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Tough Love Part 73; Part 2
I made a mistake, the last part is "Tough Love Part 73; Part 1" but it's writtenw ithin the story, so everyone will know. Right now, Iâ??m actually reading a book, and Iâ??m also pulling from what Iâ??ve read since itâ??s Michaelâ??s story, so Iâ??m not making it up. Hope you enjoy -Aariyan iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Chapter 73; Part 2 2300 Jackson Street â??I donâ??t know how to start.â? â??Just start it off naturally Michael, it doesnâ??t matter to me.â? He sits there in silence for a minute or two, and I just watch him. â??Lyric I truly donâ??tâ?¦you might be surprised.â? â??Michael, I really told you the worst of the worst, so just tell me. I TRULY donâ??t care. I wonâ??t tell if thatâ??s what youâ??re worried about.â? â??Have you ever noticed that I like you less when youâ??re hanging out more with guy friends?â? Iâ??m silent, then I look at him. â??Yeahâ?¦.â? â??Well, itâ??s because me and my brothers would perform in front of strippers.â? â??HUH?!â? â??Shhhh,â? he shs me. â??Just listen.â? â??Okay,â? I nod and swallow. â??I guess I need to start off when I was born.â? â??You could if you like.â? â??Okayâ?¦well Iâ??m not the first in my family, but by the time I came along, I was one of the shorter brothers because I was the youngest at the time.â? â??How was it?â? He looks awayâ?¦off the distant. â??The house was smallâ?¦there were only two bedrooms. Of course my parents had one. Me and my brothers, except Randy had the other.â? â??How?â? â??We had bunks,â? he quickly says. â??Jermaine and Tito shared the top bunk. Marlon and I shared the middle. And Jackie had the one on the bottom to himself.â? â??What about the girls?â? â??They and Randy had the sofa, though Janet would be in my parentsâ?? bed when she was little, I remember.â? â??Wowâ?¦and to think yâ??all started off this way. Now weâ??re staying in the Plazaâ?¦.â? I mumble. â??Exactly,â? I look at him, but he isnâ??t insulted. Michael actually gives me a grateful smile. â??It was always the biggest mystery: where did the Jackson clan sleep?â? then he chuckles again. â??I wouldnâ??t say we were poorâ?¦.Mother preached the fact we had more than many others, despite our circumstances. To us, it was like a little test. God had given us this test because it had a purpose. And Joseph would tell us that as well, that we each other to depend on.â? Michael reconnects his eye contact with me. â??My parents wouldnâ??t let us get on welfare, Lyricâ?¦.It mustâ??ve been some pride thing, but we didnâ??t have that. And Iâ??m not saying it to be sedatity, I say it because that was something they didnâ??t have.â? He chuckles and looks at me again. â??My brothersâ?¦my sister, Rebbie, would sing at the sink as theyâ??d do the dishes with Mother. Sheâ??s from Eufaula, Alabama, near Russell County. Josephâ??s from Arkansas.â? He looks at me again, but this time with a sparkle in his eye. â??You know, thatâ??s probably why I like you so much. You understand how things are from being from the south.â? â??I guess,â? I smile shyly. â??But thereâ??s something Iâ??m kind of itching at, and youâ??ve probably already told me, but I just want to know.â? â??What is it?â? I look down at the table, but back at his face again. I donâ??t feel so brave now as I have Michaelâ??s doe-shaped eyesâ??s attention. â??Why do you call your father â??Josephâ??? He created you, so the name should be more intimate, more dear to the heart.â? â??Lyric, itâ??s a respect thing, and to my father, thatâ??s showing him love. Thatâ??s the best way. And thatâ??s the ONLY in the Jackson clan. Thereâ??s no changing it now. My dad is forever Joseph to me.â? â??But I donâ??t want to refer to him as Joseph, but feel like itâ??s strictly business.â? â??Then donâ??t think of it that way. But we wonâ??t call him anything else.â? â??Okay,â? I nod. â??Motherâ?¦was the best cook. I remember us having potatoes in all different styles: baked, fried, boiled. I even remember this story when we would go to school with Vaseline on our faces so we wouldnâ??t have dried skin. Indiana snow isnâ??t too nice, Lyr, I can tell you that.