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Crazy Love...Part 4
*Hey everyone here's the next part to "Crazy Love" I hope you all like it. I think this part is a little better...but, eh, here we go ^-^ Hope ya enjoy! (: ((Part 4)) ================================================================ (Madisonâ??s Point of View) Mrs. Kingsley: *Sighs* I knew this day would comeâ?¦ Me: What do you mean? Mrs. Kingsley: That someday that she would want to see her daughter. Me: In retrospectâ?¦Neveah has been asking for her since I started working at the office. And I think that was when she was about seventeen. Mrs. Kingsley: Why on earth would you want Amy around they killer?! Me: Itâ??s just that, my partner, Michael, he believes out of all her crazinessâ?¦there is a normal teenage girl who just wants love and compassion. And alsoâ?¦he believes that maybe Amy has some abilities to actually be normal. Butâ?¦he thinks Amy will help. Mrs. Kingsley: I just donâ??t knowâ?¦ Me: *Takes her hand**She looks at me* Mrs. Kingsleyâ?¦if Neveah was in Amyâ??s place, and Amy was Neveahâ?¦wouldnâ??t you think they would want to see each other after nine years of being apart from one another? Mrs. Kingsley:â?¦I guess youâ??re rightâ?¦but I have to think about it. Alright? Me: *Nods**Looks over at Amy* Do you mind if I go have a word with her? Mrs. Kingsley: Ohâ?¦noâ?¦their class is over now *Smiles weakly* You may. Me: *Smiles at her**Nods* Thanks. *Gets up and goes over to Amy* Amy: *Singing* â??Iâ??m gonna break your heart, and get away with murderâ? Me: *Raises an eye brow**Thinking- â??Ohâ?¦yeahâ?¦I believe this is Amyâ??s little sister.â?**Shakes head* Umâ?¦thatâ??s a nice song youâ??re singing, sweetie. Whoâ??s it from? Amy: *Turns to me* Itâ??s from Jeffree Stars. Iâ??m not really a fanâ?¦but my foster cousin Malcom. Ehâ?¦Mrs. Kingsley doesnâ??t like him, but we do. Even though Iâ??m not a fan, I amâ?¦just not a major one. *Giggles* Me: Oh, thatâ?¦*Remembers something* Wait! What did you say about your cousin? Amy: That heâ??s my foster cousin. Me: And you know this? Amy: *Nods her head* Yeah? Me: Andâ?¦did you call *Points to Mrs. Kingsley* her Mrs. Kingsley? Amy: Yeah. Why? Me: Wellâ?¦because sheâ??s your mother and- Amy: Oh, noâ?¦noâ?¦sheâ??s not my mother. Sheâ??s my foster mother. My real mother is away right now. You seeâ?¦sheâ??s been sick since I was a babyâ?¦and they put me in foster care till she gets better. I havenâ??t seen my mother, but my cousin Malcom tells me that sheâ??s going to be waiting on me to come and see her one dayâ?¦*Smiles*â?¦maâ??amâ?¦can you please do me a favor? Me:â?¦W-what is it? Amy: *Goes into her bag**Pulls out a picture* If you know where my mommy isâ?¦will you please give her this picture from me? I have note attached on it. Me: *Takes the picture**Looks at her* S-sure sweetieâ?¦now will you do me a favor? Amy: What is it? Me: Can you tell me what else you know sweetie? Amy: *Smiles**Nods* Yes. Amy started talking to me about what else she knew about her adoption, and I was surprised she knew so much. I had to find myself smiling at what she was telling me. Maybe Michaelâ??s idea is going to work after all. Speaking of Michaelâ?¦I wonder how he and Neveah are getting along. (Michaelâ??s Point of View) I couldnâ??t believe that sheâ??s never played this game before. Even Iâ??ve had to be shocked about that. I mean who in their right mind hasnâ??t played â??Is this your card?â?. I guess if I was her and lived a hardship of what sheâ??s been throughâ?¦I guess I wouldnâ??t have time to play this kind of game either. I shuffled the cards one more time before I separated them to show her the color and what was on the cards. She looked puzzled. Me: What is it? Neveah: I thought the point of this game was to let me guess what the card was? Me: Oh, it is. Neveah: *Tilts her head to the left* Then why are you showing me? Me: Because silly, you have to know what the card you are looking for is. You pick it, look at it and then you place it back into the stack of cardsâ?¦then I will shuffle them again and then you pick, this time I will have them facing down then you point to a card and I pick it up and show you and you tell me if itâ??s your card or not *Smiles* Neveah: Ohâ?¦I understand now. *Smiles* Me: You knowâ?¦you have a beautiful smile, Neveah. You should do it more often. Neveah: *Blushes* Ohâ?¦I wouldâ?¦but whatâ??s there to smile about? Me: *Takes her hand* Wellâ?¦for startersâ?¦youâ??re going to see your daughter, one way or another. And you have your life to live for. And alsoâ?¦you have me. Me: *Looks at me* I-I doâ?¦? Me: *Nods* Yeahâ?¦you do. I donâ??t know why, but Iâ??m going to try and make you know you have something to live forâ?¦itâ??s not going to be darkness all your life. As we were talking, I had no idea we were coming closer to each otherâ??s faces. Neveah: Y-you really mean it Michael? Me: Yeahâ?¦ Us: *About to kiss* Madison: *Running down the steps* Michael! Neveah! Us: *Breaks away**Acts like weâ??re playing the game* Me: *Turns to her* Yes? Madison: *Breathing hard* Iâ?¦.you wonâ??tâ?¦.Amyâ?¦.photoâ?¦.Neveahâ?¦ Neveah: What!? What about my baby!? *Grips the bars* I-is she here? Did you bring my baby girl to me?! Madison: *Calms down* No, sheâ??s not here dear. Neveah: Ohâ?