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Michael Jackson: His Only Love *One*
*I decided to do this about 3 months ago but was caught up with school, boo-hoo. (LOL). I want to put this up because nobody has done a story that is basically starts at the begining of his life. And how it happened. I really hope you enjoy it!!!! -Alexa* On August 29, 1958 Katherine Jackson was proud to welcome the 7th Jackson child, Michael Joseph Jackson. His brothers Jackie Jackson, 7, Tito Jackson, 5, Jermaine Jackson, 4, Marlon Jackson, 1, and sisters, Rebbie Jackson, 8, and Latoya Jackson, 2, were very excited to welcome the little one into the family. In Gary, Indiana on 2300 Jackson Street Michael was brought to the little house for the first time. Joseph Jackson, who was part of a music group called The Falcons, helped Katherine into the house more than excited to greet Michael to the family. His only dream was for his children to carry on the music business. Soon his dream would come true. After the Jacksons were done greeting Michael, it was time for Michael to be put to bed. â??Good night, Michael.â? Katherine whispered to the baby then kissed his forehead and left the room. Katherine saw the kids gathered around the black & white television. â??So, how do you like your new brother?â? â??He is so cute!â? The ones who could speak agreed. â??Okay, shouldnâ??t Latoya and Rebbie go make dinner while the boys help straighten up the house?â? Joseph asked in a flat voice. â??Yes, Joseph.â? The kids said in unison. And they got up and went to work. â??Katherine, you should rest. You just got back from the hospital.â? â??I will once I know the kids will be okay.â? â??Theyâ??ll be fine,â? he promised as he opened the paper, â??Just get some rest, please.â? She couldnâ??t argue with him anymore so, she went to the room and lay down in the bed. â??You two better be making dinner!â? Joseph demanded. â??We are, sir!â? Rebbie answered. Rebbie was the oldest so her job was harder. She grabbed the vegetables, put them on the cutting board and chopped them up. â??Latoya, can you get me a bowl?â? She watched Latoya fill the bowl up with water and walk over to her. Suddenly, the bowl fell out of Latoyaâ??s hands. The two covered their ears as the bowl hit the floor and jumped back when the water came towards them. They jerked their heads when Joseph screamed, â??Latoya, what the hell did you do?!â?. â??I-I-I tried to hold the bowl, but it was too heavy.â? Luckily, just as Joseph was about to come toward her, Katherine ran in and asked worriedly, â??Is everyone okay?â?. Then she saw Joseph coming towards Latoya. â??Donâ??t you dare Joseph!â?. â??This child deserves a beating.â? â?? â??That childâ?? happens to be your daughter. Now just because your father did that to you, it doesnâ??t mean you have to put our children through that.â? â??You are very lucky Katherine came in when she did.â? He said in a low voice to the sobbing girl. And turned away. â??Itâ??s okay Latoya. Rebbie can you get some towels and clean up the water?â? â??Yes, maâ??am.â? Rebbie turned, grabbed the towels and soaked up the water. â??Let me help you with dinner.â? â??No, mother. You should go rest like Joseph said.â? Latoya pleaded between sniffles. Katherine pretended not to hear and went ahead to making dinner. The next morning, Katherine was sitting on the chair with Michael in her arms watching the kids play with each other. Joseph then came into the room. â??Iâ??m off to the steel mill.â? Was all he said before he left. â??Bye, Joseph.â? Jackie muttered to himself. Since Gary was a small town, almost 90% of the men worked in the steel mills. The Falcons was just an add on job because he loved music. It was his passion. â??Jermaine, get off of Tito.â? Katherine chuckled. She looked down at Michaelâ??s smiling face. â??Mother, may I hold Michael?â? Rebbie asked. â??Wellâ?¦okay. But, be very careful.â? Katherine handed Michael off to Rebbie. â??Mother, Iâ??m not Jackie. I wouldnâ??t hurt Michael.â? â??Hey! I wouldnâ??t do that to Michael.â? Jackie fought. â??It was a joke, Jackie.â? Rebbie admitted while she rocked Michael in her arms. â??Rebbie, come down so we can see Michael too.â? Tito demanded. Rebbie sat down on the floor with Michael safely in her arms. Her brothers and sister loved Michael. And this is just the beginning. 5 years later, while Joseph was at the steel mill, Tito has practiced on his dadâ??s guitar. While the boys are dancing and singing while they are doing their chores. But, one nightâ?¦. *I hope you guys enjoyed it. Michael comes in in the next one...but i won't make it unless i get 10+ votes. see u later!!! -Alexa*
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