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Time Box: The Box That Time Travels: 9
"Time Box: The Box That Time Travels: 9" -Alice- Al'ight...I have no idea what on earth we're gonna do now. The power just went out and Marlon and Michael are being little girls. I mean, Halle and I are a bit more mature then them. As I was trying to see where I was, I felt a hand go on my butt. Michael: Halle? Me: Michael Joseph Jackson, if you do NOT want to lose your hand, I advise your to move it! Michael: *Moves his hand* Sorry... Me: *Turns around smacks him on the shoulder* Michael: Ow! Me: Sorry, thought you were Marlon. Marlon: *Still on the couch* Oh, so you'd slap me if I touched your butt? Me: Lemme think? YEAH! Marlon: Cold, baby. Cold. Me: *Nods my head and flips my hair* Michael: *Sits down with Marlon* Me: Where's Halle? Michael: That's what I want to know. *Turns to Marlon* Marlon? Marlon: What are you lookin' at me for? She your girl. Mine is right here man. Michael: Thanks, bro. Your a big help. Marlon: What's that suppose to mean?! Michael: You know what it means! Marlon: No I don't, why don't the famouse Michael Jackson inlighten me with what it means! Michael: Gladly! I rolled my eyes and walked off from them as they were fighting like children. And I thought me and my sister was bad! This is just funny/pathetic. I made it the hallway trying to see if I could find a light switch anywhere, then I remembered it wouldn't work because the power is out. To make sure if anyone snuck in while the power was out, I grabbed hold of a bat and walked down the hallway with it, like you were ready to hit a ball out of the park. As I was walking, I turned my back for one second only to have my back touch someone elses' back. Me and that person both jumped and screamed. I turned around ready to whack them with the bat, only to have a light shined in my eye. I squinted my eyes to see it was Halle standing there. I placed the bat down and grabed my chest where my heart was, as she did also, trying to calm down from the heartattacks we just gave each other. Halle: I'm gettin' to old for this... Me: How do you think I feel? Michael&Marlon: *Running from the livingroom to the hallway we are at* What happened? Halle: *Looks at them while flashing the flash light* I swear, if we were getting killed, this house is too big, y'all probably wouldn't get to us in time. Me: *Raises hands in the hair* That's what I'm saying. *Puts them down* Michael: Well, I am really sorry that our house is extra big. Marlon: And that you could get killed in it. Me: One minute their at each others' throats, the next... Halle: Their on our asses. Marlon: I'd like to be on someone's ass alright. Me: *Blushes**Grabs Halle and Michael* Lets go... As i said that, the lights came back on. We all went back to the livingroom and watched the rest of the movie. While we were watching it. Michael asked Halle out to a dinner date, and she said yes. I can tell once Michael tells Janet...I'm gonna have to go with. I mean, what trouble can we get in with Janet. Not like we're gonna have to be put in jail...right? Right? -Hours later the next day- -In jail- -Halle's Point Of View- Alice: *Leaning on the bars* How the hell do we get put in the slammer and that bitch don't! Janet: Because maybe after I punched her in the face, and your started pulling her hair out... she didn't really fight back. Alice: Well that's BULL. SHIT! Me: *Rolls my eyes* If you are all wondering why me, my sister and Janet are in this fuckin' cell waiting on Michael and them to come get us out, well...it's all because of that damn Ola Ray! Ya know...it might be easy if I just show you what happened hours earlier...how could shopping for a little dress to wear on a dinner date, turn into a come to jail free for all!? To Be Continued *I hoped you all liked it :) I'll have the next part out soon.*
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