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Always be Together part 1
hello,i hope u like my story.sorry i had to change my name here.... when i was little,i used to live in gary,indiana,(not really)i still remember those sweet childhood memories with Michael.but when i was 13 i have to leave Michael cuz my dad works in CA.i'll never forget the day,that i have to leave Michael.now that i'm 25,i've been promising to myself that i will meet him again.i really love his songs since he started singing.i'm really happy for him that everybody loves him....until one day... me:mom!i have to go somewhere. mom:oh,pls be careful dear. me:*smiles*ok,bye mom!just send my regards to sheila. mom:ok,bye. me:*leaves house*i leave near michael's mansion,but why i cant go closer to it?i wish there was a way! so,while i was whispering to myself,i had no idea that there was a black limo heading towards me.... me:*screams and then falls down*owwww!i think my knees are bleeding...ouch. michael:*running towards me*i'm sorry,are u alright? me:*feels the pain*i'm fine.. michael:*looks at my knees*your knees are bleeding!here,i'll carry you- me:no,its ok i'm fine!just,thank you!~*stands up and then falls again* michael:i told you,we need to go to the hospital. me:well,ok.but sorry for making you worry mikey! michael:how did you- me:nothing,sorry! michael:ok,lets get you to the hospital*carries me* we went to the hospital to get my bleeding knees healed,after i was healed,i just insist michael i'll just go somewhere,where i am all alone,but he wont let me.... michael:just get in the car!your kness may bleed again. me:no,michael.i'm sorry,but i have to go now,i might disturb you. michael:*smiling*its ok,i;m not busy so,you can come with me. me:but.. michael:and for some reasons,you really look familiar to me. me:(I THINK he will remember me) michael:what's ur name? me:*shievering*christina! michael:hmmmm.that name is familiar to me..whats ur last name? me:(oh no)george!(not really) michael:christina?!is that you? me:yes!i've been living near ur house,but i'm sorry i could not visit you!i really miss you! michael:my life had been miserable without you. me:but,i'm sorry i have to go now.*walks away* michael:wait,christina! me:(i cant say to him my true feelings for him,i just need to rest) michael:*sighs*i forgot to gave her these red roses... me:*pants*i'll just sit here in this park bench and wait for maya... maya:*looking for me*christina! me:oh,hi maya! maya:long time,no see! me:you too!hey,guess what i saw when i leave the house. maya:well,is it ur cousin? me:*grins*no,its michael! maya:*shaking my hands*you're not kidding?! me:yes,i'm so happy that i meet him again! maya:did he remember you? me:he did but,*frowns*i just run away.i was about to tell him my true feelings for him,but i couldn't! maya:its ok.lets just go to the mall,and tomorrow,we will visit him again.ok? me:thank you,maya!*hugs maya really tight* maya:i,cant breath!! me:*laughs*ahehehe!sorry. maya:*coughs*well,lets go. we go to the mall,not realizing,michael was there looking for something..... me:*saws michael*hide me!hide me! maya:you look like a coward christina. me:be quiet!just hide me! me and maya were shocked when we saw michael with a girl!!! me:maya,did you see that?he's with a girl! maya:i think the girl is the ONE,who likes michael!well,lets go to the 2nd floor,u might collapse here. me:right!*goes to the 2nd floor* maya:at last!good thing they are not here! me:lets go to the bookstore maya. maya:ok! and,still we saw michael and his girl.. me:what the?how did they came here? maya:they must have teleported! me:lets go to that section!maybe he will never find us. maya:ok!*running* me:*hiding behind the bookshelf* maya:i don't want to hurt ur feelings but,u look dumb either way. me:i've got an idea!i'll pretend i never see them and pretend to read books! maya:good but weird idea,i guess. me:dont worry!i think it will be perfect!*goes nearer them and pretends to read a book*hey,this book is good. maya:u pretending? me:no,this book is really cool!alla about a boy who leaves a girl!! maya:ahaha!i think you are getting your voice higher so he can hear it. me:bingo. michael:what do u want,bea? maya and me:bea?what u mean,our friend?! bea:i think this one. michael:ok,we will buy these? bea:yes! me:*crying and then rans* maya:hey!christina!wait!stop crying! michael:huh?maybe thats another christina. bea:just leave them alone my dear. in the restroom... me:i hate her!i hate her!i thought she was our bestfriend!she betrayed us!she;s lying!she said she doesn't like michael! maya:i think she's just jealous of you cuz,you grew up with michael for 13yrs. me:i've love michael since i saw him,but now my heart is broken,i'll stay away from michael and bea.*cries harder* maya:calm down,lets just go to a restaurant and eat something. me:*calms down*i think ur right,thank you. we went to a french restaurant,and i saw a 2 persons having fun eating,and i look closer to them... to be continued............ tnx for reading!pls vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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