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SG&MJ-Forever: Part 30
Ok guys this is the 2nd last one so i tried to make it longer. Thanks for reading and hope you like this part. I know a lot of people will because of the ending lol. Dedicated to Michael and Daz. -Sarah The next morning i woke up with Michael with his arm around me and his face touching mine. I was facing him with my hands under my head. I smiled and gently pressed my lips against his. He woke up, smiled and kissed me back. He pulled me to him so that our bodies were touching. Michael: morning (kissing me) Me: (smiling) good morning... Michael: what do you want to do today? Me: relax...(smiling) Michael: why donâ??t i get my mother to take Mikey for the day while we spend some time together? Me: sounds good to me (smiling) Michael and i kissed again and we heard a knock on the door. It was Mikey. He slowly opened the door and i turned to look at the door with Michaelâ??s arm still holding me tight to him. Mikey: (running and jumping on the bed) morning (smiling) Both of us: morning... Mikey: so any plans for today? Michael: your going to your nannyâ??s house... Mikey: ok...what are you guys doing? Me: relaxing (smiling) Mikey: oh kick your own son out so you guys and kiss and cuddle is it (laughing) Michael: well unless you wanna see that then yes (laughing) Mikey: no thanks ill leave (smiling) is Taj going to be there? Michael: i donâ??t know youâ??ll have to wait and see...im sure one of your cousins will be there... Mikey: ok well ill go get ready (running into his room) Michael: i better ring mother to let her know... Me: will she be ok with it? Michael: she loves taking him of course she will (giving me a quick kiss and grabbing the phone) After Michael rang his mother he grabbed his robe and went to see if Mikey was ready. I hopped in the shower while they were packing his stuff. I was in there for about 20 minutes and i got out and wrapped a towel around me. I brushed my teeth and went and got dressed. When i was dressed Mikey came in to say bye and Michael walked him out to the limo to tell him to be good and all that stuff. I dried my hair and tied it up. I put on a small bit of make-up just in case someone called over. Michael came back up and took off his robe. He came over to me while i was bent over looking for my necklace and he put his arms around me. Michael: where are you going? Me: (turning around) no where... Michael: then why so dressed up? (smiling) Me: Mike im wearing jeans and a zip up hoody.. Michael: well you still look like your going somewhere? Me: well i do have to go home later so i need to look decent (laughing) Michael: why (looking sad) Me: i have no clean clothes left here...and well remember we are taking things slow... Michael: taking things slow isnâ??t having sex and well its not like we havnt before (laughing) so we are as slow as can be... Me: no Mike slow is that i stay at home and you stay at home until your finally divorced and ready for a relationship...were doing it right this time! Michael: (looking down) fine...but is sex still on the cards? Me: (frowning) no...not until your single again...it would just feel weird... Michael: good weird? (smirking) Me: donâ??t even try it (laughing) The day passed fast and it was time for me to go. I didnâ??t have my car so Michael asked his driver to bring me home. I really didnâ??t want to go but i had to. I packed my stuff and walked down to the door where Michael was looking sad that i was going. He opened the door and stood there waiting for me. I walked up to him. Michael: (putting his hands on my waist) i wish you didnâ??t have to go... Me: (putting my bag down and putting my hands on his chest) i know but ill see you tomorrow... Michael: i was hoping to wake up to you tomorrow (looking down) Me: (gently kissing him) ill call you tonight ok? Michael: ok...ill miss you (holding me) Me: ill miss you too...(kissing him and picking up my bag) Michael: one more kiss? I kiss Michael again for a few minutes and he finally lets me go. I walk to the car and the driver opens the door for me. I look back and Michael is looking at me from the door and gives a little wave. I smile and get into the car. I arrive at my house just over an hour later and sit watching TV for a while. I just remembered i forgot to call Michael so i pick up the phone and it rings just as i do. Me: hello? Michael: did you forget me already (laughing) Me: i literally just picked up the phone to call you... Michael: yeah yeah (laughing) so are you ok? Me: yeah perfect...i miss you though... Michael: i miss you way more...its lonely here...my bed is way too big for one person (laughing) Me: i know i wish i was