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let me show you the way to go *17*
here's part 17 enjoy!!! -Samone:) me and jacey froze at the site of michael saying this. i looked over at jacey who looked like she was going to pass out,then michael spoke again... Michael:when were you going to tell me you'll be leaving to go on tour with janet? Me:(confused)what? Jacey:(sounding relieved) Michael:when were you going to tell me you'll be leaving in a few weeks? Me:it must of slipped my mind(giving him a peck on the cheek)i'm sorry baby. Michael:(kissing my forehead)um hum, so how was your outing this morning? Jacey:oh it was nice and relieving. Michael:that's nice,i'm glad to see you girls made up. well i'm going to catch up with you two later,i'm going to the studio to play with the controls and makes some beats. Me:okay have fun. Michael:i will(walking out)byee. Both:byee Michael:(closing the door) Me:oh my that was soo close. Jacey:i know right,well i'm tired i'm goin to go take a nap Me:okay,oh you do know you're grounded for a month in a half right? Jacey:ugh..okay i guess i deserve it. Me:you guess? no you do deserve it after all that stuff you put me and your father through. Jacey:yea your right and i'm really sorry i promise i will change me ways. Me:i know you will unless you want another beat down? Jacey:no thanks i'm cool on that one. Me:(laughing)go take your nap,i'm gonna go watch some t.v. i basically have the whole house to myself so i go watch t.v. for a while then got bored so i went to the kitchen and started cooking a whole bunch of food like greens,macaroni & cheese,corn bread,chicken and all types of stuff i just went crazy for no reason. a couple of hours later jacey woke up and michael came home.they both came into the kitchen looking dumb founded.. Me:why are yall two lookin like two deers stuck in headlights? Jacey:momma what got into you? Michael:yea the only thing you cook is breakfast. Me:well i just started thinking about the times i had with my grandmother when i was living with her,i would always help her cook and stuff and my hands just took over. Michael:well this is too much for us to eat. Me:i know that's why i invited my momma and your family over. Michael:you did? Me:yup. Michael:man this is going to be interesting,you know joe and your mom can't stand eachother. Me:i know i know but i talked to her and she said she won't say anything to him. Jacey:that was funny last time they were arguing grandma was doggin him. Me:shut up(laughing)it was kind of funny though. Michael:(laughing)yea i'm not gonna even lie it was funny,omg joe just kept going on and on,i was thinking will you shut up already. Me:(laughing)remember last time when my momma called him a wrinkled face pop belly bulldog. Michael:omg i was dyin,i almost peed on myself. Jacey:i did pee on myself. Me:i know i know i was soo mad. Jacey:it was embarrassing but funny at the same time. Me:(laughing)yes it was.well the food is done,and everyone should be arriving in a little while,lets all get freshened up. we all headed upstairs to get ready and 30 minutes later everyone started arriving. me,michael and jacey,look at eachother and laughed silently when we saw my momma and joe.i already knew in my head that something was going to go down but also hoped it didn't happen. we were all seated at the table looking at eachother because i guess we had the same things on our mind about what happened last time. my mom kept looking at me and she finally said something. Momma:i know why yall looking at eachother,look i'm not gon argue with that,i mean with him. Joe:yea i'm not gon argue with her either(mumbling)heffa Momma:excuse me,what did you say? Joe:nothing just eat yo food woman. Me:momma sit down,okay both of yall just need to calm down. Momma:no i'm not gonna calm down,i've held this in too long. later that night when i got home and i don't know how this dog got my number but this fool called me talking about i'm a foxy lady and he wanted me to meet up with him,and he can show me a good time. Everybody:(gasping) Momma:yes he did,i wouldn't talk to this sick dog if he was the last man on earth. Joe:(getting up)you lyin dirty bitch. Katherine:JOSEPH WALTER JACKSON! Joe:.......... cliff hanger..hope you liked it:) don't forget to vote:)
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