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Pt.7-"Michael&Jordyn,Another Love Story"
Michael, you will forever live through your music, in our hearts, and in our dreams. I love you always, To all the other writers, you guys are the best...keep writing!!!! -Jordyn. Joseph and I are finished talking,so we go back inside the house to eat breakfast. Mrs.Jackson:Itâ??s about time you two join us. Randy:Yeah,Iâ??m about to starve. Joe and I sit at the table where everyone was. Mrs.Jackson:What were yaâ??ll talking about? Joe:I just wanted to talk to the girl,no big deal.Everythingâ??s alright. Everyone looks at me. Me:Yeah,everythingâ??s cool. Mrs.Jackson:Good,letâ??s eat. While we where eating breakfast,Michael,Randy,and Janet shared with me many of their prankster moments and had me choking on my food because I was laughing so hard. Me(laughing):Yaâ??ll are hilarious, got me over her choking on my food, I canâ??t even swallow my orange juice correctly.Yaâ??ll are crazy. After breakfast Michael,Janet,Randy,and myself came together to clean the kitchen.To my surprise,Michael offered to wash the dishes.He was so cute with his sleeves rolled up over there washing them dishes.While he did that,Janet and I cleaned the table and Randy swept the floors.Later,Randy brought up the subject of basketball. Randy:So Jordyn,you like basketball? Me:Yep,thatâ??s my favorite sport. Randy:I wanna see what chaâ?? got,(laughing) If you can you play? Me(laughing):If I can play,High school basketball team,#23 just like Michael Jordan,I was unstoppable,almost every game I scored the most points for the team and I still got game.Did that answer your question. Michael&Janet(laughs)Oooh!!! Janet:Sounds like a compitition. Me:Oh,Iâ??m ready anytime. Randy:Well letâ??s go work off breakfast with a game of 21. We all go outside by the garage where the basketball goal was to begin a game. Me and Michael Vs. Randy and Janet.The game went on for about 35 minutes before the score got tied,20 to 20,but I wasnâ??t about to let Randy have it. Randy(with to ball):Itâ??s the end of the game weâ??re about to score 21,and you are about to lose. Me(steals to the ball out of his hand and swished it into the net):Spoke too soon. Michael and I high five each other,then out of nowhere he slaps be on my behind. Michael(smiling):Good job. Janet(laughing):Uh,oh,look at them. Me(smiling):Mike,you better keep them big hands to yourself. Michael(laughing):Donâ??t have such a nice butt then. Randy and Janet laugh. Me(smiling):Uh huh,yaâ??ll think thatâ??s funny. Janet(laughs):Yaâ??ll are just so cute. As we were walking back to the house we hear Joe trying to start up his car.So we walk over to him to see what was going on. Janet:Joseph,what wrong with your car. Joe:I have no idea.Looks like Iâ??m gonna have to pay thousands of dollars and I donâ??t even know what the problem is. Me:Can I take a look at it? Joe:Yeah,go ahead. It look under the hood for about 15 minutes then I finally find the problem. Me:Mr.Jackson,I found to problem,but this will take up to two hours to fix it. Joe:You can fix it? Me:Of course,(remembering something important):Ahhh,DAMN! Michael:Whatâ??s wrong. Me:I was supposed to be going with you to your rehearsals. Michael(sounding upset):Itâ??s okay. Me:Youâ??re lying,I can tell when youâ??re not being honest. Michael:Iâ??m not happy,but youâ??ll still be there tonight for the actual show right. Me:You know it. Michael(looking at his watch):Itâ??s about time for me to get down the arena,so Iâ??ll see you guys tonight. Randy and Janet:Okay. Me:Okay. Michael and I kiss and hug each other,when we kiss we get so into it that we always seem to forget about company. Randy and Janet:Whoooo!!! Joe:Alright you two,this ainâ??t your bedroom. Me and Michael(smiling):Sorry Joseph. Michael goes to let his mother know heâ??s leaving and is off to the arena,while I stay back at the Jacksonâ??s house working on Joeâ??s car. Michael @ the arena. Frank:Mike,rehearsals start in 5 minutes. Michael:Okay. Frank:Alright,be ready. Meanwhile airport,my best friend Becca has just arrived in California. As sheâ??s walking out of the airport she sees this poster that says,â?MICHAEL JACKSON,LIVE @ STAPLES CENTER TUESDAY JANUARY 10,DONâ??T MISS THE BIGGEST SHOW YOUâ??LL EVER SEE!!!â? She goes to check into a hotel and while sheâ??s there she figures out a plan to seduce the security into letting her into the arena.She knew she had to dress really sexy and she did.She got into the character of her alter ego,same name different personalily.This alter ego is a seductress and knows how to put a man into her trap. After she puts together her plan,she takes to bus down to the arena.45 minutes later sheâ??s there and people and security are surrounding the arena,but this doesnâ??t stop her from attempting her clever plan.She walks around to the back of the arena where she sees the big,tall,handsome security guard watching the back entrance.She knew sheâ??d caught his eye with her eye poppinâ?? wardrobe.She was wearing the shortest black skirt known to man,black high heeled boots,and a red and black shirt that revealed much cleavage.With no fear,she walked up the security guard. Becca(trynaâ?? sound sexy):Hey,big daddy,howâ??s it goinâ??? SG(liking what he sees):Oh,itâ??s goinâ?? real good. Becca:So,um,Michael Jacksonâ??s performing here tonight right? SG:Yeah,thatâ??s right. Becca:Oh,thatâ??s too bad(feeling on his bicep)Iâ??d rather see you up on that stage all sweaty(leans her body up against his)I think youâ??re way sexier than he is. SG(smiling):You really think so? Becca:Oh