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Tough Love Part 90
Chapter 90 Welcome to Hawaii! We were about to board, when I felt this grip on my wrist. Quite naturally I yanked my arm away and I look back to see who it was. I shrieked a little. â??Shh, itâ??s me.â? Thatâ??s when I actually concentrate my eyes on his face. Then his eyes when I noticed he looked a little hurt. He was taking the entire scene inâ??me and Michael with suitcases, obviously leaving him here. I kept looking at him, frozen. But then he steps up to the plateâ??he clears his throat, then he handed it to me. â??Now youâ??ll learn what â??4 Letter Wordâ?? means.â? He handed the tape recorder to me. â??And Iâ??m sorry about everything.â? He says as heâ??s handing it over to me. I look at it â??cause Iâ??m still numb. Then I feel M.J.â??s hands on both sides of my jaw. I look at him, but by then, I WANT IT. What I wanted was his kisses, which he gives me. Then HEâ??S actually the one to end the kiss. We grip each other real tight as our nails dig into each other. â??I just ask you to listen to this for me.â? Then he glances at Michael and back at me again. â??Sorry again.â? Then he turns away into the crowd again. â??Come on.â? Michael teasingly shakes my shoulder. But I still canâ??t move. I mean, isnâ??t that ROMANTIC? For someone you thought you didnâ??t care about to show up RIGHT before you board a plane or a bus or a TRAIN to tell you theyâ??re sorry? Maybe he DID catch the hint. He went up and ABOVE! â??Lyric come on before YOU make us miss our plane.â? He didnâ??t even have his shades on, so I got to see his almond-shaped eyes. I think I have a thing for almond-shaped eyes. â??Fine!â? he was ruining my thoughts and this â??special momentâ?. Good thing I DID rinse my mouth out. I still feel bad for swapping spit so much. Uck! Michael takes my hand again and we board the plane. He had us in first class, of course. â??Michael, I donâ??t mind coach.â? â??I KNOW you donâ??t.â? â??But why arenâ??t we on it?â? â??Because I donâ??t see you that way.â? then he sits on the end of the row. Our small bags are closest to the window. Though we didnâ??t have to, Michael and I was sitting shoulder-to-shoulder. â??Tonight is supposed to be a clear night.â? he smiles. â??How long is the fly anyways?â? â??About four to five hours.â? â??THAT long? Man I thought two hours to the most.â? â??Remember we have to cross water.â? I was trying to make sense of that, that maybe water made a gigantic difference, but Michael only shrugged. â??Five hours with the both of us. Five hours with you and five hours with me. Get used to it.â? He smiles real quick, showing his teeth to me, then he kisses my cheek. When the plane was about to take flight, I grip Michaelâ??s hand. â??Do you have any gum?â? I know the elevation affect your ears sometimes. â??Here, sure.â? I was going to take it from him, but he lays the minty gum on my tongue. I smile as I shake my head and chew it. After a little, I asked Michael if anyone knew about us leaving tonight. â??I didnâ??t leave a specific date, now did I?â? he half smirks. â??You surely didnâ??t.â? Later on, I brushed my teeth out and wiped my mouth. I still feel bad because of the â??Why should I kiss you because you kissed her and she kissed him who kissed his ex?â? rule, which I believe in. That right there made me a little nauseated, so I threw up a little. Then I had to re-brush about two times to cover up the smell and remove any chunks that were left. â??Well you took a long time.â? â??Had stomach cramps.â? Which wasnâ??t a lie. â??Well donâ??t get too nervous about the trip.â? â??Iâ??m not Michael,â? I say as I sit and face him. My right arm was resting on the top of my chair. â??Hope not.â? He kisses my forehead. â??Hey, youâ??re a little warm.â? Then he feels my forehead. â??No, Iâ??m fine.â? I smile. I lean into Michael as he wraps his arms around me, and I close my eyes into the food comes around. Iâ??m actually a little starved until I finish my tray. â??You mustâ??ve really been hungry!â? â??Letâ??s say I cleared my tank.â? His eyes grow wide as he looked at me. â??Not THAT way!â? He started laughing. â??No Michael, I threw up.â? He still wouldnâ??t believe me. â??Yeah, â??threw upâ??.â? He said mocking me. â??Itâ??s true. You canâ??t smell my breath now, but I DID.â? â??Yeah, un-huh.