued to look at the ceiling. I begin to close my eyes until i heard my mom calling me from downstairs. I really didnt feel like getting up so i didnt, i closed my eyes again and just layed there. My mom calls my name again so i had no other choice but to get up. Me:(standing by the door) yes mom Mom: come down here I walk down the stairs when I see the same lady I saw outside talking to my mom outside the door.. Mom:(grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door) hey come here,these are our neighbors The lady smiled at me and then that's when my mom opened the door further and I seen the boy with the afro The Lady: Hi im your neighbor Katherineand this is my son Michael(pulling him closer to her).... He smiles at me and holds his hand for me to shake it...... Michael: Hi Nice To Meet You.... To Be Continued..........
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