¦*Looks down and lets go of the bars* Madison: But she did want me to give you this *Pulls out a picture* Neveah: *Looks up* Madison: *Walks over and gives it to her* She wanted to give that to you show youâ??ll know how much she had grown up and she youâ??ll know what she looks like for not being around her to see her grow up. And there is a note. *Takes my arm* If you need us Michael and I are going to be in the break room. We have to talk about something alright? Neveah: Yes, Maddie. *Goes to her bed and sits on it looking at the picture* Me: *While Maddie is pulling me to the stairs* Iâ??ll be back later, and we can play the game. *Smiles* Neveah: *Smiles and looks up at me* Alright, Michael. Madison: *Smiles at us* We left leaving Neveah with the picture; Madison practically threw me into the break room while I was trying to open the door. I looked at her when I regained my balanced. Me: What in the world is your problem? Madison: You know who how normal adopted kids donâ??t know that the family that adopted them arenâ??t their real family? Me: Yeahâ?¦*Raises an eye brow* Why? Madison: Amy, she maybe nine-in-a -½-years-oldâ?¦but she is pretty damn smart for her age. I shall tell you that right now. She is pretty damn smart. Me: How? Madison: She knows that the women that is â??her motherâ?? isnâ??t her real mother, she knows that she is her foster mother and the other members of her family is foster realitives. Me:â?¦Really? Madison: Yes, Michael. I wouldnâ??t be telling you this if I didnâ??t know it. She told me straight from her mouth! Me: Alrightâ?¦alrightâ?¦I believe you. I believe you. Madison: Alright. Just as long as we are on the same track. Soâ?¦what about you and Nev? Me: Wellâ?¦Maddieâ?¦umâ?¦ Madison: What? Me: *Thinking- â??Pleaseâ?¦please donâ??t let her kill me for telling her thisâ?¦â?* Madison: Well? *Raises an eyebrow* Me: Iâ?¦umâ?¦almost kissed her. Madison:â?¦â?¦â?¦ Me: Maddie? Maddie? Madison? Turner!? Madison: Y-you did what? Me: I almost kissed Neveahâ?¦ Madison: WHAT THE HELL!? I know this wasnâ??t going to be good; but what I didnâ??t knowâ?¦someone was listening in on us, someone who hasnâ??t liked me since I came here. And whoever it was, they started heading to where Neveah was. (Neveahâ??s Point of View) I sat on my bed looking at the picture of my little girl. I could not believe how much she looks like me...nothing on her reminds me of that bastard of a father she had. I smiled more when I looked at the note that had fell out of the photo. I couldn't believe this, she wrote me a note. I looked at it and started reading it when I opened it. â??Hey mommy, Iâ??m writing this to you on account that I havenâ??t seen you since I was a babyâ?¦I know I should be mad at you because of it, but I really canâ??t come to grip of the fact I should because I love you too much to do itâ?¦even though I do not know what you look like, what you act like. I just wanted to tell you that I will love you no matter what; even though Mrs. Kingsley, the women that is taking care of me till you get better, says I should be careful of what I wish for. I donâ??t know why she said that, but Iâ??ve heard over the years when I am with Mrs. Kingsley and the adoption center lady comes over to check on me. They tell her how you are doing and everything like that. Sometimes I just want to tell them to stop talking about you, but I know thatâ??s rude to sayâ?¦and I really donâ??t want people to think me rude. Even though I donâ??t know what you look like mommy or what your illness isâ?¦I just wanted you to know, when we do get to meet, I will always love you forever and always and I donâ??t care whatâ??s wrong with you, even if anything bad has happened to youâ?¦I love you so much. And I want you to know it. And also, I sent the picture to you with, whoever it is taking it to you, so when we do meet youâ??ll see how big Iâ??ve gotten. Oh! Iâ??m also taking up ballet now, I hope youâ??d be proud of me. I have to go now, itâ??s bed time and Mrs. Kingsley is making me go to bed. Night mom. I love you, so much. Love, Amyâ? My eyes filled up with tears as I read the noteâ?¦she wouldnâ??t care that I have killed people and done things that would make her have shame that I am her mother? I hugged the note to me and looked up to the ceiling, tears falling out of my eyes. My little girl, my babyâ?¦the only thing I have that is part of who I once was. The thing that could bring me happinessâ?¦make me whole. As I was thinking of her and thinking about what sheâ??s wrote I heard this, ???: Well, well, well, Neveah. I turned my head to see Officer David standing there. I couldnâ??t believe he has the nerve to come down here after what he did a long time ago to me when I first came here. I gripped my arm that still has the scare to prove it. Fear and anger filled up in me. I was doing greatâ?¦and now, he will be the next one on my list of targets to take down. Him and everyone else that has ever caused me harmâ?¦then I remembered what he told me. He would try to take everything I hold dear away from me. And what I hold dear to me right now is my daughter, and trying to get her back to me and also nowâ?¦Michaelâ?¦ David isnâ??t that evil to take them away from me is he? Is he?
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