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Finding Out LaToya's Secret...Part1
*Sidenote:This is Mimi again...I hope you guys aren't getting tired of me...lol...but I keep on having these story ideas and I want to share them with you guys...so I hope you love my new character Fantasia as much as you guys love Mimi and Kya!...It starts off a little slow but it gets good and even though this story sounds like its about LaToya Jackson its about MJ!* My name is Fantasia and I moved to California from Texas about six months before the school year began....for the first couple weeks no one would even talk to me because everyone had already formed their own friendships and cliques but there was one girl who was like me...her name was LaToya Jackson and every time I seen her she was by herself and looking sad...so one day I decided to take the 1st step and approach her...its been 5 months since that day and we have been inseperable...she spends the night at my house, we go shopping together, and we talk about everything...even though LaToya is 17 and im 15 it doesn't matter because our friendship is great! So now im gonna take you guys to the present...its Friday 19th 1973 and me and LaToya(who I also call Toya) are walking down the hallway with are groovetastic outfits and our big afros talking about the tonight...we planned on having a girls night with scary movies, junk food, makeovers, and what would a sleep over be without talking about cute boys! (Me)"So after school we are gonna pick up the movies then head to my house!" (LaToya)"What about the food?" (Me)"Ooh yeah I forgot about that...well there's a supermarket down the street from the video store so we can just go there" We were in the middle of discussing our plans when these two girl who are always hating on us for no reason named Diane and Amy shove us! (Diane)"Watch where your going?" (Me)"You need to get your eyes checked because your the one that bumped into us" (Amy)"Don't talk to her like that" (LaToya)"Well tell your friend to watch herself and it won't have to happen again!" (Amy)"Fantasia I don't even know why you hang out with her...she is so fake and always trying to hide her true identity" (Me)"You need to stop judging her because you don't even know her" (Diane)"No...you don't know her...let me ask you a couple question who are her parents...where does she live...and who are her brothers...I bet you don't even know any of the answers to those questions" (LaToya)"You know what we don't have time for you right now but once you get lives of your own and stop having to mess with our then maybe we can talk" Me and LaToya walked away and left them looking stupid on the middle of the hallway!...I started thinking about what Diane and Amy were saying then I realized that part of LaToya's life was still a mystery to me! (Me)"Toya?" (LaToya)"Yeah?" (Me)"How come I've never been to you're house?" (LaToya)"Don't tell me that you actually listened to those two idiots?" (Me)"No I wasn't listening to lies about you being fake or anything but they did make me remember that how I've never met your parents or been to your house...we are best friends and I wanna know what our life is outside of this place" LaToya was kind of silent for a minute but then she said "Alright you want to come to my house and meet my parents then lets do it tonight...instead of going to your house we can go to my house and you can meet my mother" (Me)"Really?" (LaToya)"Sure if your mom says yes because I know my mother won't have a problem with it" After school me and Toya head to my house to go talk to my mother Mrs.Taylor (LaToya)"Hello Ms.Taylor" (My mom)"Hi sweetie" (Me)"Hey Mommy" (My mom)"Hey baby" (LaToya)"Um Ms.Taylor can Fantasia stay at my house this weekend" (Me)"Is your mom gonna be okay with that?" (LaToya)"I think she is gonna be fine with it but I'll call her just in case" (My mom)"Okay" So after LaToya talks to her mom LaToya my moms speaks to her then she decides to let me go over to LaToya's house...I was so happy...I go into my room and pack some clothes for the weekend then my mom dropped me and LaToya off at her house!LaToya's house was huge...it made my house look like a little Barbie dollhouse! (Me)"Oh my god this is your house?" (LaToya)"Yeah!" (Me)"I love it" (LaToya)"I like it too but your house feels more like home!" We all make our way inside of the house and LaToya's house and her mom greets us...she is this sweet woman with a soft voice just like LaToya's! (LaToya)"Mother this is my friend from school Fantasia and this is her mother Mrs.Taylor! and Ms.Taylor this is my mom Katie" (My Mom)"Hello Katie" (Mrs.Jackson)"Hello Mrs.Taylor" (My Mom)"Call me Ann" (Me)"Hello Mrs.Jackson...how are you?" (Mrs.Jackson)"Im good sweetie" (Me)"Thanks for welcoming me into your home...im glad to finally meet you" (Mrs.Jackson)"Nice to meet you too sweetie...you must be a good friend because she rarely brings people home" (LaToya)"Mother!" (Mrs.Jackson)"Im sorry but its true LaToya anyway how about we all go into the living room and get talk for a while?" So Ms.Jackson made coffee for her and my mother while me and LaToya brought junk food in the living room...we all talked for about 30 minutes but then my mom had to go pick up my little sister from dance class...so LaToya took me up to her room and it was huge...she had a nice sized tv a big bed, walk in closet, and a bathroom! Her room was my fantasy room! (Me)"I could get used to coming over her on the weekends" (LaToya)"Why can't we stay at your house?" (Me)"LaToya I don't understand you...your house has butlers, maids, a theater, its beautiful but instead you want to be at my parents three bedroom house on the weekends" (LaToya)"Like I said its nice here but I like your house better...most of the time my brothers and father are away...the only people that are here are my two youngest siblings, my mom, and the people who work it...I love my youngest sibling but it gets boring because there a lot younger than me...have you ever tried keeping up a conversation with a 6yr old and a 11 yr old...its kinda hard...at your house its different...both of your parents are home and your sister is one year younger than us so its easy to have conversations with her! Your family seems like a normal family...that's why I rather be at you house" (Me)"I understand...we can just alternate weekends okay" (LaToya)"Sure!" We hug and then get down to the slumber party fun...we do each others make up, paint each others nails, talk about boys, have pillows fights, and just have fun...Mrs.Jackson is so sweet that she checks on us every couple of hours and brings up snacks...she even lets us paint her nails...around midnight we made a big bowl of popcorn and decide to finally settle down to watch a scary movie...about 15 minutes into the movie there is a knock at the door...I think its Toya's mom so I don't pay to much attention but the voice at the door says "Toya were back!"....im confused because Mrs.Jackson has been here all day and the voice sounds a little deep!...I look at the door and it isn't Mrs.Jackson instead its Michael Jackson, Jackie Jackson, and Tito Jackson If you guys like this story so far and want me to make part 2 just vote... With all my Love, Mimi
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