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Tough Love Part 52; Part 2
Hope you liked the last part!! 31 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 Chapter 52; Part 2 Chasing Pavements Halloween, 1978 Part 2 Me and my musketeers said we would try our best to spot each other. I just really wanted Michael to see what Iâ??d be wearing before I got back and the girls didnâ??t want to rush, so I was driven home and Michael got to see me. â??Hey,â? Pamela said as she hugged me tight. Sheâ??s Lady Capuletâ??Julietâ??s mom, my mom, for tonight. Nurse was standing by her too. Nurse is Sherry and Danielle is one of the random girls that were at the party Julietâ??s family held at the beginning of the play. The guys were playing solos with their instruments and we started to move after getting a cup of punch. â??Hey, maybe we shouldnâ??t get the punch TOO many times. No telling whatâ??s in this,â? Danielle said. â??You took the words out of my mouth.â? I said. â??But this is the beginning of the party. We should be fine.â? â??Yeah.â? â??Yeah,â? Patricia said, agreeing with Sherry. Things gotâ?¦interesting. Donovan and his crew apparently invaded our space. Theyâ??re such sweethearts! Donovan and Austin kissed me and Patricia on the head. Jerome had took his chance with Danielle and did the same thing, though she playfully pushed him away. â??Be our tokens,â? Donovan said. â??Okay,â? I knew he meant for us to be their lucky charms while they performed. â??I used to think love was somethinâ?? fools made up â??Cause all I knew was heartbreak Woah, I couldnâ??t help myself Let this heart go through â??â? The guys clapped, so the â??hâ?? word was blanked out. I probably like it better that way. â??Okay,â? I say. And what do you know? The guys got on stage and played â??Music Sounds Better With Youâ?. Nick is the one who opens the song with â??Better with you, yeahâ?, and you can see the TRUE brotherhood between the mixed four. They jump in at different times, and itâ??s the cutest thing. Depending on the song, Austin will take the lead. Donovan is multi-talented, so I see him either playing the drums or guitar sometimes. Right now, heâ??s on the guitar. But I say Donovan is too attractive to be behind that dang drum set all the time. Jerome did the rapping part sometimes, but Nick did this time, and everyone was so astounded by that, because you know how they try to make white people out to be sometimes, like they canâ??t rap. But these guys are cool. They ainâ??t afraid to dance with girls like me, and that was one reason I didnâ??t mind being their little â??groupieâ?. But itâ??s good moral, so Iâ??m fine. Theyâ??re like our little Memphis Jug Band. Thatâ??s a real band, by the way. The four of us were moving with the other girls as they boys, The Naked Nomads, â??If I Ruled the Worldâ?. We would move our shoulders back and forth when they would say â??Iâ??d give it, give it, give it all to you, give it, give it, give it all to youâ? part and would jump at the right times. Patricia nudged me and looked behind us real quick. So I looked over my shoulder, and this guy Iâ??ve seen around school was standing behind me. Now, weâ??ve NEVER said anything to each other. He was one of those guys who is exclusive and isnâ??t that humble. In fact, heâ??s a little shallow; so I never felt comfortable around him. In my mind, heâ??s like one of those guys whoâ??s nothing without his friends. But in fact, he ran up to the stage, and HE did the rapping part to the song. As he was, he had eye contact with me. I thought I was dreaming because he just about never looked at me and the same for me, but I knew he was attractive. Heâ??s just so LITTLE when it comes to his outer appearance. I say that because yeah, heâ??s a little taller than me, but heâ??s skinny. Itâ??s like he hasnâ??t hit puberty just yet. But DONâ??T let the outer looks fool ya. His voice is reasonably deeper than a pubescent guy, so I couldnâ??t be too judgey I guess. He jumped off the stage and his shoulder-length braids followed. He looked at me, and Pat