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ashley and michael:inlove p.8
its monicas birthday and it is now 6:25 am. monica:(running in our room) daddy!!! daddy!! its my birthday!!! michael:(half awake , eyes still closed.) hmm??.... monica: daddy!! come awnnn!!! youve got to get up!!! michael: ok ok, im up sweetheart. monica:(smiling) im 13 now daddy!! michael:(picking her up and carrying her down stairs)shhh your everyone is still asleep. michael: lets see if kai(the chef) has cooked you up something special today. the walk in the kitchen. kai: good morning you guys, happy birthday monica. monica:thanks kai michael:sweetheart,im going to get evryone up ok. monica: kay daddy. monica:wow you cooked alot of food. kai:yep and i made all your favorites. kai: french toast sticks, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, orange juice, chocolate chip pancakes, with whipped cream and a cherry and a side of chocolate brownie ice cream. monica: ice cream!!!! kai: yea i know thats like one of your favorite things in the world. monica: (hugging kai) thanks so much. meanwhile michael was upstairs trying to wake me up. michael:come on baby wake up. me:(whining)im sleepy. michael:(naughty smile) ill let you get you get in the shower with me. me:(looks at him smiling) mmmmm, nope still sleepy. michael:(goes and turns the shower on) are you sure?(smiling) me:(giggling)yep michael:(taking off his shirt) you know you want to. me:(trying not to look at his gorgeous body) nooooo michael: thats it!! michael comes and picks me up and runs into the bathroom and starts undressing me. me:(laughing) i said no!! michael: (laughing)hey, im the man of this house and what i say, goes. me:whatever michael and i clean eachother off and when were done we get dressed and go wake up the twins. we all make our way down stairs. mel(melanie):i want ice cweam to!! me:sorry mel, its only for monica cause its her birhday. michael:its ok mel bear, your birthday willbe here soon. mel:ok mark:pancakes yes!!! monica:mom , im done eating can you help me get ready now. me:ok go take your shower and tell me when your done. monica: kay. michael:( comes from behind me andwhispers in my ear) i wonder what im gonna get on my birthday. me:(smiling)only two months away, youll find out. michael:if it is what i think it is, i dont wanna wait that long. me:ill see if i can give your present a little early. michael:(biting his lip) i cant wait. mark and mel:daddy im done eating. michael: ok lets go get you two dressed. in monicas room. me:ok monica im, almost done....there, finished with your hair, everythings done. monica:mom!! i look great!! thanks!(hugging me) me: your welcome princess. monica had on her two favorite colors red and black, her dress was spagetti strapped and above the knee , it was all redwith a black belt around the waist, michael hadnt seen the dress yet. her hair was down and in pretty curls. me: who did you invite to the party? monica: well i only invited the kids that are nice to me. me:why are the other kids mean to you. monica:they make fun of my skin color, even the black people make fun of me and i am black!! the call me caramel girl, just because im a little lighter then them. me:sweetie, your complexion is beautiful, it dont matter if your are black, or white. monica:just like daddy says? me:just like daddy says.. me:now lets go down stairs and wait for your guest to arrive. we walk down stairs and michael is outside turning on all the rides and everything else thats at neverland. we walk outside. michael examines his daughter. michael:umm? what are you wearing. monica:its my dress daddy. michael:uh no no no...you are going to go change right now.. monica: why!!! its my birthday daddy!! michael:i understand that but, that dress is wayyyy to short and way to tight. me:baby come here. michael:(walks over to me) i dont want her looking like that , its no approprite for her , she is only 13!! me: and she is growing up michael!! michael:(looking sad) me: i know you love her very much, but you cant keep her little forever. michael: i know. but ashley, she was my first born, thats my baby girl. me: she'll always be your babygirl michael, but in her mind she is a teenager. michael:..........ok fine, she can wear the dress. monica:thank you daddy, thank you!! michael:(giggling) your spoiled ,you know that.. monica:(smiling)im not spoiled, im blessed. all her friends arrived , familiy members. ding dong. i open the door. me:taylor!!! taylor:hey there girlie girl.. me:how you doin, i missed you. taylor missed you too, where do i put the gifts, me:over here, .. michael: hey taylor taylor: hey mikey they hug. taylor:so what have you guys been up to michael and i: raising three kids. we all laugh. taylor: yea i can see you to have been real busy with that. me: shut up taylor. taylor:(smiling)mmmk, where is the bday girl. me:i dont know michael go see if she is upstairs. michael: ok. he goes upstairs and opens her door quitley. monica is in the room with the boy she likes, richard. they are kissing and he is trying to take off her dress. michael:MONICA ALEXIS JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!! monica:(gasp) daddy... i..um. michael:(talking to richard) GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!! AND STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!! monica: DADDY!!!.... me:what is going on up here. michael: OUR DAUGHTER WAS UP HERE HAVING SEX WITH A BOY I DONT EVEN KNOW. YOU ARE 13 MONICA! ONLY 13!!! I HAVE LET YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT THIS WEEK BUT THIS IS TAKING IT WAY TO FAR !!I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!! NOW I HAVE SPENT A LOT OF MONEY ON THIS PARTY SO I CANT CANCEL IT AND ITS NOT ABOUT TO GO TO WAIST!! SO GO DOWN STAIRS AND ENTERTAIN YOUR GUEST!! monica: (crying)yes daddy. michael: and i dont want this ever happening again, do you understand me young lady? monica:yes daddy............ to be continued... sorry for any mistakes you guys, keep voting please. thx:)))) I APOLOGIZE IF ANYONE IS UPSET ABOUT MJ YELLIG AT HIS CHILD, BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND IT IS JUST A STORY AND I WANT TO MAKE IT INTERESTING.
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