with you...but i promise i will come over first thing in the morning... Michael: you better... After about an hour of talking on the phone we reluctantly said our goodbyes and hung up. A year has passed and Michaelâ??s divorce was finally gone through. It was a day we both looked forward to since Mikeyâ??s 12th birthday. It was a day before my birthday and i was out shopping with two of my friends who i havnt seen in a long time. They heard i was back through the media and made contact with me. Obviously they gave out to me for not getting in touch sooner but i told them how busy my life has been since and they forgave me. Nicola: so when are you and Mike getting married? Mary: yeah when? Me: heâ??s only after getting divorced...im sure he wont be thinking about another wedding for a long time... Nicola: oh i donâ??t know about that you guys are a family... Mary: yeah im sure he wants Mikey to be Jackson and not Gunning... Me: well not this soon...if we do get married im sure he will wait a while... After buying a few outfits for myself we went our separate ways. I got into my car and drove to Michaelâ??s. I drove up the driveway and parked my car. I walked in the door and into the kitchen were Michael was sitting. He seen me and got up and greeted me with a kiss. Michael: hey sweetie (kissing me) Me: (smiling) did you miss me? Michael: (pulling me into him) of course i did (smiling) Me: wheres Mikey? Michael: heâ??s upstairs on his computer... Me: i knew i shouldnâ??t of bought him that...he never leaves his room... Michael: (kissing my neck) thats a good thing (laughing) Me: (laughing) well go up and check on him...i never know what he does be up to on that thing that he can spend so long at it... Michael: fine but when i come down i want more kisses (smiling) Me: if your lucky (smirking) Michael runs upstairs to Mikeyâ??s room. He opens the door and Mikey is at his computer. Michael: whats up? Mikey: hey dad nothing (looking worried) Michael: what are you doing (walking around to Mikeyâ??s computer) Mikey: nothing... Michael: whats this? Why are you looking at this...we told you never to look at these websites... Mikey: (looking down) im sorry....can i ask you something dad? Michael: take that off your computer and you can... Mikey: (closing it down) when mom left? Is it true she took an overdose... Michael: (looking down) yes...when you were taken she got depressed and having you back she was so happy but she worried so much and thought she couldnt protect you anymore that she lost it and turned to drugs....your mother loves you very much but it was a lot for her to take in such a short time... Mikey: ok well i just seen the pictures and stuff and didnâ??t know what to believe but i promise i wont ever look any of that up again... Michael: i suppose you were going to find out one way or another but donâ??t let it change the way you are with your mom.. Mikey: i know she loves me and i love her...nothing will change... After they talked for a little while longer they both came downstairs. We spent the day having fun in the pool and watching movies. We went to bed early because tomorrow was my birthday and Michael said he had a lot planned. The next morning i woke up and found a note beside my bed next to a cup of coffee which was still hot. It read: To my sweetheart, I wish i could of been beside you when you woke up but i had a lot of work to get done for my tour. I hope the coffee will be just as good as a good morning kiss I love you and have left another note to be given to you along with number one of your birthday presents. I will see you later and remember its a surprise so no trying to find out what we are doing. I love you, Mike xxx I smiled and put the note down and drank my coffee. I wonder what he has planned. He is so romantic i know it will be something i will love. When i was finished i got ready and went downstairs were there was a man standing in a tux holding a silver tray with a rose and an envelope on it. I never seen this man before did he just hire him for this surprise he has. I walked over to him. Man: good morning Ms. Gunning, my name is Christopher and today i will be serving you. Take this note and rose and i will see you when it is time for your next letter. Good bye miss. Me: (taking the note and rose) thank you... I go into the living room, sit on the couch and open the envelope. It had a note with Michaelâ??s hand writing on it and another folded piece of paper. The note read: To my sweetheart, Take this voucher and go get pampered, you deserve it. Be back by 7pm for your next letter and present number two. I love you, Mike xxx I smiled again and thought wow heâ??s really going all out on this