â? I smile. He gets silent. â??Those was the daysâ?¦the Gary days.â? â??If you could, would you go back to those days, Michael?â? He gets silent. â??Sometimes I doâ?¦I think thatâ??s why I like to hang around you so much. I believe thatâ??s why I decided to stay with you and your father for a little while, so I could feel that closeness again. That large house at Hayvenhurst gives us more room, Lyric. Butâ?¦I still get lonely you know? Sometimes Iâ?¦sometimes Iâ?¦.â? â??Sometimes youâ?¦?â? â??Sometimes, I walk the streets alone at night. I always try and FIND someone to be my friend. I actually WANT that, but I go homeâ?¦every nightâ?¦empty handed.â? My eyes widen. Is he telling me the truth? â??Have you done that since youâ??ve been living with me?â? He looks back at me. â??Yes,â? he whispers. â??But not as much as Iâ??ve want to. Your father actually sets the alarm, and it isnâ??t as easy for me to get out the house. I still have to be professional around him.â? I lay my head on the table with my arms underneath them. I start to tear up. â??Whatâ??s wrong? Did I do something?â? â??You made me remember something.â? â??What is it?â? I take a deep breath, though I still have straggling tears escaping me. â??I would cut myself whenever I was unhappy. That was when I was really depressed.â? â??Huh?â? I showed him my arm. â??Itâ??s gone away, but just feel my arm. I donâ??t know if Iâ??ll always be a cutter or not. Itâ??s quite ironic when youâ??re the one being abused, but you go out and cut yourself anyways.â? He looks at me, then my arm again, then he wipe away my tears. â??I would cut both arms, Michael. When the other arm would hurt too much to cut.â? He looks down. I canâ??t take the silence, so I throw our food away, but he gets up and follow me. I go back to the table and grab the bag with the painting inside. â??We have more than enough time for the heart-to-heart.â? Michael tells me as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. â??Okay,â? I still sniffle. He grabs a few napkins. â??Blow,â? and I blow my nose into the napkin. â??Thank you,â? I say as I let go two more tears. Michael kisses my forehead and look into my eyes. I hold my hands over his as we just stare. I let another tear go. â??Stop crying. You get pale when you cryâ?¦.And you start to look like Rudolph in the nose,â? I laugh. â??Come on.â? I grab his hand. â??See, I know a little about Christmas.â? Michael and I walk again in silence, but I think that was the best thing to do at this point. As he told me some of his story, I really got to feel like I was back in Gary, Indiana with them during the â??50s and â??60s. I imagined Katherineâ??s anguish about the boysâ?? audience, though Michael never retraced his steps, but he said we could always talk some more. I just guess his story is so big, he canâ??t tell it in one night. But itâ??s the same for me. I havenâ??t finish telling Michael mine, either, and I donâ??t know if he knows, but Iâ??ll ask him something right now. â??Michael?â? â??Hmm,â? I could tell he was getting tired, just like I was of all of this â??walkingâ?. What I WAS going to ask him came second to what I NEEDED to ask him. I sit him on the nearest bench and I sit on his lap. â??Is this why you asked me to go walking with you? So you could finally have a friend to walk and talk with?â? He looks down. â??I actually didnâ??t think of it that way, but if you need to think of it that way, Iâ??m fine with that too. Because if you donâ??t mind being my walking buddy, then Iâ??ll be a happy camper.â? â??Okay.â? The wind blows again and we know we need to walk to keep up with our warmth. â??But my other and first question was do you think Hugh Hefner is right? Could I really ever be an on-screen actress? Should I really model? I know I can do that because everyone always says Iâ??m so pretty, but acting? I think I can do it, but I donâ??t know if I want my lifestyle to change. It seems like fame change the way you are. Did it do that to you?â? â??Lyric, Iâ??m still the same person at heart with the memories of my past. The only difference is that I have more change in my pocket, and I can afford to buy you things like the room weâ??ll be sleeping in. I can do all those things Lyric, and Iâ??m happy. Iâ??m happy to make you happy.