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Samone and Michael:Love match *9*
here's part 9 enjoy! -Samone. weeks and months passed and i was a wreck.all the media discovered what happened and it was all over the news and magazines.i became so depressed and left michael without an explanation.i know that was a dumb thing to do after he had just lost his son and now losing his girlfriend.it's been a year and i'm living on the streets and doing drugs because that was the only thing that made me happy and it was my best friend.my drug friends would tell me that michael was looking for me but i would always run away and hide so he wouldn't find me.one day i became so anxious to get a hit so i went to my supplier and he surprised me by saying this.. Me:aye give me a bag of coke. Dealer:no,i can't keep doing this. Me:(scratching myself)what you mean?come on i need it bad. Dealer:(pushing me away)you look bad and i feel bad for you get out of my face,don't you see what your doing to yourself?you are killing yourself.this is not your life you don't even fit in,your life is with your boyfriend michael.if you plan on living,this is not the way.do yourself a favor and go home(pushing me)go home. Me:(looking at him like he's crazy) Dealer:go now. i walked away thinking about what he just said but i was just fiening for that high.i go back to my crack house to sit and think,at that point i was at my all time low. i sat there thinking about my old life back home with michael with a gun to my head.i couldn't help but let tears fall while my finger was on the trigger,i knew i was making a big mistake but i know i was doing everyone a big favor by just taking my on life,i wouldn't make my family and michael worry anymore, i wouldn't be depressed anymore, i would be in a happy place where i could feel no more pain.i closed my eyes tightly as a glimpse of my life flash before my eyes and boom i pulled the trigger, i felt no pain but heard the gun go off. i laid there in a pull of blood gasping for air until someone discovered me. i tried to respond to them but i couldn't then i blacked out.i suddenly woke up to people crying and needles in my arms,i wasn't all that aware of my surroundings until i saw my mom and michael by my side crying their eyes out. Me:(moving my arm up)what's going on? Mom:(hugging me)oh thank you god,you answered my prayers. Me:momma what's going on? Mom:(looking down)you shot yourself sweetie. Me:(tearing up)oh momma i'm soo sorry i never meant to cause you pain,i was just going through pain with the whole situation.. Mom:(interrupting me)oh child stop it say no more. Me:(looking at michael)i disappointed you huh? just say it. Michael:(hugging me)stop don't blame yourself,it's not the time for this. Me:momma can you excuse us for a moment? Mom:(kissing my forehead)yes i'll be in the hall if you need me. Me:thank you. it went a little silent for a while until i started explaining to michael why i left and how i felt.michael tried to get back with me but i had to let him go for right now,i just wasn't ready to start with him and i had to find myself in order to be stable enough to be with him.i knew it was killing him inside but that was the right thing to do.a week later i was released from the hospital but i had to go to rehab to treat my drug addiction.michael and i became friends again and he visited me while i was in drug treatment.after 6 months of treatment i finally was clean and i got back out in the world.i moved back in with my parents just until i got back on my feet.one day i was just sitting around the house when i got a call from michael. ring..ring..ring.. Me:hello? Michael:hey samone how you feeling? Me:great,what about you? Michael:i'm great but i would be better if you had dinner with me tonight at my place. Me:umm michael i don't know. Michael:(begging)come on please. Me:alright michael just dinner no more than that understand. Michael:(giggling)understand,your starting to sound like my mother. Me:...... Michael:i'm soo sorry i..i.. Me:(holding back my tears)michael it's okay really,that was the pass and it's something that i won't forget but i'm stronger now so i can talk about it. Michael:so are you still on for tonight? Me:yea, what time do you want me to come? Michael:i'll have my driver pick you up at eight Me:okay i'll be there. Michael:okay bye i lo.....(clearing his throat) Me:(giggling)bye. i hung up the phone know exactly what michael was going to say and wondering what he had in store for tonight. i just kept reminding myself to just go over there as a friend and no more than that.and that is what i did or did something else happen???????? sorry this one was stupid i ran out of ideas but if you liked it don't forget to vote thank!!!!!!!!!
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