â? I rolled my eyes. I donâ??t know if heâ??ll let me ever live that down. We had over two hours of the flight left when Michael closed his eyes with some of the other passengers and fell asleep. But for me, I kept looking out the window. I was hoping to spot a cloud, but sometimes I would see a star. I touched the cold window as I looked towards the ground. I shook my head and fell back into my seat, not believing we were that far up in the air. I happened to remember the tape recorder M.J. wanted me to listen to, so I got it out. From the start of it and the tone, I could tell it was a lot different than the other songs Iâ??ve been hearing from him. I really got to hear his SINGING voice. And the music was pretty leading up to the chorus. My eyes were close as I listened. I wonder if he wrote it with me as the inspiration or what, but it was really pretty. Iâ??m happy M.J. is stepping to his tender side. I like this side a lot too. And when he says the pucker up your lips part and â??when you get this message, Iâ??ll be right here when you check itâ? made me smile to myself. That line was really clever. I guess itâ??s called â?? 4 Letter Wordâ?. I put the recorder up and look at over at Michael sleeping. Then I hear footsteps running as this little boy were running into this section of the plane. â??Jimmy, get BACK here!â? I heard his mom say. I leaned out my aisle to see what was going on. When I did that, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and stared at me. Then he hugged me. â??I know you. Youâ??re that girl that was with Michael Jackson!â? â??Shh,â? I cover my mouth with my finger. I motion to pick him up as he reaches for me. He was about six, but was small with his little overalls on. â??I donâ??t want to go back to Mommy.â? â??But you have to!â? His mom was headed towards us. When she saw me, she was more relaxed. Then she smiled and shooed us off. â??Itâ??s fine.â? â??Okay,â? I smile as I carry little Jimmy back to my seat. â??Now Jimmy, you canâ??t make too much noise about Michael being here because he wants a normal flight like everyone else. Capisce?â? Thatâ??s American slang for â??understand?â? and pronounced cah-Peesh. Iâ??m sure everyone has been asked that. And it derives from an Italian word. But Jimmy responds with â??Capisce.â? So I sit with him, but Michael had already woken up. â??Whatâ??s going on?â? â??Meet our new friend, Jimmy.â? â??Hi Jimmy,â? Michael waves. â??Hi Michael,â? Jimmy waves back. While Jimmy was sitting with us, he and Michael kept up a conversation, while I sat there and watched. Michael seemed to be a natural at this. He could easily pipe down to your size and start talking with you as if HE was a six-year-old all over again. As the flight attendant walked around and saw us again, we couldnâ??t help but giggle. We were a mix-matched family. Jimmy was white with a little tan, but we were blind to the color difference. Pus he was a little cutie. Then when Michael and Jimmy fell asleep, I couldnâ??t help but watch the serene pictureâ??Michael holding him like he really WAS Jimmyâ??s father. I wonder what that made me. But I grabbed Michaelâ??s camera and took a picture. When I shook it out to develop, I titled it â??Father and Son, 12/21/1978â? since it was know Thursday. I cradled my head on Michaelâ??s shoulder and all of us shared the same blanket. Michael woke me up. I stretched when I noticed Jimmy was gone. â??I gave him to his mom.â? â??Oh.â? I said sadly. But I autographed his favorite Superman toy.â? â??That was nice.â? I smiled. â??I guess weâ??re in Hawaii now.â? â??We ARE!â? As we land, Michael and I are clenching each otherâ??s hand again. â??Michael, Iâ??m scared.â? â??Why?â? Because Iâ??m on an island with you, alone, and a bit horny? â??Iâ??m just so excited!â? I say through a whisper. But it is true! â??Well I am too.â? â??The same way I am?â? â??What?â? â??Never mind.â? We were one of the last ones to leave from our section of the plane as we walked into the HNL (Honolulu International Airport). As Michael and I walked through it, I just could TELL we felt like stars and the big man on campus. There were Hawaiian dancers greeting us and gave us a Lei. Theyâ??re the Hawaiian flower necklaces. When the dancers tried to get me to dance, I moved my hips a little, trying to match my rookiness with their perfect movements. â??Let me call my parents real quick.â? â??Okay.â? I go to the nearest pay phone. â??We just landed in Hawaii!â? I exclaimed. â??How are you feeling?â? Mom asked. â??Pretty good. Whereâ??s Dad?