â? I stop walking, swallow, and have to stop myself from crying. â??And yes I truly believe you can be an actress. Just look at you, youâ??re a character! Drama Queen.â? He smiles. â??But what about a singer? As well?â? I shrug. â??I donâ??t think my voice is strong.â? â??Then practice with me.â? â??No Michael.â? â??Come on, Lyr. I know you do good when others are singing with you.â? â??No,â? I kept saying. â??Oooooooh! Sugarpie, Honeybunch You know that I love youâ? I join in: â??I canâ??t help myself I love you and nobody else In and out my life (I repeat this line with Michael) You come and you go (And we repeat this as well)â? Michael sighs in relief. â??I remember me and my brothers would sing this all the time, dreaming to be like the Temptations, but Joseph wanted us to be BETTER! And the Temps were incredible enough. But Joseph wanted us to be number one.â? â??You were Michael and your brothersâ?¦for a long time.â? â??But weâ??re NOT anymore, Lyric, and thatâ??s why this album is so important. We gotta do this without the help of Berry.â? I stop again and wrap my arms over his shoulders. â??Well youâ??re going to be.â? Then I smile. â??Youâ??re even going to top the Beatlesâ?¦at their own game.â? He hugs me then. Michael and I stop to go to Subway, one of my favorite places to stuff my face, and while weâ??re there, I use the bathroom. I hear the door open and I hear little footsteps, but what surprised me is that I saw this blonde/bronze/dark brown little Chihuahua. â??Go boy, go. Leave.â? He done stuck his head underneath my stall and had gotten in! â??Leave boy, leave.â? When he doesnâ??t, and I finish, I pick him up. Everything about him was normal; even his lightness when it comes to his â??l-b-sâ? (pounds). The only thing was his little ding-dong was oversized and pink. Guess I was right to call him a boy! I go to wash my hands, but he keeps climbing up my leg. The owner comes in. â??Come on Bruno, come on!â? â??Heâ??s a nice puppy,â? I say as she takes him away with a scowl, more than likely formed because of him. When I was about to tell Michael, he tells me that he got another sandwich for Janet and asked if I would put it with the drawing, which was drawn on a canvas. â??Want some of mine?â? â??Nope.â? He shows me his sandwich. â??No ham.â? â??I donâ??t see how you DO it!â? I smile. Itâ??s safe to say we didnâ??t finish our sandwiches, but was actually on our way back to the hotel. Michael called Jan, then we left Subway. We headed to the hotel, but we werenâ??t going back the way we had come. â??Bruno! BRUNO!!â? Michael and I look down at the ground, and we see that little Chihuahua again. He comes up to my legs, causing me to stop. I bend down to pick him up, but he starts licking my face, trying to sniff me. â??Eww,â? I say. â??He cleans himself with this tongue.â? Michael laughs as the lady runs up to us again. â??Bruno, getâ??chur little butt right here, RIGHT now!â? He whimpers, with his front left leg up. He scurries closer to me. â??Hey, maybe heâ??s just a little scared.â? I pick him up and cradle him, despite his external part underneath him. â??Well I donâ??t care. Heâ??s going to OBEY ME!â? â??Hey, maybe heâ??s keener to Lyric.â? Michael says. â??Well I donâ??t care. This is my damn dog and I want him.â? then she raises her fists at him. â??And if you donâ??t come home to me at once Iâ??m gonnaâ??â? â??Hey, letâ??s do thisâ?¦we keep him for the night, and if he acts nice to Lyric the way he is, weâ??ll think about buying him.â? â??Who says you could buy my dog?â? â??I willâ?¦if I have to.â? He looks at me. â??Oh no Michael, itâ??s not that serious Michael. Weâ??ll just give him back.â? â??No,â? she shakes her head. â??Heâ??s right. Look, you already have his leash. This is the kind of food he likes to eat.â? She gets out a piece of paper and wrote it down with a pencil. â??And hereâ??s my address. Drop him by anytime tomorrow.â? â??Anytime?â? Michael asks. â??Anytime. I think we need the separation.â? She smiles. â??And Michael?â? â??Yes?