yes,I could see myself doing things with you,if you know what I mean. SG:Well,uh,maybe we can do some things tonight. Becca:Yes we can. SG:Cool. Becca:Oh,no. SG:What? Becca:Since Iâ??m gonna be with you tonight,Iâ??ll miss the show and Iâ??m a really big fan.Is it okay if I go in a get a little autograph. SG:No,I canâ??t let you in,we canâ??t interrupt rehearsals. Becca was beginning to think her plan was about to fail but she knew that the SG really liked her and she could get him to say yes. Becca:Well,I guess Iâ??ll be going to the show,although Iâ??ll be thinking of all of the things I couldâ??ve been doing to you all night long. SG(getting horny)Okay,alright,just for a minute.We get you an autograph then we leave. Becca(smiling):Okay,thatâ??s fine. She had tricked him into thinking she had a ticket to see the show but really wanted to be with him instead of going to the concert and he fell into her trap.Heâ??ll soon find out he got straight played. They go inside of the arena,Michael was rehearsing â??Smooth Criminalâ? they walk down closer to the stage then Michael sees them and stops the rehearsal. Michael(holding his hand up):Hold on,hold on,stop the music. Frank:Problem Michael? Michael:Whoâ??s the girl with the security guy? Frank:Donâ??t worry Mike,Iâ??ll handle it.(walks up to the SG)hey arenâ??t you supposed to be watching the back entrance? SG:Yes,sir buâ?¦ Frank:So why arenâ??t you doing it? Becca:Excuse me,this is all my fault.I begged to come in because I wonâ??t be able to see the show tonight,so I wanted to meet Michael and possibly get his autograph. Frank(looking at the SG):You do know that you have interrupted Mr.Jacksonâ??s rehearsals? SG:Yes sir,Iâ??m aware of that. Michael(walking over to Frank):Frank,whatâ??s going on? Frank:Michael,this is Becca, a fan whoâ??s not gonna be able to catch the show tonight,so she wanted to meet you and get your autograph. Michael(gives Becca this look and bits his lip then hugs her):Sorry you wonâ??t be able to see the show tonight(gets an idea)why donâ??t you stay and watch me rehearse,thinks of it as your own personal Michael Jackson concert. Becca:Wow,Iâ??d love that! Michael:Great,and donâ??t be scared take a front row seat(smiling)Iâ??ll be singing to you and for you,only you. Michael heads back to the stage and Frank says Frank:I saw the look you gave her and whatâ??s with the,â??â??ll be singing to you and for you,only you.â?I think youâ??re being a little to nice with this girl. Michael:Itâ??s just a look it wonâ??t hurt anybody and Iâ??m just a nice guy. Frank:If you say so. As Michaelâ??s getting back to rehearsals,the SG is ordered back to guard the back entrance.Becca gave him this look likeâ?¦you just got played,and he knew that heâ??d just got screwed over. Michael:Alright you guys,â?Smooth Criminalâ? from the top. Back at the Jacksonâ??s house Iâ??m finishing up working on Joeâ??s car with no knowledge that my best friend is in town and Iâ??m still feeling bad about not telling her about me and Michael.Niether do I know that my mother has already told her about us,then I get the feeling that I had earlier that somethings gonna go wrong,but I try to ignore it. Joe:Looks like youâ??re about done. Me:Almost. 10 minutes later Iâ??m all done fixing Josephâ??s car. Me:Alright Mr.Jackson,you can start it up now. Joe(starts the car):I canâ??t believe it,you fixed it.Thank you Jordyn. Me:Youâ??re welcome. Joe:How much I owe ya? Me(laughs):No charge. Joe:Are you sure. Me:Iâ??m sure. We go back inside of the house. Mrs.Jackson:Jordyn,did you fix Joeâ??s car? Me:Yes. Joe:She did a good job too,and didnâ??t even charge me. Mrs.Jackson:That was very nice of you sweetie. Me:No problem.Uh,would you mind if I wash my clothes,and take a shower,I got a little dirty from fixing the car. Mrs.Jackson:No,not at all. Me:Thanks. Randy gives me one of his big t-shirts so I wouldnâ??t have to wait naked and I wore it until my clothes got finished. After my clothes are done I take a shower and the feeling that something was gonna go wrong got worse and worse each minute.Somethinâ?? kept telling me to get down to the arena as soon as possible.So when put on my clothes I asked Mrs.Jackson could I borrow her car,she said yes then I was out. Back @ the arena Michaelâ??s rehearsals are over. Michael(walking over to Becca):How did I do? Becca:Michael,you were amazing. Michael:Thank you. Frank walks over and says Frank:Good rehearsals Mike. Michael:Thanks Frank. Becca:Um,Michael,Iâ??m gonna go get a soda,do you want anything? Michael:Yeah,could you bring me back a bottle of water please? Becca:Yeah,sure. Becca goes to get the drinks and Michael watches her walk away. Michael:She looks good huh? Frank:Watch it Michael,you have a girlfriend. Michael:Relax Iâ??m just looking. Frank:And I see why,she looks like sheâ??s about to perform a strip tease. Michael laughs and Becca walks back with his water. Becca(smiling):Here your water Michael,whatâ??s so funny. Michael:Nothing.Do you still want my autograph. Becca:Yes,of course I do. Frank:Michael,Iâ??m gonna go make a phone call. Michael:Okay. Frank leaves and Michael invites Becca up to his dressing room because he didnâ??t want to leave her standing there alone while he went to get a picture to sign. Michael:Would you like to come with me to my dressing room,I donâ??t wanna leave you standing here all alone. Becca:Sure. The second part of her plan was working out,being alone with Michael was just what it was. Thanks for reading. Donâ??t miss part 8,itâ??s bound to get very ugly.
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