â? â??Heâ??s sitting right here. You know we couldnâ??t go to sleep until we knew you two landed safely. The same might happened when Katherine flies out there.â? I had already remembered to ask Michael about that before I dialed my parents. â??We could just call to tell you.â? I go to say. â??Okay. Well whereâ??s Michael?â? â??Heâ??s on the other side of the room. I just wanted to call real quick.â? â??Okay. Love you.â? â??Love you too, Mom.â? Dad gets on the phone to say he loved me also. â??Remember to tell Michael Iâ??m a manâ?¦and a cop.â? â??He knows Dad. But Iâ??ll call you guys later once we get to our place.â? Maybe I shouldâ??ve said â??The place.â? so things wouldnâ??t sound so official. I turn around, and thereâ??s Michael right there. I giggle as he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek. I saw he had our suitcases. â??You scared me,â? I say naively. â??Our limo driver is here.â? We take each otherâ??s hand. He leads us through the crowd until we see the driver with a sign. It simply said â??Swan, Chiyanâ?. â??So you used my name.â? â??Yup.â? He smiles. Chiyan, pronounced like Cheyenne (Shy-ann), is the middle name my grandma gave me. â??I had to disguise it. I didnâ??t want them to know.â? â??Well it seems like we canâ??t use this excuse all the time if someone is paying attention.â? â??Mr. Jackson?â? â??Yes, Fernando.â? He shakes his hand and I shake it next. â??Well letâ??s go.â? Fernando says. He gestures towards my suitcase. So I wouldnâ??t be rude, I let him take it. We leave through the back of the building. â??Thereâ??s some sparkling cider for you two.â? â??Thank you,â? I smile. Michael opens it, pours us some, and our glasses clink. But as he drinks some of his, I donâ??t. I feel a little weird, and that fuzzy feeling in my heart and chest becomes present. That happens when Iâ??m nervous or feel like Iâ??m growing up too fast. I was feeling like this because this seemed more like a setup for a honeymoon. â??Michael, you didnâ??t have to do all this,â? I say through my teeth. â??I wanted to.â? I look at my feet as he scoots me over closer, â??You deserve it.â? I shake my head. â??No I donâ??t.â? â??Yeah you do.â? he kiss my cheek, and thatâ??s where I stayed for the car ride to the beach house. â??Hey, but is Katherine coming?â? â??Iâ??ll explain all that later.â? The ride is a little long in my opinion. I wished I had peed first. â??Here we are.â? Fernando finally stops. Michael opens the door as I run out it. â??THIS is our place?!â? The lights were lit inside. It really DID look like a beach house. There were a lot of glass windows. â??Iâ??m guessing you two would like to go inside now.â? Fernando hands Michael the key. With us holding our bags and suitcases, we walk up to the door. Then I thought Michael was going to open the door, but he hands the key to me. His face is prodding me to use the key, so I do. Lefty-loosey goes through my head as I open the door. We roll our suitcases on the white carpet, when I threw my arms out. â??Weâ??re HERE!â? I exclaim. I finally did it. WE finally did it! I turn and see Michael laughing at me. â??Can you believe this Michael?â? I throw my hands on my hips and waist. â??Iâ??m happy to know YOUâ??RE happy.â? I grip him towards me. â??Check out the other part of the house.â? I run past the couches. Should I make a left or a right? I decide to go on with my left. Thereâ??s a bedroom and bathroom down here. I noticed the comforter was white. Then I ran towards the right side of the house. It had the same set up. â??I meant to tell you the left side of the house is yours. This is my bedroom.â? I turn towards him. â??Oh,â? I nod. â??Just for safety hazards and so we can have our own room. â??Yeah, I understand. Now whereâ??s the beach?â? â??Itâ??s after six â??clock in the morning Lyric. You want to NOW?â? â??Why not? Itâ??s beautiful out here. Plus a lot of people shouldnâ??t be out here right now.â? I know I got him with that one. â??Fine.â? I walk towards the limo and he follows. The trip wasnâ??t too long. â??Which beach are we going to?â? I ask Fernando. â??Kuhio Beach Park. Itâ??s in Waikiki.â? â??Is it close by?â? â??Itâ??s not too far.â? â??Okay.â? Once we get there, Michael and I walk closer to the sand. He had told Fernando he could leave and we would call him when we were ready. â??So what was your whole idea Einstein?â? he asks me. â??To walk on the beach.â? I take my shoes off and seep my toes into the sand. I walk closer to the tide. For some reason, itâ??s like this little rebel was inside me. â??Hey Michael.