nudged me again as she laughed. She pulled Sherry and Danielle away with her. But the boy walked passed me without any verbal message, though his eyes and head followed me while he kept walking away. When I knew he was lost in the crowd, I felt myself turn away with that burning sensation in my heart. I was smiling. I looked up, and Donovan was still singing â??Big Nightâ?. When I saw the boy tied up with a bunch of girls, I turned away and rolled my eyes. Now THEY are TRUE groupies. Donnie had a little concerned in his eyes while singing the fast-paced â??Halfway Thereâ?. When he looked at, I winked to keep his confidence. He winked back. This song calms him and me down when weâ??re upset with each other. Girls squealed for themselves and some of them did it for me. But they donâ??t understand the depth of Donovanâ??s and my friendship. I know things about him that HALF of them donâ??t even know. I even know his father is Greek. And hisâ??Donovanâ??s dadâ??belly button is shaped weird because of an accidental surgery. THATâ??S how much I know about this Donovan O. Cooper guy. The band slows it down with â??Worldwideâ?. Thatâ??s when my crew and I grouped up together. Boy, I know Patricia, I, and Jerome could dance with the people we wanna dance with, but the music is physically separating us. Just about everyone knows who likes who in the band. Donovan likes me. Austin probably loves Patriciaâ??and TRUST ME, she returns the favor. Jerome has puppy eyes for Danielle. And Sherry seems content with herself, so I guess weâ??re all fine? But as Donovan is singingâ??throughout the entire song, though he doesnâ??t have LEAD of the entire song. Well, okay, I guess he does. He and Austin have most of this song together. I remember Jerome told me Donovan wrote this song for me. That was when he was REALLY having deep feelings for me, but our pride wouldnâ??t let us succumb. â??Yes, I may meet a million pretty girls that know my name But donâ??t you worryâ? The guys stand together and point out their finger to the crowd â??â??Cause you have my heartâ? This song is ALWAYS deep, so it was a little relief to blow off that steam with claps and jumping around. For some reason, we girlsâ??even the ones in the crowdâ??hugged each other. I guess we needed to hug off those feelings. Then out of nowhere, someone taps me on the shoulder. â??Dance with me,â? I looked to see the voice. The boyâ?¦whose name, or acronyms, happens to be M.J. for some reason. I thought I was ironic, but I knew his last name for sureâ?¦which is Lawrence, I think. I wanted to say okay, but I couldnâ??t find the oxygen to say so. And my hands turned cold. My pits started to sweat. But I let him dance near me as we danced to â??Oh Yeahâ?, which is like a mid-tempo song. Jeromeâ??s and Austinâ??s voice sounds good on this one. â??Soâ?¦â? he was chewing gum. I could ACTUALLY feel the windiness from his breath. â??Iâ??m M.J. Levi. Youâ??re Lyric, Alaric Swan, right?â? â??Lyric,â? I nodded. â??Yo, play some Isleyâ??s!â? M.J. said. He was talking about the Isley Brothers. The guys had the DJ play â??Harvest for the Worldâ?, but that was obviously too fast, so DJ played â??Whoâ??s that Ladyâ?. He started moving to it, and put his thumb up. â??Wow,â? I whispered. â??Yeah. Only the best.â? â??Didnâ??t know you had that much rhythm.â? â??Wow,â? I said like that was an insult, which it was a little bit. â??No, I didnâ??t mean it like that,â? he said with a laugh. â??So, what made you want to dance with me? I didnâ??t even know you knew my name.â? He started singing off-key on purpose. Was it the premiere? â??I just did,â? he said. Then he turned me on the last line of the song. I learned he was a basketball player, just as well as baseball, so I decided to ask him: â??Ready for basketball season?â? â??You know I am,â? he smiled broadly. Tryouts for the team are a month away, so he was probably impressed that I even asked. â??Like your costume.â? He says. Of course I look down. â??So does yours.