birthday. I grabbed the voucher and my car keys and headed to the spa. I got everything from a massage to facials to manicure. Michael told them i was coming and they had the place closed so i could relax. Before i left they told me to go into my closet to find the next letter. I smiled and thanked them. On my drive home i had a huge smile on my face just thinking how romantic my man was. When i got in the door i threw my keys on the table and went upstairs to my closet. There was a long bag with a note on the top. It read: To my sweetheart, Before you open this i want to let you know i of course got help from Janet to find you something you would love. I want you to put it on and go into the drawer in the dressing table to find your next present. I love you, Mike xxx I smiled again and got excited to see this bag. I unzipped the bag the whole way to find a black satan halter gown which just barely touched the floor. It was the perfect size and length. When i put that on i seen there was always shoes left under the bag, they were just as beautiful. I was dressed and then i remembered he said go to the dressing table so i opened the drawer to find a long silk box beside a small identical box. There was a note sitting on top of them. It read: To my sweetheart, I know no dress can be complete without jewellery. This time i didnâ??t have help so i get full credit Hope you like them. I love you, Mike xxx I got so excited, i loved jewellery so much. I opened the long box and it was a beautiful white gold necklace incrusted with princess cut diamonds. My eyes grew wide as i put it on. Then i remembered the other box. I slowly opened it and there sat two matching earings. I put them on and looked in the mirror. I looked like i was going to an award ceremony. I walked downstairs and there stood Christopher again holding the same silver tray with another note on it. I said hi and took the note. It read: To my sweetheart, I need you to walk out to the kitchen, through the back doors and you will see from there. I love you, Mike xxx I was so excited. I put the note back on the tray and walked out to the kitchen it was kind of dark but there were lights coming from the back garden. I slowly walked through the back doors and seen a table set up with a candle on it. There were lights going from the back door to were the table was set up. As i made my way to the table i seen a figure walking up to my. It was Michael, looking so handsome in a black tux. He walked over to me and kissed me. Michael: you look amazing... Me: thanks to you (smiling) and you Mr. Jackson are looking very handsome.. Michael: (blushing) thank you...i hope your hungry (smiling) He pulls out my chair and sits me down. Just as he sits down a waiter comes out with menus. We ordered our starters and another waiter comes with a bucket of ice and a bottle of champagne. He opens it and pours two glasses for us. He goes back into the house and Michael is just staring at me. Michael: you really are beautiful... Me: (blushing) thank you...Mike you really didnâ??t have to do all of this just for my birthday... Michael: yes i did...we havnt had a night like this in so long and well i wanted to make it extra special so that you remember... Me: of course im going to remember this...its so romantic (smiling) We talked a bit more and our food came, soon after that our main course came and we finished that. I was still blown away by how far Michael had gone just for my birthday. Michael: so are you ready for your last present? (smiling) Me: theres another one? Michael: well itâ??s more for me than you...(standing up) Me: (going to stand up) Michael: no no sit there...(putting his hand in his pocket) I sat thinking what did he do this time. There really isnâ??t anymore that he could do to make this night any better, but how wrong i was. Michael: (getting down on one knee and taking my hands) Sarah we have known each other almost all of our lives and from the day i met you i fell for you. I was young but i never lost that feeling i felt for you when i first laid eyes on you...we have been through so much together but still came out in love in the end...i love you so much and have been waiting for this moment my entire life...to finally ask my true love to be my wife...will you marry me? Me: (speechless and about to cry) oh Mike... Michael: (opening a small box with a white gold ring with a princess cut diamond in the centre surrounded by smaller diamonds going around the whole band) is that a yes? Me: of course its a yes (grabbing him so tight and kissing him all over) Michael: (standing up holding me) i love you so much! To be continued....
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