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Why,I never thought of that (3)
Next part!Enjoy! ps,I'm from Texas Airriel,Candice,and Naomi.And this is dedicated to Caitlyn and little Karly!Just made the 32nd part to Michael the one for me!And I'll be 11 on November 20th!Can't wait. I obviously didn't have a dress,so I just went straight to Kelly's house. It was about a 30 minute drive,so I just kept thinkin of mamma the whole ride. 1 more week? I just can't handle that. Who would come to her funeral other than me and Kelly? I had to stop thinking though because ii made it to Kelly's house. I slowly walked up the doorsteps and rang the doorbell. She answereed the door immediatly. Kelly:I knew you didn't have a dress,so just go in my bedroom. You'll find one. Me:Okay. So I walked up to her bedroom and opened the half cracked door. There laying on her bed was a short,white studded dress that looked like Michael Jackson's glove.(lolz)I just changed into it as quickly as possible,and on the floor there was a pair of stilettos that looked exactly like the dress. I walked downstairs, and Kelly already had on the same dress,but blue. Kelly:You look great. Me:What is all this for? Kelly:You deserve a night out. ME:Wait,where are we going? Kelly:You'll see now just come on and get in the car. So I walked out to the car and got in the passenger's seat. I loved Kelly's new Lamburghini. I wish I could afford one. We went into town and there were restaraunts everywhere. We stopped at the fanciest one. Magaretta's Lout. Kelly:I have reservations with a special guest. Me:Who? Kelly:You'll see. Now come on,get out the car. Me:Okay,but I deserve to- Kelly:(still in the car)Bye! Me:Wait! But she had already driven off. I had no choice but to walk in the restaraunt. I didn't really know where to go when I walked in the restaurant,but there was nobody in there except a man with sunglasses sitting at a corner table. So I walked over there. Me:Excuse me sir,Am I supposed to meet you here? He lifted his head. Michael:Yes. Please sit. Me:(thinking)Great!Kelly set me up. Michael:So,tell me about yourself while we're waiting for our order. Me:You already orderd? Michael:Well the menu is in Italian. Me:Thank you then. I told him everything about my life,my mother's life, and what happened to my father. How I didn't have a job,and how miserable I was throughout my life. Michael:You know the crazy thing? Me:What? Michael:I don't even feel sorry for myself,but I am just so sorry for you. Me:I don't even know myself anymore. We got our food and ate in silence. Pretty soon,it was 8:00. Me:I've got to go. Michael:But you don't have a ride. Me:I'll walk. Michael:You really don't want to,do you? Me:I can manage it. Michael:Just come over to my place. Me:I don't go over to strange men's houses on the first date. Michael:Well,this will be the first time then. Me:(smiling and blushing) Michael:I take that as a yes. We made it to Havenhurst,and it was huge! They had so many cars parked in the driveway also. Michael led me upstairs on the third floor to a bedroom with bluish-brown walls. There were pictures of him and rats everywhere I looked. Michael sat down on the bed and tapped the spot beside him,so I sat down beside him. I kind of got lost in his big brown eyes. Michael:What are you staring for? Me:Your eyes are so beautiful. Michael:Your's look even better in my opinion. Me:Thank you. Michael leaned over and kissed me. His soft pick lips caressed mine in a tender manner. I don't know why he would want to kiss me. I am ugly and helpless. He probobaly wants to just fool me out of something. So I pulled away quickly. Me:What are you doing!? Michael:Sorry. I got carried away. Me:Don't let it happen again! Michael:I don't know if that's possible. I can't even remember the kiss now, Me:Well good becau- He cut me off with another kiss,but this time I didn't stop it. I actually was hungry fo love and affection for love so much, and Michael was giving it to me. I really didn't care if he was messed up or not. I was happy somebody actually cared about enough as to kiss me. Michael:(smiling)I'll remember that one forever. Me:Good,because it's not happening again. Michael:I'm going to bed. Me:Me too. Do you have a night shirt I could borrow? Michael:You are about Janet's size,so I'll go get her pajamas. Me:Thanks. Michael:No prob. I didn't really want to get intimate with Michael,so he would need to remember that kiss. ...To be continued
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