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Flaws and All *Part 1*
This is again and always dedicated to my musical inspiration Michael Jackson! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope your kids enjoy the rest of their stay in Indiana while visiting 2300 Jackson Street. Every day I thank God for the life health and strength to do the things he has me to do even if I don't personally see myself doing it. **************************************************************** Recap: My name is Sydney Ellison and Michael Jackson is my best friend. (Part 1) It's the summer of my sophomore-junior year so next year I'll have to really buckle down and focus on college and life as an adult. But for right now I am out of school and I am super happy because I can relax this summer. Well except for work. I help out at a day care center not too far from my house. If you guys can't already tell I'm a workaholic. But I do need to provide for myself somehow. I mean my parents are well off. I live an average life but they always taught me to work for things I want to have and anything worth having is worth fighting for. Right now the thing thatâ??s worth having is a car so I can get back and forth to school without my parents driving me every day and being all up in my school business. However, cars costs money and right now Iâ??m saving mine up to get one. As I was thinking of a way to make some extra money so I could have a car by the beginning of junior year my best friend in the world walks up to me and interrupts my thoughts by poking me in the side. Which it seems he has been doing for a while now but I was so lost in my thoughts on work to really notice. Me: Michael what do you want? Michael: I never thought you were gonna say anything Iâ??ve been here for like 3 minutes poking the same place Me: Why wouldnâ??t you just say my name then? Michael: I did but you werenâ??t answering Me: Well sorry about that Michael: No problem. We both started walking down the hall together. As I said before yes Michael Jackson is my best friend. He has been for a LONG time now. We grew up together in Gary, Indiana and after he moved I was alone for about three years until my fatherâ??s company moved him to Los Angeles. I pretty much thought Michael had forgotten about me until I was enrolled at Wimble High School which was a private school. It was pretty exclusive but my fatherâ??s company told him about it so they sent me here. Thatâ??s why Michael goes here. You can only go if you know someone who is already enrolled. Berry Gordy has connections. As for my parents, my dad plays golf with the CEO of the company and his daughter attends this school. I know who she is but we are only acquaintances. Anyways, now that I have given you the low down on all of this back to my life. As I was saying we started walking down the hallway and Michael starts talking about summer plans. Michael: So Syd (his nickname for me) what are you doing this summer? Me: Probably read, I might go on vacay with my parents for a week, but most of the summer Iâ??m going to be wor- Michael: Please donâ??t say that youâ??re working all summer like you did last year. You work too much. Me: I am trying to buy a car Mr. Judgmental. I need to actually have a job to do that. I canâ??t sing and dance and make my money like you do. Michael: There are several things wrong with what you just said. One, I am NOT judgmental. Two, you worked all of last year I know you have enough money to buy yourself a car by now; maybe not the best car but a good car. Three you can sing and you can dance Iâ??ve seen and heard you. You should let me talk to Berry for you. You should come to Motown. Me: What would I look like getting signed to Motown because I was your best friend? It looks like I attached myself to you just to become famous. I donâ??t want to have that image. I would have to leave school for long periods of time to tour and I probably wouldnâ??t be able to go to college because I would have to be working all the time. You canâ??t be a full time college student and a full time entertainer. Michael: You do have a point there. Well anywho how about you come over my house around 3:30 and come swimming with my family and I? Me: I have to work today. I canâ??t go. Iâ??m sorry. Michael: No you donâ??t. Youâ??re going to call your boss tell her youâ??re sick and will be there tomorrow. Me: Michael Iâ??m not gonna lie like that Michael: Either you do it or Iâ??m going to do it for you. Me: Okay. But on one condition. Michael: What? Me: You DO NOT throw me in the pool like last time. Michael: I did NOT throw you in the pool last time. Me: Yes you did! And if you donâ??t remember that do to a sudden case of amnesia than you did it the time before that. And the time before that. And the millions of time before that. Michael: Okay I guess you have a point I swear I wonâ??t do it again. Me: You better not. (Mumbling) Iâ??m gonna get you back for all those other times though. Michael: What was that? Me: Oh I said what have you done with your fro it looks good. I really like it Michael: Oh I changed it up a bit and made it a jerry curl. (Remember itâ??s 1994 but heâ??s 15 about to be 16. Born in 1978) Me: (thinking) Michael is starting to look sorta cute. Wait!! What am I thinking, heâ??s like my brother? I canâ??t have that type of relationship with him. We walked outside and my mom was waiting in the car Marlon was waiting in his car for Michael. I asked my mom about going over to the Jacksons to go swimming. Mom: Well did you finish working on your piano piece for your recital Me: Yes mom Mom: Did you finish that work on your SAT Prep course. Me: Yes mom Mom: Wait?! Donâ??t you have to work today? Me: Yes but I called in sick. Mom my friends are seeing it and Iâ??m starting to see it as well. I work way too hard. Mom: Hard work never hurt anyone. But yes I think you do. I keep telling you father that but he sees so much potential in you. He just wants you to have options to do the things you please when you grow up. Me: I understand but I wish he wasnâ??t so aggressive about it. I mean he never tries to listen to what I have to say. So can I go? Mom: Of course you can. I was on my way to go see Katherine about The Help (didnâ??t you love that movie!!! Lol!) After you said how good it was I had to read it and couldnâ??t put it down. Me: Hahaha! Oh wow mom. But can we stop at home so I can get my stuff to change into and bring some extra clothes because you know Janet is probably gonna try and make me stay over. Mom: Okay. We stopped by the house so I could get my clothes. I decided to sneak in my SAT books because I needed to be a little ahead of my class. I wanted to get a head start on it so I put it in the back of by duffle bag. I changed out of my uniform into some khaki shorts. A Beatles concert tee and some grey flip flops. We pulled up to the gate and the security guy let us in I wonder how this will go. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED!!! How was that? It was sort of boring because it was a lot of background info still but Iâ??m sure itâ??ll get better. Well until next time-Natasha
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