â? He looks down also. He and other guys on the team decided to dress in their baseball uniforms, which Iâ??m sure was illegal on the team, but what do you expect out of jocks? After an upbeat tune, he takes me hand and he sits in this chair in the corner. He sits me on his lap, which makes me immediately nervous. Everything in me starts to beat! I mean, this guy never paid me much attention. I even caught him once laughing at me, well I think, so what do he want? â??I didnâ??t know you knew Michael Jackson.â? â??Yeah, me either,â? as soon as I said that, I bust out laughing. I was being sarcastic in my mind but said it out loud by mistake. â??Sorry,â? I said. â??No, you got jokes. I understand that. I like that.â? â??Me too,â? I said. Well, okay, his grip didnâ??t loosen, so I didnâ??t pull away. We just barely said anything while we watched everyone else dance. After sometime, I feel him get up, so I get up also. He takes his hand in mine, which is soft. I look up again, and I see Donovan walking towards us. â??M.J.â? he says. They do the boyish greeting. Donovan sticks his hand out to me. I look at M.J. He looks down at me hand, then he hands it Donovan, who slings it over his left shoulder. M.J. walks away and Donovan grips tighten. My head fall to his chest. I close my eyes. â??How are you liking the party so far?â? â??I like it,â? I said. â??Howâ??s M.J.?â? I hesitate. â??Confusing,â? thatâ??s the best way I can put it. The boy never thought to say anything to me before the premiere or the ball. I could find that out when he asked me what was LaToya like. He always chasing after older girls. â??He just like you because youâ??re finally in the papers.â? â??Thatâ??s YOUR friend.â? â??Lyric, Iâ??m friends with a lotta people. But chances are, theyâ??re shallow.â? â??Yeah,â? I look in his eyes. I came up with this metaphor. â??Itâ??s just like chasing pavements. Unbelievably unable to reach.â? â??Yeah, what you said.â? He laughs. Then he pulls me to his chest again. We feels someone stand over us. Nick was on his tip-toes. He had a Mistletoe over our heads. People were chanting â??Kiss, kiss, kiss.â? Iâ??m not a fan of pdaâ??public display of affectionâ??but when he leans forward, I turn my head and he gets my cheek instead. Things went smooth for the rest of my time there until I saw Danielle and Jerome at the punch table. She was walking away when he snatched her arm and gave her a HUGE peck. She pulled away and slapped him. She saw me first and ran towards me. Something told me to go outside with her, so I did. â??What went wrong?â? I asked her ghostly face. â??We were just talking and when I was to walk away, he kissed me. Out of nowhere. I guess he thought I was giving him hints all night. â??I CANâ??T believe this,â? she said. I stayed out there until she FORCED me to go back in. â??Well, Iâ??ll only go in there to get the girls. Itâ??s about ten anyways.â? Sherry was talking with some classmates, but I also saw Patricia and Austin in a cornerâ?¦again. I roll my eyes and walk over to them. It was the same corner M.J. and I was SITTING in. â??Come on,â? I pull her arm. â??Bye Austin. Love you.â? She whispered the second part. He cleared his throat. â??Bye, Pattie. See ya later, Lyric.â? He says with a broad smile. I just LOVE his â??ole southern accent. Austin is a true country boiy (and yep, I spelled it like that). That humility is what I think had Patricia from the start with him. Her dadâ??s from the south, too, but of course he didnâ??t have the best experience like Austin Haynes (I think thatâ??s his last name), so sheâ??s really attached to him. I just hope theyâ??re thinking with their heads and not their hearts. We got Sherry and were walking towards the door when I saw Donovan standing right there. â??Hey,â? he grabs my chin and gives me a hard peck. And hugs me, TIGHTLY. See you tomorrow. Sure you donâ??t want me to pick you up?â? â??Iâ??m sure,â? I smile and he kisses me again. But quicker and softer this time. He smiles too. â??â??Night, Julie.â? â??See you tomorrow, Ro.â? â??He TOTALLY LIKES you.â? Sherry says as we go through the door. â??Stating the obvious?