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Michael and the Great Depression 5 cont.
Once everyone spotted the train everyone shot up real fast.The police noticed us running towards the train and tried shooting us.They shot about 4 or 5 people then he aimed the gun at me and Michael. Police:If you take one more step this bullet will through your chests. Michael: -pull me in and kisses me- Me:-kissing back- Police:Aaww...young love is so adorable.You two are free to go. Michael and I:-jump on the train- Me:What was that all about? Michael: What? Did you not like the kiss? Me:Oh no I loved it. Michael:Then what so you mean? Me:Why would you do it for the officer. Michael:Well if you remember,Andre said that if we show a lot of affection then nothing can back us down so I figured that of I kiss you then he'll let us go. Me:Ooh I get it.We should do that more often. Michael:Why? Me:Because I like it....-bites bottom lip- Michael:Oh you do? Me: Mhmmm. Michael:Your such naughty girl. Me:I know. Michael and I sat on the roof of the train alone and just hugged eachother for a while.We where gonna go to sleep but we where afraid that we would fly of the train in our sleep. 4 hours later Michael:-yawns-Baby.. Me:Yes? Michael:We might just have to take the risk and go to sleep because I can hardly keep my eyes open. Me:But what if we fall off and die? Michael:Smack me in the face. Me:Why? Michael: 1.For suggesting that we should go to sleep and 2.It'll help me wake up a little more. Me:Whatever you say.....-smacks him as hard as I can- Michael:-holds his face-Ooowwwwwww.That hurt...but it was totally worth it....I think. Me:-giggles-I'm sorry I just don't wan you to fall asleep. Michael:I understand that but geez. Me:It's gettin kinda cold out here.Can we go back down to the freights?-rubs my arms- Michael:Well at least your wearing a shirt.My shirts is on your leg.-under his breath-I would love to see you take your short off- Me:What? Michael:Nothing.You coming? Me:Yeah... As we where climbing the ladder it was kind of slippery.Free a couple more seconds My foot slipped but Michael happily pulled me back up.Thank You Lord. Michael:You okay? Me:-embarrassed-Yea I'm fine. Michael:-helps me on-I see Hooverville. Me:YESSS!!We made it! Michael and I:-jump off- Of course we rolled a little when we jumped off but we where okay.There where trees on the way into Hooverville and Michael and I hid behind them to make used that there weren't any police men there. Me:You see any police officers or police cars. Michael:Nope.We're safe. Me:Okay,but when we walk in there we half to act like we've lived there for a long time and like we know how this town runs. Michael:okay. -walks in all cool whole holding my hand- There where lots poor people there who had tents and they where sitting around camp fires singing songs and clapping their hands.All of A sudden Michael started freaking out. Me:Mike are you alright. Michael:I'm sorry but I'm just so shy. Me:You weren't shy when you first met me: Michael:That's because- Some man cut Michael off. ???:Looking for something? Me:Um..yes sir.We want to know where CCC Camp is. ???:It's about 10 miles away.But I wouldn't go now because the police are on the look out for people who are ok the lam (that means people living on the streets because of the Great Depression and people who are looking for jobs). Michael:-shyly-Well when is the best time to go? ???:In the afternoon tomorrow while they're on their lunch breaks.You two little munchkins look like you haven't eaten in a week.Your stomachs are so pushed in that a vacuum sucked out all of the air. Me:Thanks for the compliment. -sarcastically- ???:You two want something to eat?We have lots of food in that cabin over there.And my the way my name is Antwon but since your a lot younger than me then you have to call me Mr.Anderson. Michael:Okay let's rewind.I heard you say that there was food.Now where that may be at? Mr.Anderson:Over there on that cabin.-points to the left- Michael:Thank you sir. -runs overthrew as fast as he can- Me:Sorry he's just a little hungry... Mr.Anderson:I see.Well males don't play about their food. Michael's Point of view They had SO MUCH FOOD here.My family should have moved here a long time ago.As I was getting my food.I hear a boy call my name. ???:Ay Mike! Me:OOH SHIT!!!!! TBC.... -------------------- Did you like it?I enjoyed writing it.Don't forget that if you have ideas for me to put in my story then tell me!!!!!And also don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!! Part 6 coming soon....
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