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Ayanna & Michael 4ever (pt.13)
wat up guyz i know i said i had to do chores and stuff but some how i ended up going over my auntie house.but anyway sorry if u think the story is lame,i havent came up with any ideas.here we go!!! so its been 3 years since me and michael split up.AGIAN.and im starting to think maybe were met to be just bestfriends.maybe we werent met to be 4ever.the kids r 3 and they have been asking about their daddy and i just tell them hes away.not to mention they love michael.they would dance just like him everytime he came on t.v.esispecally with mikey.i swear he can dance just like that man.i tried so hard not to bring michael up when i was doing so good with out him.hes been blowing up my phone but i dont want him back into my life yet.i dont think i ever will. *ring,ring* kat:hello? me:hi,kat its ayanna. kat:hi sweetie wats up? me:oh nothing just wondering if u would take care of angie and mikey while i go do some erons?please? kat:oh u gone pull a fast one on me huh?i'll do it. me:thx kat. kat:ur welcome sweetie bye me:bye. i went up stairs and angie and mikey went with me.i took a shower while they watched tom and jerry.(thats my fav cartoon show next to bugs bunny.lolz.)i put on some black leggings and an yellow shirt type dress with hy-top yellow and black shoes.my hair was down and my make-up,i just had lipgloss on. mikey:u look prwetty mommy. me:thank u sweetie. angie:mommy where r u going? me:its a surprise. both of them:rweally? me:(laughing)rweally. both of them:cool!! the door bell rang and it was kat.the kids bust from my room door to hug her.they have always loved their grandmother. i just wish that my mom was still here to see them. both of them:(hugging kat)granny kat!! kat:hi babies!! me:(grabbing my keys)well i gotta go. angie:(sad)mommy!! me:dont be sad mommys gonna come back with surprises 4 both of u guyz!!come give me a kiss. they gave me a kiss and said goodbye.after that i went to the mall and bought them some clothes.i bought angie a black shirt with a red skirt and black leggings and black flats.she loves black and red just like her mommy.i bought mikey some jeans with a shirt that has bad with michael on it.i didnt wanna but it but i knew how bad he loved him.after that i drove home expecting to see kat.but when i opened the door,i was shocked. mikey:(excited)mommy!!michael jacksons here!! me:(surprised)i...i see. angie:dont just sit there mommy,wheres our stuff? know one thing that angie really had in common with me is that attitude.and i just know when she gets 15,im gonna see another me. me:(hands them their clothes)ok,ok heres ur stuff both:wow!!thx mommy!! me:now go try them on. they ran up stairs and me and michael was alone.even though i was dying to just jump on top of him i had to keep focused. i know he was gonna try something. michael:so........ me:so? michael:so our me:(interupts)wat r u doing here? michael:i wanted to see my kids!!wats wrong with that?! me:(getting angry)u bastard.u think im gonna let u see them after wat u did to michael!!and wat u was gonna do to angel!!hell no!! michael:(getting angry too)look ayanna,i was drunk!! me:(screams)I DONT GIVE A FUCK!! then angie and mickey bust out their room door with their clothes on. both:TADA!! me:u guyz look nice!! mikey:hey michael jackson,look at my shirt its u!! michael:(laughing and looking at me)i see that. angie:dont i look prwetty mommy?! me:yes u do!!im gonna cook dinner ok? both:yay!! then after that they started playing with michael.i didnt want them playing with him to much cuz they will get to comfortable around him and would want to see him more. me:ok guyz i think its time for michael jackson to leave ok? mikey:(sad)mommy why? me:because michael jackson has to do somethings,(looking at michael)right? michael:yea i guess i should go. angie:can michael jackson spend the night? please? mikey:yea mommy please. now i loved my children and i would give them anything they want but since i know they already was gonna be asking for him more i just let them do it. me:ok,ok he can spend the night. all of them:yay!! i cooked dinner and we watched a movie like a family but only if we were.soon mikey and angie fell asleep and i picked them up and put them in their bed.i didnt want michael to do anything so i went to bed. me:ok....im going to bed. michael:(grabbing my hand)hold on....where im i going to sleep?(bites his bottom lip) in my mind i was thinking god this man is turning me on.and lord knows i dont want anymore kids. me:(trying to be calm)u will sleep in the guest room ok?goodnight. michael:(biting his lip)goodnight. i could tell with all that biting his lip and stuff he had something planned.but i had to stay put.while i was in the bed,someone opened the door i thought it would be one of my kids,but it was michael. michael:ayanna can i sleep with u?i lost my teddy.(giggles) me:(giggles)michael stop it now go back to sleep. michael:ok. michael takes his shirt off and gets in the bed with me. me:(giggles and blushes)michael wat r u doing? michael:im going back to sleep. me:ok,but stay on that side of the bed. michael:(bites his lip)ok i was going to sleep until i felt his hand rubbing me. me:michael.... michael gets on top of me.thats wat i hated about him he always gets his way. michael:shhhhhhhh he was about to kiss me until angie wanted something. angie:(shouting)MOMMY!! i was relieved. me:(gets up and goes to the other room)oh thank god!!yes sweetie? angie:can i have some juicy juice? me:yea im gonna go get u some. i got her juicy juice and went back to her room she finished it and i said goodnight.i went back to my room. michael:wat did she want? me:juicy juice. i climbed back in the bed and looked at michael.he was biting his lip again.in mind was like oh lord please make him stop. then he got back on top of me agian and looked me in the eyes. michael:i love u. i couldnt even fight back.i had no choice but to say it. me:i love u too. then we kissed........... TO BE CONTINUED......... p.s.dedicated to michael,so sexy!!and also to all of my readers.thx 4 supporting me so far.plz vote!! much much love!! HOLLA!!! ;D!!!
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