â? Me and Patricia questions at the same time with a laugh. I look up again, and I see M.J. leaning against the brick wall with his hands in his pockets. I was looking for Danielle, and she was still standing behind the door. She gave me a quick smile, and I knew she was okay. The girls walk away from meâ?¦again. Now, Iâ??M even getting sick of all these Casanovas. I see it like this: they didnâ??t care about me before, so WHY NOW?! He hops off the wall. â??Yâ??know, youâ??re kinda cute.â? â??KINDA?â? â??Donâ??t wanna overdo it. I bet EVERY guy around here is tryna get with you.â? â??Yeah, not necessarily,â? I say with a light-hearted laugh. â??So, can I call you tonight?â? He had put his hat on again while he had leaped off the wall, so I was trying to connect with his eyes, which I noticed reminded me of the color of a light-brown, honey-cinnamon color. That right there had me smiling a little more. â??Sure,â? what could it hurt? Remember, Michael Jackson is twenty. He probably still likes Tatum Oâ??Neal. And me and Donovanâ?¦well. I mean I thought about telling M.J. to just look in the phone book. I donâ??t want him to think Iâ??m pathetic. So I did it! He gets a red ink pen out his pocket. I wanted to say, â??OOH, so you came PREPARED!â? But I didnâ??t. So I took his right palm and wrote on it â??Phonebook.â? And handed it to him while walking away. â??Hold up, what does that mean?â? I turn around. â??Means that if you REALLY want my number, you have to look it up!â? â??Whatâ??s your name in the phonebook?â? â??Listed as Swan. Comma Allen.â? â??But do you KNOW how long thatâ??s gonna take? Itâ??s California, sweetheart.â? â??I know.â? I think. â??And you BETTER get to looking, then.â? I grin broadly again. The girls wanted to know what I said as we waited in a nearby drugstore. I told them and we giggled. â??Heâ??s NEVER gonna call you with that attitude.â? Danielle said. â??Whoâ??s care? He likes girls like Patricia.â? â??What does THAT mean?â? she asks with a laugh. â??Nothing.â? â??Not like I couldâ??ve been with him. I was already with his friend, T.J. Jakes. Canâ??t break the brother code, you know.â? She said. We got silent. We knew T.J. was a mature for her liking. But heâ??s known as Jackie Robinson around school because heâ??s suppose to be going to college on a baseball scholarship. He was just unfaithful and immature for a real LOVING relationship, and I was always afraid M.J. was the same way. But like I said, what do you TRULY expect out of people who are their own number one fan? Nothing much, thatâ??s what. Michael picks us up, and after he drop the rest of them off, he parks in the drive way and looks at me. â??So how was it?â? â??It was like chasing pavements. What about you?â? â??Nothing muchâ?¦just thinking about,â? he moves his hands around, â??Tatum. Where I went wrong. Where SHE went wrong. How I NEVER want to date another teen again. But she promised me Hughesâ??s house again. Wanna go?â? â??HEFNERâ??S???!! As in Playboy?â? â??YEAH! Well not tonight, but this month. Let me forget about her. Whatâ??daya know? I might meet someone there.â? â??Someone UNLIKE you.â? I say with a laugh. â??Oh well. Chasing pavements, you say?â? â??Yeah.â? I smile. 31 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 31 3131 31 31 31 Thereâ??s actually other people with the â??M.J.â? initial, so I wasnâ??t making that up. And I used â??Big Time Rushâ? songs because â??The Naked Nomadsâ? are a heartthrob band, but all rights go to BTR. And if you know Adele, I alluded to one of her songs, â??Chasing Pavementsâ?. Trust me, Iâ??ll get you through this complicated maze, but WHAT maze is EVER EASY? -Aariyan :) --Thanks for reading! ALSO, I was thinking Austin was Lucas Till or someone else. I should say if he is anyone else than Lucas. The same goes for Jerome. Jerome is probably Andre from â??Victoriousâ?. Nick is probably Blake Michael from "Lemonade Mouth" who plays Charlie. He looks sorta how I want him to at times :D. And of course Donovan is Avan Jogia.
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