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love and hate part 7
We got to the resturant and ordered our meals and we actually had a nonviolent conversation me: so michael you know I got a Girlfriend or do yu still mess with Brooke Michael: no I have a new girlfriend her name is Tatiana me: ohh Michael: so what do you do now for a living me: I still dance and I'm a coreographer Michael: well that's nice we went the rest of he night like that and had to go home because it was close to Jaydens bedtime. We got in the car and I had the feeling he was starin at me but I brushed it off and kept my eyes on the road. When we arrived at michael's house he got out said bye and was on his way. When I got to the house I put Jayden to bed and got into my bed and drifted off to sleep. The next morning I woke up with two messages on my answering machine from my best friend destiny and Dwayne Dwayne: hey baby sorry about last night but I had crazy fun bye me: oh brother *deep voice* I had fun *mimicing Dwayne* Destiny: hey guurl it's me umm I kno you need to get out the house so find a babysitter and meet me at club Relevant Around 9:00 me: hmm maybe I should go but don't celebrities go their oh well I worked with half of them. I thought about going but I needed a babysitter my mom is in Detroit and I don't associate with my dad ohhh my brother I called up my brother Ray Ray me: hey Ray Ray can ou watch Jayden tonite while I go out Ray Ray: sure when you leavin me: around 8:30 I gotta be there at 9:00 Ray Ray: well bring him over with toys this time sis and he's in good hands me: I'm sure I hung up and realized I have nothing to wear so I took a shower gave Jayden a bath and we headed to the mall. When we got to the mall I saw a black Dress tight that hugged my curves and stopped maybe 2 inches above mid thigh that showed my shoulders after that I saw these to die for dolce and gabanna ankle boots with a 5 inch heel I took Jayden to get some toys and we went back home. when we got home I told Jayden to go pack his bags and we watched 101 dalmations until around 7:00. At that I went to take a shower moisterized my self left my hair wavy and let it fall in place and put on my clothes. Jayden: mommy you are beautiful me: awww thank you baby *kisses his forehead* Jayden: you goin Dwayne tonite me: no I'm goin with auntie destiny Jayden: and that's why I'm goin with uncle Ray Ray me: yes sweetie I got in the car and drove to my brothers house dropped off Jayden and was on my way to club Relevant when I got there I saw destiny and we went in we was havin fun and like an our later I saw this skinny guy with curly hair and this skinny girl with curly hair come in and it was Michael and I guess his girlfriend Michael saw me and just stared while Tatiana went on her way and then he came to me. Michael: are you following me me: um no no I was here first so your following me Michael: never I don't look for ugly people me: o really and that's yur girlfriend Michael: don't come at her like that me: mmhmm okay any ways this is my friend destiny, destiny this is rat face Destiny: *laughing* Jada you mean hi Michael is it Michael: yes how'd you know Destiny: for years ago she told me she almost ended your life by hitting a very sensitive spot in your life *bust out laughing* Michael: damn Jada tell the world me: shut up Michael and stop bein a pussy the whol time mike was sitting there we were having mini arguments until Michael saw Tatiana kissin on a dudes neck and whispering in his ear. Michael: Jada dance with me me: umm never Michael: just do it *looking at her* me: okay okay destiny I'll be back Destiny: alright girl we got on the dance floor and I just dancin like a normal person Michael: no not like that grind on me me: no you know I don't like you like that Michael: just do it me: why Michael: Tatiana went to far this time I looked and saw Tatiana so I decided to help the poor fella I started grinding on him really sexually and he was grinding back I think he liked it because he was getting hard and he started acting agressive and then I started to like it and I think he knew because he started sucking and kissing on my neck and I pushed his head in further and I was moaning am I starting to like Michael WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TOOOOOOO. Likey likey~Erica
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