â? I run back to him as I take his wrists. â??What?â? â??Take your clothes off.â? â??Hunh?â? â??Go skinny dipping with me.â? â??WHAT THE?!â? â??Seriously. Do it with me.â? He looks me up and down. â??Donâ??t you just want to do something crazy and amazing?!â? â??But not THIS!!!â? â??Come on, you little wuss. Do it for ME.â? I point at myself. He rolls his eyes. â??Is there anyone around?â? he asks as he starts looking around. â??I donâ??t see ANYONE out here right now.â? â??If you say-so.â? I smile. â??But donâ??t look at me.â? I say. â??And make sure no one is watching.â? He hides in-front of me as I take off ALL of my clothes and show my natural behind before I think to NOT do it. I run towards the water and jump in. It was a little cold, so I knew I had to start swimming before I would get warm. â??Whoo!â? I start clapping. â??Now YOUâ??RE turn!â? I tell Michael. â??Turn away!â? â??Fine!â? I say as I turn around. â??About to come in!â? â??Okay!â? I respond. I look at the sky, but Iâ??m anticipating hearing the splash of water. When I finally hear it, I turn around as fast as I could. I see Michael with bare arms and a chest. â??Are you sure youâ??re naked?â? â??You donâ??t want to reach down and find out.â? He laughs. I get behind him and shove his head down in the water. As I start getting out the water, Michael says, â??What are you doing?â? I was literally shivering from my nerves and I didnâ??t respond. â??Oh! Iâ??m drowning. Someone, HELP me!â? I look over my right shoulder. â??Michael you know how to swim.â? â??Oh, I canâ??t! HELP me! I roll my eyes, but I donâ??t move. Then Michaelâ??s head goes down into the water. I keep staying there as I challenge him. A minute goes by, but I donâ??t see his head. Iâ??m starting to get annoyed and uneasy, so I run towards the water FOR him. Then he pops his head up with a big grin. â??Uck, Michael?!â? â??Yeah?â? â??WHY did you do that?â? â??â??Cause I wanted you to stay.â? His arms go to the upper-sides of my back and leans me back then forward again. â??Marco!â? he pokes my head and starts swimming away. â??Polo!â? I reluctantly say. But I was â??Itâ? so I was supposed to say â??Marcoâ? and Michael was supposed to say â??Poloâ?. Then I go to find him with my eyes closed. I had to use my ears. Every time I got close Iâ??d hear him swim away. A few times I was close, but he KEPT swimming away, so I finally said â??Fish out of the water!â? â??Polo!â? he said again, so I guess he hadnâ??t left after all. â??Gotâ??cha!â? I say. I could tell I tagged his back. Michael didnâ??t want to tag the wrong things on me, so we stopped playing. But then I noticed there was a lot we couldnâ??t do because we were nude. We couldnâ??t even hug each other, or that wouldâ??ve been a sin for BOTH of us Iâ??m sure. â??Do you want to get out now?â? Michael asks. â??Yeah. Letâ??s get back to the beach house.â? It was in Honolulu, the stateâ??s capital. Thatâ??s when we heard a camera flash. I looked up in horror as I saw a homeless man with the camera and a sly grin. â??Oh no.â? I covered my mouth. â??Sir?â? Michael says but the man runs away with it. â??Michael, youâ??ve GOT to get that camera.â? â??I will, donâ??t worry.â? He runs out the water, and I turn away to give him his privacy. I see him run off with his clothes drooping on him. I look to see if thereâ??s anyone ELSE out there, but I donâ??t see anything weird, so I run out the water and decide to get dressed in it. I was running where Michael had went, when heâ??s running towards me. â??What did you do?!â? â??I paid him to give me the picture and camera. I didnâ??t want any other evidence left on it. Plus he seemed a little tipsy, so he shouldnâ??t remember.â? â??I hope not!â? I try to calm my breathing. â??I donâ??t even think he knows who we were.â? â??Thatâ??s good.â?I nod. â??Letâ??s just go.â? We grip each other. Luckily the limo was there. â??Did you tell him to come?â? â??No, I actually didnâ??t.â? Michael says. I look up at the sky and thank God. â??Letâ??s just go,â? I repeat. â??Thanks Fernando.â? I say. â??For what?â? â??For saving us.â? I simply say, but I was thinking â??For saving our asses.â? I collapse into Michaelâ??s arms. Though we were sopped with water, we stayed close, protecting each other from the unknown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How did ya like? ;-) Credit goes to Diggy Simmons for â??4 Letter Wordâ?. -A.
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