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Leila And Michael Together *3*
oh btw in part 2 i didn't express my feelings to michael because i thought he was going to like freak out or something. im very shy btws. anyway enjoy! - caramel recap: michael and i got off the bus and i was totally freaking out. michael: are you ok lae-lae? me: michael im nervous. michael: don't be. you're with me now. i won't let anything happen to you.*holding my hand* come on. me: ok. i guess. we go in and see the principal and he greets us. mr.simms*the principal's name btw*: hey michael and leila. how was your summer break? michael: great! leila and i made a real close bond with each other. isn't that right leila*looking at me with a smile* me: oh umh yeah we sure did. umh mr. simms isn't the 2 hundred and something class rooms on the second floor? mr.simms: why yes they are. if you would like i can walk you there. michael: thanks sir but we got it. mr.simms: alrighty. have fun in 5th grade. we're walking up the stairs and we trip over something in the hall. michael fell on me. when he looked at me he looked like he was happy to be in this positioned and i was kind of too. but good thing no one was there. so we started laughing. we got up brushed each other off and went to class. ???: hey guys. im ms. harrison and i will be your 5th grade homeroom and math teacher. michael& i: hello. ms.harrison: you 2 can sit beside miss simms. michael: see i told you this would be ok. me: whatever. morgan: hey leila. hey michael. us: hey. morgan: hey leila what you doing today after school? me: going to michael's house. why? morgan: because i wanted to see if you were going to the school social tonight. me: no. it was wack last year. i don't think i should go. morgan: oh. im not going. duche bag over there wanted to know were you going. me: well tell duche bag i said no. morgan: can do. michael: what was that about? me: i don't know my self. after math class we went to reading and then lunch. michael:*holding my hand* so how is your day so far? me:oh! uh great. well kinda anyway. yours? michael: the best because im with you. me: sweet.*blushing* we walked in the cafeteria and met up with janet and alyssa. me: hey you guys ditched us this morning. janet: oh.sorry bout that. i was trying to get lyssa here to talk to her crush.*giving her "the eye"* alyssa: okay first of all he's already my boyfriend. janet: whatever. michael: hey leila imma go meet up with langston. see you later*hugging me* me: okay.*hugging back* janet: what's that about? me: we're friends. BEST OF FRIENDS that's all. alyssa: too close. don't you think? janet: yeah. i mean it's obvious he likes you leila. me: like me? seriously. janet: duh! after lunch was science and social studies. their in the same class. it seemed to go very fast. michael: come on slow poke! me: ok! ok. help here please. michael:*grabbing my bookbag* happy? me:*putting lock on locker* very. now let's go. we go out the school and get on the bus. it's silent the whole way until i break it. me: michael can i ask you a question? michael: yeah. what's up? me: why are you always holding my hand? michael: i don't know.*looking down* i guess my hand is addicted to yours. me: really? michael: yup. we get off the bus and walk to his house. michael: hey guys guess who's with me.*excited* katherine: who sweetheart? michael: leila! me:*waving shyly* hi guys. tito:*picking me up* hey stranger! how you been? me: good. how you all been? latoya: i been doing good so far. can you help,me with my hair? havving such a hair dilemna and mom can't help at the moment. me:sure. rebbie: looking cute girl. i like that shirt. where did ya get it from? me: it was a birthday present. rebbie: cool. randy:*hugging me* haven't seen this lady in a while. how's everything going? me: perfect. so far anyway. i talked with all the family except joe. michael took me to his room. michael: i have something to tell you. me: what is it? michael: before i tell you promise you won't tell no one but dunk. me: i promise. what's up? michael: i.... i have more feelings for you than just treating you as a friend.*holding my hand* me:ok. and? michael: i love you leila actually. me:.............. TBC........................... SORRY THIS ONE IS SO LONG..... PLZZ VOTE...... - CARAMEL
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