â? â??Your girlfriend met my dog in that Subway bathroom.â? We look at each other and laugh. â??Oh, Lyric.â? he says and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. Thereâ??s so many stores in New York, including Wal-Mart, but we found a Dollar General still opened, and we got Brunoâ??s food from there. â??I wish she had his cage as well.â? â??I know, but Iâ??ll just get one for him. Itâ??s no biggie.â? Michael told the clerk it was late and he didnâ??t want me or the dog to be standing out there alone in the dark, so he let the both of us in. â??Youâ??re going to spend the night with us, Bruno.â? Michael says to him. â??But will the Plaza let us?â? â??They should! I spent enough money on them to let me do just about anythingâ?¦.And,â? â??What?â? I look at him. â??I like that ring. My â??girlfriendâ??.â? â??Oh, what she said?â? â??Yeah. you know we hear it a lot.â? â??I know we do. How does it make you feel?â? â??Like,â? he suddenly grabs me, which I think heâ??s going to kiss me, but he dips me instead, with our noses nearly touching, but we hear Bruno scratching at Michaelâ??s leg. We giggle as Michael picks him up, kisses his head. â??Eww, look at it,â? Michael says as he wiggles Bruno in front of me. â??Stop it!â? I say. â??You just wish you had one big like that,â? then I burst out laughing. â??Oh you donâ??t have to worry about that. This is juvenile stuff.â? He says as he points at Bruno. â??Come on, letâ??s just make it home.â? We go back in the front way and the woman at the desk doesnâ??t trip, which is fine with us. Like Michael saidâ??and even I couldâ??ve said it myselfâ??he paid enough at this hotel, and not like we were going to cause trouble. Plus Bruno has proved to be a good dog right now, anyways. And we take the stairs this time. I held the stuff and Michael held Bruno. â??Looks like weâ??ll be washing our clothes,â? he said as he looked at the Chihuahua. â??No kidding.â? I mumble. By the time we get back to our room, itâ??s after four oâ??clock, and Iâ??m exhausted. I know Michael is too. I take a shower, but Janet still hasnâ??t stirred, though she told me hey when I called her name. When I walked out the room I was sharing with Jan, I saw Michael already in his pajamas, staring into the gate where he had put Bruno. â??Heâ??s not whimpering, is he?â? â??No, heâ??s fine.â? â??Has he used the bathroom one last time?â? â??No not yet.â? â??Well Iâ??m about to go to sleep. Wanna take him now?â? He smiles at me. â??Open the slide door for me?â? â??Sure.â? Thereâ??s a balcony connected to our room, and when I open it, the cold air hits me, but the longer I stay out here, the more I should get use to it, I tell myself. Michael follows with Bruno. â??Itâ??ll be really gross if he takes a dump.â? â??Yeah, Iâ??m hoping he wonâ??t do that either. We can always scrap it off the balcony though and let it fall.â? I nudge and laugh at him. After Bruno does nothing, Michael puts him back in his cage and walks back out. We just stand there against the rail. Then he stands behind me and wrap his arms around my body. I press us closer together. Then we snuggle some. His hand goes up to my tank top. He pushes the sleeve down and kisses my shoulder. I â??hmmâ? in pleasure, and as he turns me back around to face him, I laugh as he licks his lips, and bite the bottom one. Then the phone rings. â??Uggh,â? he says. Then he walks towards the railing and bounces off of it. â??Youâ??re not going to do anything.â? I say as he walks in. Then Michael takes my hand as I close the door behind us. He gets the phone before it stops ringing. â??Helloâ?¦hi Mother. Do you know what time it is in California?â? When I knew I shouldnâ??t be standing there anymore, which is now, I touch Michaelâ??s neck, kissing his cheek. â??â??Night.â? I whisper. After I close the door, Janet turns on the lap while grinning. â??Tell me EVERYTHING!â? â??In the morning, girl. I can barely keep my eyes open.â? But we quietly talk anyways. She helps to explain to me about Michael. Then we fall asleep as weâ??re talking. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wow!
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