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Our "Thing" Part 24
OMG I'm so sorry for any inconvinience caused over the last part and it being incomplete. I'm not sure myself how that happened.lolz. Dedicated to Michael and Mjsite. -norah Reporter: Last night at the Red Bench Nightclub, Michael Jackson's outspoken girlfriend Blaire Montgomery collapsed on the dancefloor. Fellow partygoers assumed this was a new dancemove and imitated her, not realizing till later she had lost consciousness. Alot of things were going through Rae's mind the main thing being how Michael was doing. Her thoughts were interrupted by the door swinging open and Melinda entering. Melinda: I guess you've heard about Blaire. Rae: Yeah, and exactly where are you going with this? Melinda: *sighs* Find this shocking if you want to but we're all so sorry. Even Keyontay. Rae:*raises brow* Really? Melinda:*laughs* No! Girl, you must be so relieved! Rae: Relieved? She's in hospital, what's so relieving about that? Melinda: We all have bitchy sides and yours is rejoicing. If Blaire dies- Rae: I don't want her to die. Melinda: Give me a break, Green you hate the bitch and you know it. Rae: Honestly speaking I don't hate her. You're overstating things. Melinda: Keep lying to yourself. The rest of the day was even wierder. People congratulating Rae over Blaire being in hospital, which is heartless. When she got back to the apartment, someone who was obviously Michael was playing heavy rock music at a really high volume. Rae: *yelling* Michael, you're disturbing the peace. Michael: *walking from kitchen and turns off music completely* Happy? Rae: I didn't say- Michael: That's where it was headed anyway. Rae: *sighs* Have you heard about Blaire yet? Michael: I'm going to go see her now. You coming with? Rae: Yes but I just need to change, first. Michael: You look amazing all the time. *looks away* But change if you insist. Rae: *smiles* You're really cute, did you know that? Michael: *trying not to blush* Uh, thanks. He walked closer to Rae and kissed her lightly on the lips. *at the hospital* Rae couldn't help but think that MAYBE her and Michael could actually work out together. Possibly better than the first time. Sadly, those aspirations diminished at the sight of Blaire. She was almost just skin and bone, had dark bags under her eyes, really dry lips and pale skin. Michael sat at her bedside with Rae next to him. Blaire: *in a hoarse voice* I'm sorry, Michael. Michael: So it was- Blaire: *nods slowly* The drugs. I was high on speed this time. Michael: *takes her hand* We'll get through this only if you'll go to rehab. Blaire: I'll go. I should never have let you go. *coughs* Please hold me. Clearly not wanting to be there, Rae excused herself and found herself walking around the hospital aimlessly when she bumped into someone. Rae: So sorry. *looks up* Hi Carl. Carl: Hey! What brings you here? Rae: Blaire. What about you? Carl: My gran. How's Blaire doing? Rae: She looks terrible. Michael's with her. Carl: Him. What a surprise. Rae: If you get to know him you'll find he's a great guy. Carl:Well I know you deserve better than him and his mind games. Rae: What do you mean? Carl: Tell me, would you say you guys are friends or way more? Rae: It's complicated. Carl: It shouldn't be. Rae: It just is. Carl: Do you see now how you deserve better? Carl's words stuck with Rae for a long time. During this time, S.O.S Magazine went bankrupt, Keyontay was fired, Michael and Blaire got back together and Blaire went to rehab. As expected, Michael and Blaire's relationship didn't last. The way they broke up was what some recall as 'epic.' While at the recording studio, Michael was innocently making a phonecall when he was approached by two policemen. Cop1: Are you Michael Jackson? Michael: Who else could I be? Cop2: *handcuffs him* Michael:*getting angry* What the heck are you doing?! Cop1: You're under arrest for being in possession of illegal substances stolen from the hospital. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. Michael's representatives told the public he was on vacation and only close friends and family and everyone who worked for You Magazine knew his true whereabouts. Blaire went missing and it was almost obvious what really happened. Blaire never went to rehab and hid her drugs in Michael's stuff. Kendall: When are you gonna see him? Rae: *shrugs* Maybe later. I should tell him about Blaire. Kendall: Duh! He deserves to know. TBC...
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