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You Are My Life by Shanice PART 7
Heres the continuous part =] ???: I'm Brooke Shields, his girlfriend! Me:WHAT!? Brooke: I'm pretty sure you're not deaf. Me:Why would he do that to me? Brooke:Do what? Wait hold on. When she said hold on, I heard a conversation between her and Michael in the background, I was able to hear what they were sayin. Brooke:Michael, theres a girl on the phone! Michael:Who are you talking to?! Brooke:This girl named Shanice, who's that? Michael:This girl... Can you give me the phone? Brooke:Um okay, fine.(back to the phone)Michael wants to talk to you. Me:Sure, whatever. Michael:Hello, Shanice? What's up? Me:(imitating him) Michael:What's your problem? Me:You're my fucking problem Mike! Michael:What did I do!? Me:Are you fuckin' kiddin' right now Mike!? You cheat on me and ask what you did!? Michael:Oh.. yeah you see about that. Brooke has actually been my girlfriend before you and I started dating. I completely forgot about her ever since I met you. I have to be a little quiet now since she's right here and uh.. yeah (talks lower)She showed up at my house today and thats when I remembered that I still had a girlfriend. I guess all the fun I had with you sort of washed her out my brain. I'm s- Me:(infuriated cutting him off) Don't even finish Mike! You see I thought you were different from alot of other people. How the hell do you forget you have a girlfriend!? Am I any different than she is to you? Why didn't you just tell her!? Michael:It's not that easy Shanice you know that! Remember when you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend? Me:That's so different Mike, at least I didn't ask you to be mines when I already had someone else! I thought I loved you, I gave all my love to you Mike. I gave my fucking virginity to you and this is what you do to me!? Huh?! Is this what the fuck you do to me!? Michael:Shanice, I'm sorry! Me:That's all you could say, sorry? Well okay Michael I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for meeting you! I'm sorry for loving you! I'm sorry for everything we ever did and I regret it. Michael:(shaky voice)Shanice.. please? Don't leave me. Me:Why not? You got Brooke anyway. Michael:(crying)But I don't want Brooke!! Me:Michael are you crying? Michael:(sniffling)No.. Me:Liar. Get over yourself. It's over. Have fun with Brooke, bye. Michael:Shanice.. wai- Right before he could finish what he was saying, I hung up. Honestly, I was very upset but that's only because I really felt a connection with him and he doesn't tell me he had a girlfriend and had the nerve to get mad at me when he found out I had a boyfriend. If love is so nice, then why the hell does it hurt so bad? The question no one could answer. I cried a while because of that whole day. I lost a ex-boyfriend/friend and I lost a boyfriend. I couldn't talk to my mom because she passed a long time ago, explaining the reason I live alone. I couldn't talk to my dad cause he's in jail, for killing my mom. I shrugged all the heartache off and went to the store to by some chocolate. This was my depression stage where I would sit down and eat all day. After all this I trailed off to bed because I had a job, and school to go to tomorrow. 2 1/2 months later.. I was a mess! I hadn't spoke to Michael since, he hadn't called me since. He didn't even call me on my birthday, oh well. He probably didn't know. I saw him going to all these premiers with Brooke Shields, smiling and kissing her. I started gaining lots of weight over the months and I was feeling very sick. I decided to stay home this day. I stayed in bed most of the day anyway, but then I started getting hungry so I went downstairs to find something to eat. As I was searching through my empty fridge I felt awfully sick, then I had to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up constantly. I couldn't control myself with all this, then I sat on the floor in the bathroom crying because of all this pain I was feeling. I threw up once more and decided to go to the hospital to see what was wrong with me. I walked there because it wasn't that far. As I was walking I felt sort of light-headed. So I walked quicker, to reach there quicker. As I got in the hospital, I told the doctors my problems and they told me to wait inside the room until the doctors could take care of me. I waited until the doctor came in, I explained to her what was wrong. Doctor:Hmmm.. How old are you Miss Richards? Me:I'm 18 now, my birthday was last week. Doctor:Where's your parents? Me:My mom was murdered by my dad. So my mom's gone, and my dad is in jail. Doctor:Oh my, that's terrible! Well, so you live alone? Me:Yeah. Doctor:Are you a virgin? Me:Uh..umm Doctor:We're both females here.(giggling) Me:(giggling)No, I'm not. Doctor:That's what I thought. How many times did you do it? Me:Just once.. Doctor:When did you do it? Me:About.. umm.. 2 months ago I think. Doctor:Where's your partner? Me:We fell out a while ago. Doctor:Oh dear, this is bad. Me:What's bad!? What happened to me!? Am I gonna die from it? Doctor:Calm down, its natural and no your not going to die from it. I said oh dear because well, he isn't with you and this a very important. Me:Okay, cut to the point please. Doctor:Shanice, you're almost 3 months pregnant.
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