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Show Me What Love Feels Like Ch. 12
Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Recall: Misty visits her mother's house but was violently assaulted by her coniving stepfather. Now her former pimp, King P. sees her again after more than three months. "WHERE DA FUCK WAS YOU AT BITCH?!" My stomach churned immediately. King P hadn't seen me in three months. I had left off without saying a word to him and disappeared from his sights. He had started to slowly walk towards me. As he walked closer and closer to me, the pressure on my shoulders became heavier and heavier. I grew scared. He was going to hit me. I just knew he was going to. I stayed silent, just kept in fear. "Answer my fuckin' question," he said with a firmer tone as he threw his cigarette onto the ground. King P. then forcefully grabbed my chin and held it up high as he got in my face with his cigarette breath crawling on my neck. "Where the fuck were you at?" he said sternly with a terrifying deepness to his voice. His tone of voice scared me into shutters. I wanted to say something to avoid violence, and I had tried to spit out a few words to him, but he had scared me to the point where my words were deprived, even if I had wanted to speak. But I just couldn't. "Well, if you ain't wanna talk--" He didn't finish his sentence. Instead he took me by the arm and dragged me like a slug into a nearby alley behind a dumpster, where he had violently punched me in the eye opposite to the eye where Nick had punched me. That day I had been violently attacked twice, and the end result was two black eyes, a busted lip, bruised lips, a swollen face, and several scratches throughout my whole body. Not to mention marks around my neck where I had been choked by King P. "BITCH, DON'T YOU EVER FUCKIN LEAVE ME LIKE DAT AGAIN!" King P. yelled as he pushed me onto the ground after deciding to quit squeezing my throat. He had choked me for three minutes. I guess he had decided to let me go after he had seen my face grow blue. I collasped on the ground, coughing and gasping for precious air. "Do you know how much my fuckin' business has gone down ever since yo bitch ass left?" he shouted as he stuck his hand down the dumpster and threw endless amounts of garbage at me. "You were my best bitch. Now eva since you left, my money sales have been fucked! You got me all fucked up, bitch!" I couldn't say anything. One, because I had just been choked; two, I was afraid to say anything to him or else I would've been choked again. At that point, I fully regreted ever leaving Michael. At first, I thought that me leaving would benefit for everyone, but I soon realized that it did not benefit anyone. I wanted to run back to Michael and apologize to him, but it was too late. I was back to my old life and my old ways. I was back to being the prostitute who kept being beaten around and stepped on like a doormat.......... ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Dear Diary, June 5, 1995 Yesterday was my eighteenth birthday. It was very special. Michael, his stepkids, and my cousins from Detroit had thrown a very nice suprise party for me, with balloons, confetti, presents, and even a nice cake. The cake had two flavors; one half was vanilla, one half was chocolate. It had an ice cream filling inside and was topped with a nice white frosting with gorgeous pink icing in letters that said, "Happy Special Birthday, Misty!" and it was topped with rainbow sprinkles. We also had a birthday carnival and also we went to Disneyland as the last celebration of my three-part birthday. Michael even hired a clown to make balloon animals for me! We even had a magic show!! It was a birthday made for little children, and ironically, this was the day that I became an adult, but I had never had so much fun in my life. It was the best. Who knew that me, Misty Ravens, could ever have a party with balloons, confetti, presents, and a cake? I never had that before and it was very nice to experience a great party. But I had wished that I had experience such a delight when I was a small child. But I compensated for that. That one night was better than my whole childhood! I am so glad Michael had taken me under his wing again, despite the things I had done to hurt him. He is really great. If it wasn't for him, I would have probably been in jail, pregnant, hooked on drugs and alcohol, or even worse...dead." Less than a month after I had set back out to Los Angeles, Michael had rescued me yet again. The way he found me was ironic, because in May of 1995, one of his friends bragged to him that he and his other friends were going to invite a stripper into his apartment, but in reality, they were planning to drug and rape the stripper and hold her at gunpoint. They invited Michael to join them to watch the stripper dance. And I was the stripper (I also had done private at-home stripteases)... *Flashback to May 1995* "Mike, you should stay for the stripper," his friend, Johnny, suggested to him. "Um, nah, man, I'm married," Michael said, getting up from Johnny's couch, prepared to leave. "I have a long way to drive anyway." "Naw, man, you stay," one of Johnny's friends, Joey, said. "I told you, man, I'm married." "Mike, do you know how many married men are at strip clubs every night?" Joey backfired. "I know, it's just that, I don't think it is right." Johnny smacked his teeth and said, "Man, Mike, you're too much of a good boy. C'mon, be a bad boy tonight." "And besides, wifey won't know," Joey said with a devious smirk on his face. Michael gave in. "Alright, man, I'll stay for five minutes, but after that, I'm out." "A'ight, mayne," Johnny smiled as he gave Michael a brother handshake. "Yo, she's seventeen also. We got some young meat on our hands, mayne." "She's seventeen?" Michael asked, suprised. "Yeah, mayne. We got a young ho. I can't wait her shake her young lil ass," Joey said, nodding his head. Just then, I came through the door with a black robe on underneath a bikini. I was shocked to see Michael there. He was the same. "Misty?" Michael said while he walked to me. "Michael?" I said back in the same disbelief as he was. "Misty Ravens, what are you doing here?" "The question is, what are YOU doing here?" "Mike, you know this chick?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, I thought I did," Michael said while giving me a look of disappointment. My heart dropped. He was disappointed in me. I had felt ashamed at that point. "I'm outta here." He then stormed out yet I had tried to stop him. "Michael, wait," I begged as I tried to grab his shoulder but he shrugged my hand off and slamed the door as he left. I was left in silence. "Well...we can still have fun, right?" Johnny said with a devious smile on his face. "I'm sorry, I-I gotta go," I said as I grabbed a bag that I had brought with me and got ready to leave. "Wait a minute, you ain't goin' no where," Johnny said as he pushed me onto the couch. "I'm gon' get my money's worth, bitch. " "I told you I gotta go," I said. Johnny then jumped on me and covered my mouth with his hand to muffle my screams. "And I told you, you ain't goin' nowhere, bitch. You gon' give us what we want since I paid for yo dumb ho ass. Joey, get the duct tape." Once Joey appeared with duct tape, Johnny had already laid me down the couch and had gotten ready to rape me. They stood over me, licking their lips like a hungry snake would. They were ready to fufill their fantasies. Johnny then bent down next to me and whispered in my ear. "After we get what we want, we're gonna put the gun to yo head and don't think that anyone's gon' save you cuz no one gon' want to save yo ass. Joey, do what you want with her." Joey then got on top of me. I screamed at the top of my lungs but Johnny soon taped my mouth. For those ten miserable minutes of being raped, I felt that there was no hope. Maybe Johnny was right. No one could save me. Because no one wanted to. I had disappointed Michael and I had betrayed him. Maybe I deserved to be raped and killed... TBC... *What will happen? Find out on Chapter 13*
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